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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:03 pm
by Chicodoodoo
Eelco wrote:Because working them to death is so much better than gassing them.
First, you wrongly believe they are gassed to death. Next, you wrongly believe they are worked to death. You are simply falling for the propaganda.
Eelco wrote:The history of what happened during world war 2 in my view has no more significance than any of the so called conspiracy theories out there.
This is certainly true if you have no desire to know truth.
Eelco wrote:All it does (in my case) is awaken more anger, confusion and feelings of helplessness. Exactly what the sociopathic few want us to feel like and behave to.
Knowledge of the truth awakens clarity and empowerment, exactly what the sociopathic few do not want in their brainwashed slaves.
Eelco wrote:If we were to extract the truth and expose it, it will just be spun another way.
Oh yes, the sociopaths will certainly try that. But when you have really exposed the truth, further deceptions and manipulations by the sociopaths are ineffective, because you have the truth and can easily see through their lies. It's when you don't know the truth that you easily fall for their propaganda.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:59 pm
by LostNFound
History, where, what and when is it made up or born from? Who writes it and is it true to real history or is it some authoritarian opinion of what really happened. It must be realized by a researcher to study many writings of history of a country and people, whether it is a single individual or a whole culture of people. Was the writer in the time period that he or she is documenting? Were they directly involved with what happened and once again, is it just their own opinions or perhaps coerced ideas from someone on what to write and or record? Is it taken from earlier manuscript, others writings from ancient books and then given a new opinion of what is read and or researched? There certainly are many that will undoubtedly give their own opinions, possibly based on something they may have read from some unknown author or even well known authors. These books and writings and/or videos sometime hold truth but more often than not can be just another’s opinions as they write what they think happened. They have been known to even speculate, which is just another word for opinion and/or guess, on what happened and when it happened. For instance, THE BIG BANG THEORY, notice here the operative word THEORY. Sure these people’s can produce scientific stuff but is it real? How can anyone come up with what really happened over 4 billion years ago if that is a number that can be believed? The following excerpt is a taste of history of the possible lead up to Hitler’s rise to power and the lead up to the Second World War:

3. The Collapse of Weimar, 1930-1933
The Great Depression and Germany
Stresemann’s death could not have come at a worse time for the young republic. The onset of the Great Depression was to have dramatic effects on Germany
The German economy’s recovery after the inflation of 1923 had been financed by loans from the United States. Many of these short term loans had been used to finance capital projects such as road building. State governments financed their activities with the help of these loans.
German interest rates were high, and capital flowed in. Large firms borrowed money and depended heavily on American loans. German banks took out American loans to invest in German businesses. The German economic recovery was based on shaky foundations.
The Wall Street Crash
The German economy was in decline prior to the Wall Street Crash. There was no growth in German industrial production in 1928-9 and unemployment rose to two and a half million.
On the 24th October, “Black Thursday”, there was panic selling on the New York Stock Exchange reacting to a business crisis in America. Early the following week, “Black Tuesday”, 29th of October, panic selling set in again. 16.4 million shares were sold, a record not surpassed for forty years. Share prices went into freefall. Ten billion dollars was wiped off the value of share prices in one day.
Effects on Germany
As a result American demand for imports collapsed. American banks saw their losses mount and they started calling in their short term loans with which so much of German economy had been financing itself for the past five years.
Firms began to cut back drastically. Industrial production fell quickly and by 1932 it was 40% of its 1929 level. To make matters worse in 1931 a number of Austrian and German banks went out of business. . Unemployment rose from 1.6 million in October 1929 to 6.12 million in February 1932. 33% percent of the workforce were now unemployed.
By 1932 roughly one worker in three was registered as unemployed with rates even higher in industrial areas of Germany. Matters were made worse by the fact that the drastic fall in people’s income caused a collapse in tax revenues. Many soon were not in receipt of unemployment benefits as state governments could not afford to pay it.
It was in this economic chaos that the Nazis and Communists thrived.
Crime and suicide rates rose sharply and many lost hope. People deserted the democratic parties in droves and turned to either the Communists or the Nazis. In the election of 1930, the Nazis made their electoral breakthrough winning 107 deputies while the Communists won 77. Both parties were opposed to the democratic system and used violence against their political opponents. Hitler’s Brownshirts clashed frequently on the streets with their Communist enemies.
Bruning (1930-2)
The new chancellor, the Centre politician Heinrich Bruning, followed a policy of economic austerity where government spending was cut in order to keep inflation under control and keep German exports competitive. He increased taxes, reduced salaries and reduced unemployment assistance.
While it was sound economic thinking at the time, it only worsened the situation. The banking collapse in 1931 made matters even worse. Bruning was so unpopular that when he travelled by train he had to keep the blinds down as when people caught sight of him, they threw rocks! He was nicknamed the “hunger chancellor”.
The end of Parliamentary democracy
Given the unpopularity of Bruning’s policies, he found it very difficult to get a majority in the Reichstag. He relied on Article 48 and the emergency powers of the president to get laws passed. By 1932, parliament was being largely ignored.
Some of the advisors to the President including General Kurt von Schleicher wanted to include the Nazis in government which Bruning opposed. They wanted to bypass the Reichstag completely and bring in a right wing authoritarian government.
Hindenburg lost confidence in Bruning and they quarrelled about land reform. Bruning was replaced as chancellor by the equally unpopular von Papen. His cabinet of barons had absolutely no support and this was shown in the election of July 1932.
The result was a disaster for democracy in Weimar Germany. The Nazis received 37% of the vote and 230 seats while their communist enemies got 89 seats. A majority of Germans had voted for non-democratic parties. Political violence intensified with twelve people killed on the day of the polls.
The election of November 1932 saw a decline in Nazi but they still remained the largest party in the Reichstag. Communist support continued to rise and this worried many industrialists. Von Papen was replaced as chancellor by von Schleicher.
Von Papen immediately began to plot against von Schleicher and met Hitler. They agreed that Hitler would become the chancellor of a government made up mainly of von Papen’s supporters. Hindenburg who disliked Hitler, was persuaded to appoint him chancellor on the 30th of January. The Weimar Republic was dead!
Political Parties in the Reichstag May
1924 Dec.
1924 May
1928 Sep.
1930 July
1932 Nov.
1932 Mar.
Communist Party (KPD) 62 45 54 77 89 100 81
Social Democratic Party (SDP) 100 131 153 143 133 121 120
Catholic Centre Party 81 88 78 87 97 90 93
Nationalist Party (DNVP) 95 103 73 41 37 52 52
Nazi Party (NSDAP) 32 14 12 107 230 196 288
Other Parties (esp. DDP and DVP) 102 112 121 122 22 35 23
Main Weaknesses
• Electoral system too democratic. It was too easy for splinter parties to get elected and very difficult to form stable governments. Parties could contest elections that did not accept the democratic system. After 1930 many of the deputies in the Reichstag were ether communist or Nazi and this made parliamentary government became almost impossible.
• There were twenty separate coalition governments in the period and this gave the impression of instability. Many believed that democracy was too weak to defend Germany against the communist threat.
• It was a republic born out of defeat. Many Germans refused to accept its legitimacy especially monarchists. They blamed it for accepting the hated treaty of Versailles.
• Many within important groups in society such as the army, big business, the civil service and the judiciary wished to see a more authoritarian form of government. They admired pre-war Germany and there was little respect for democratic institutions.
• The severe economic problems that were faced reduced support especially the hyper-inflation of 1923 and the Great Depression of the 1930s.”

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:07 pm
by LostNFound
So now lets take a short look at Hitler and what some of his more up front beliefs were.

So, “Hitler’s war”……. Was it just Hitler’s War? Did he start it; was he the only one to instigate it? What kind of a man was he? Was he perhaps a very deranged psychopath? And if so was he truly responsible for the murder of innocent women and children and millions of men as well? Was He a driven man to protect his precious Fatherland and its peoples? It is certainly well documented as to how this man thought of the German race, the Aryan race and how he thought of the Jewish race of peoples. It is very much so known that Hitler was a racist human being. His speeches are well documented and they clearly speak to the fact of his great dislike for the Jewish peoples. In Fact his speeches and his actions speak to his deep racism and perhaps hatred against any peoples different than the pure blood line of Germans. His Mein Kampf clearly shows his pure racism and his disdain for any other race outside of the Aryan’s or German Peoples. Here is one excerpt:

“Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.”

Hitler believed and used propaganda to its fullest extent. This is what all Presidents, leaders, Dictators of countries do. I would suspect that these men actually read Hitler’s Mein Kampf to gain their own knowledge of how to lie and use the masses. Here is another excerpt from Mein Kampf:

“The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be extended in this direction.

The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.
The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.

Once understood how necessary it is for propaganda in be adjusted to the broad mass, the following rule results:
It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance.

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.
Thus we see that propaganda must follow a simple line and correspondingly the basic tactics must be psychologically sound.”

So then, exactly what is it that the historians neglect to mention to us? Has the real history been re- written by the victors of that great and tragic war? Is it the Bankers who are the ones that actually created it from way back in time? After all “all wars are bankers wars” and all we have to do is follow the money trail. Divide and Conquer is the name of the game and has always been. We certainly can scrutinize and study the men and women who are seemingly the leaders of countries that take their nations to war over some made up ideal that is propagandized into the masses. Hitler, Roosevelt, Churchill, Emperors and Dictators of all countries on the surface of this world, it appears there is no difference. So from here I will delve into the actions of one man for now and that would Hitler himself. The others should also be delved into simply because if one man is mad then all of them are that have taken the masses to war for power and gain of riches and ideals.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:23 pm
by LostNFound
Here is some more of The National Socialist German workers party beliefs, Which actually became the NAZI PARTY from 1933 to 1945.

Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
The program of the German Workers' Party is an epochal program.
The leaders reject the idea of setting up new goals after those included in the program have been achieved merely in order to make possible the further existence of the Party by artificially inducing discontent among the masses.

1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great Germany on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples.

2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.

4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany as foreigners and must be subject to the law of aliens.

6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to citizens. We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province. or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen.
We wage war against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness.

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.
Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.
Breaking the Bondage of Interest

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.
(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.
(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the nonGermans from the Reich.
Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the principle:

25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.

The leaders of the party undertake to promote the execution of the foregoing points at all costs, if necessary at the sacrifice of their own lives.

I am sure that most of this was enacted but perhaps with a twist by Hitler himself. As one can see, Individuality does not exist. The STATE OWNS EVERYTHING. Do we see this happening in this country today and all over the world. So did Hitler actually Win? History has a propensity to repeat itself does it not. Is it our responsibility to change a course, to learn from our past mistakes, to make life better?

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:29 pm
by Eelco
Thank you stephen for doing the work.
Let me ask you this. Did this research in any way, shape or form. Alter your belief-systems? Did it make you a better person? More equipt to deal with the psychopaths in this world?
I ask because I'd like to make sure my premise ,that it didn't change one thing of who or what you are or capable of accomplishing anything, even slightly.

As for your answers Chicoodoodledoo.
I didn't assume the kids were gassed, or worked to death.
If you remember I stated that the bitesized clip of a man who supposedly save 669 kids moved me regardless of what supposedly did or didn't happen in WW2. Nothing more, nothing less.

My perception of truth differs from what you make it out to be, so please stop assuming what I do or do not desire to find truth wise.. You don't know.
It seems that knowledge of truth works differently in us. After riding the high of having found some truth. I've found it as meaningless and unfulfilling as any other idea.
Chicodoodoo wrote:
Eelco wrote:If we were to extract the truth and expose it, it will just be spun another way.
Oh yes, the sociopaths will certainly try that. But when you have really exposed the truth, further deceptions and manipulations by the sociopaths are ineffective, because you have the truth and can easily see through their lies. It's when you don't know the truth that you easily fall for their propaganda.
Not just the Sociopaths..
From where I am sitting you are just trying to make me believe the other side of the same sort of propaganda..

I will choose to boldly go where my mind is taking me..
For now it it taking me to a place where any knowledge about WW2 is made obsolete by virtue of the wars we have on our planet today. Those will show the same people behind it. Hurt people in the here and now.

For what it's worth.
I'm dutch. I have a grandfather who lived in amsterdam during that war. Was sent to a labourcamp on what was then the eastern front.
Came back malnutritioned and almost dying from tuberculosis.

I don't place blame or insight here. Just telling what I heard from people rather close by who lived it and whom I trust enough to not lie about such things.. Other than that..

I breathe...

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:04 am
by LostNFound
I can only say that this entire topic/thread has peaked my interest in History. However, history happens everyday that I wake up. To answer your questions, Did doing this research.....alter my belief any shape or form? No to the core of that question. My belief systems remain firmly where they have come to. Did it make me a better person? Can't say as how I might answer that question other than do you think I am a good person and what I have just done appears to you to have made me a better person? I am just who I am and doing something as such as providing a read for others whether they read it or not in this particular topic cannot or will not make me a better person. It is just a give from me and others can take what they want. This particular question can overflow in so many places. So just to answer directly, No perhaps in your perspective.

As for being better equipped to deal with the psychopaths of this world. I do believe that being able to see through the bullshit of those types better equips one to deal with them. There are those that will hurt you and those that will deceive you. They will lie cheat and steal to get you to be under their control and if the soft approach doesn't work then they will resort to violence. Doing this research perhaps does nothing but give more information or even less about something that has already happened and it makes no difference in my existence other than to place something into my mind to perhaps understand how to not make the same mistakes. I realize that this answer can be somewhat circular but it is what it is. Ever heard that before?

"I ask because I'd like to make sure my premise ,that it didn't change one thing of who or what you are or capable of accomplishing anything, even slightly."

Thank you. I have to say that the only change is that I spent some time reading. Well I do that all the time so maybe nothing different. However, I now have another brain cell imprinted with this data that will get lost and when I want to remember it will bounce around in my mind until it accidentally lands on the memory button and I go AHA, EUREKA.

As for WW2. My Dad was in that one and he really never talked about it. So it is only a written dialog and perhaps a history written by the victors. Korea is the same. The most we all get is that people all over the world died and it is because of the politics, The power hungry, The money hungry and for sure there is no one in these countries that always seem to be having wars, without blame. It is put forth that Germany, the whole country is always being blamed for doing what happened in two world wars. Well we cannot just blame one country. The German people were responsible for how their country did what it did because they condoned it by VOTING WHOMEVER INTO THE POSITION. BY VOTING FOR ANY AND ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN. The People of the United States are responsible for creating the most feared and terrorist organization in the world because they VOTE AND BY DOING SO THEY CONDONE. THEY PLACE THE SYCOPHANTS INTO THE POSITIONS OF POWER AND CHEER THEM ON. It all comes down to CONSENT. So I have to say that this world full of people are to blame for all of the crap that happens and until we all stand up and say enough, we are responsible clearly.

Okay went off there so will stop.


Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:31 am
by Eelco
LostNFound wrote: The German people were responsible for how their country did what it did because they condoned it by VOTING WHOMEVER INTO THE POSITION. BY VOTING FOR ANY AND ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN. The People of the United States are responsible for creating the most feared and terrorist organization in the world because they VOTE AND BY DOING SO THEY CONDONE. THEY PLACE THE SYCOPHANTS INTO THE POSITIONS OF POWER AND CHEER THEM ON. It all comes down to CONSENT. So I have to say that this world full of people are to blame for all of the crap that happens and until we all stand up and say enough, we are responsible clearly.

Okay went off there so will stop.

Please don't. This is where it gets interesting.

The German people didn't allow or condone this by there VOTE. Neither are the Americans to blame for trump.
Sure they voted because they belief it is their goddamn given right to do so. A right won by the blood and the tears of their ancestry.
How are they supposed to know that they only vote on how policy is explained. Either over left or over right.

I don't vote, This load of crap is not and never will be our fault. Nor is it the fault of plumber Joe. Or your neighborhood KKK member.
It isn't the fault of the guy running dope. Selling crack to kids. nope.
That's just symptoms. People dealing with whatever means they have to create some sort of life in this crappy dump we dare to call society.

And don't get me wrong. The church going woman is as much a victim as the next conspiracy theorist, nutcase drunk, philanthropist sort of rich dude etc..

Nope It's the fault of a select few , whom through inheritance are made to feel they are somehow superior than every other living thing on this planet.
And bickering over who did what in whatever war is just past time for those of us who have nothing better to do. We sure ain't gonna fix this world all of a sudden. Everyone here knows what's going to happen if we proof beyond a shadow of a doubt there never was a holocaust and hitler was a saint right?

Right everyone is going to point the other way, find a new evil scapegoat to hang up their feelings of displeasure on..
You really thing the germans consented to the alleged monstrosities? do you believe the americans consent to what's being done to them?

For years now I hear it is all our own fault for consenting to this. and after we stop consenting we blame the so called masses and call them names to distinguish ourselves from them yet again.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:52 am
by LostNFound
Post has been deleted.

Okay, I deleted the load of crap I raged here. So I will agree with you, It is the select few that think and believe they are superior to the rest of us that create this crap. The people are mostly oblivious to mechanisms of the real monster.

If you look close you can see my ears twitching and the tears running down my cheeks.

Thank you dear brother

Now back to topic

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:35 am
by Chicodoodoo
LostNFound wrote:First of all why would Germany or the Government of Germany even entertain and have a forced labor camp (internment) with children populating it?
You may be missing some information here. First, Germany was one of the most civilized nations in the world. Second, concentration camps evolved out of the German prison system that existed before Hitler came to power, a prison system that was quite humane (witness Hitler's own imprisonment). Third, forced labor in prison systems was not uncommon or unreasonable. I can still recall as a child seeing "chain gangs" working beside the highway my family was driving on, here in the USA. Fourth, prisons or internment camps must have a way to accommodate women who are pregnant or have babies. Fifth, the children in the camps were not forced into labor or otherwise deliberately abused. They were adequately cared for, as the photos indicate.

I would like to keep up with the discussion, but I'm unable to, given the sudden burst of activity, so I am just addressing the issues in order, one by one. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:44 am
by Sandy Clark
Grrrr.. I just lost a long post responding will take it that it was not meant to be!! :-(