Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Deeper as per Inner Earth - Agartha, deeper than the connections we are drawing from a purely historical review. Definitively brief video that actually leaves more questions on the table than it answers.
Fred Steeves wrote:It seemed more a brief review of things we already have some idea of, did I miss something deeper?
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

Well yeah, I got that much. As is typical with other such things there's so much smoke and mirrors and disinfo shrouding that subject, I really just don't know what to think of it. It sure would be nice to see some of these places for ourselves. For instance take me to some coordinates where Admiral Byrd described what he saw, and let us have a little looksee around.

Or to where that supposed battle took place shortly after WW2...
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

I first saw this video a couple of years ago, and managed to dig it up to watch again through updated eyes. I think some here will find it of interest.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by LostNFound »

Jews declare War on Germany 1933. So the Jewery definitely wants to control the world, Just look at the trails leading to the false flags, the wanton destruction of countries, the control of most industries throughout the world, the control of the financial systems throughout the world going way back and coming forward to the present. Ask yourself, who is pushing the World War 3 scenario. Follow the money, follow the power, and look at the names, the families,

I could very well see Hitler doing just this and trying to put a stop to it. The deceivers, the traitors within the very gates will always whisper sweet nothings to the soldiers fighting for a just cause on their own borders. At least the enemy that is being fought is honest enough to show themselves. It has always seemed so sick, so wrong that we in one country are fed so much propaganda of how the chosen enemy is out to kill us when we should actually look at the real enemy and stop them. I could go on for ever about the lies and deceptions but we all know them by now I think. So this following writing of a declaration of war against Germany by the Jews in 1933 is quite interesting to say the least and shows the real enemies face.

https://archive.org/stream/JewsDeclareW ... 3_djvu.txt" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by LostNFound »

Fred Steeves wrote:I first saw this video a couple of years ago, and managed to dig it up to watch again through updated eyes. I think some here will find it of interest.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO then, It would seem with all these papers prior to the second world war that the number of 6,000,000 million and the word Holocaust was being brainwashed into the greater mindset of the American peoples and I suspect in the Europeans as well. And the papers after the war just reinforced that number and word of destruction only they added the false ways of death. Well all the papers prior always were saying starvation and disease and GAS CHAMBERS was not to hard to just plop right in. So here again, If 6 million was at least half of the Jews of the entire world, numbers just do not add up.

So just look at how they or them or who ever it is that is controlling use words today on us all. How the false flag narrative is ramped and used. and the machine just keeps on grinding the meat out.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Walking softly among the noise and haste... and I don't mean here on the forum, more like feeling an increase in celular velocity. I've been pondering the last few days my personal reasons for making a study of Adolf Hitler and the purveyors of war. There is a lot of confusing data to weed through and that I am finding valuable. Stripping away assumptions, lies, beliefs on all fronts allows us to see more clearly. We are the living legacy of centuries of social and genetic engineering, if we take this as a given (ET involvement, hyperdimensional realities, Annunaki, ancient aliens, etc.) we carry within us an intelligent ability to see beyond the screen to a deeply buried truth.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
― C.G. Jung

We've all been overly exposed to certain quotes assigned to Adolf Hitler and his tribe. One of the most used ones is: “Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.” (I've also seen this quote assigned to other SS officers as well.)
propaganda (n.)

1718, "committee of cardinals in charge of Catholic missionary work," short for Congregatio de Propaganda Fide "congregation for propagating the faith," a committee of cardinals established 1622 by Gregory XV to supervise foreign missions. The word is properly the ablative fem. gerundive of Latin propagare (see propagation). Hence, "any movement to propagate some practice or ideology" (1790). Modern political sense dates from World War I, not originally pejorative. Meaning "material or information propagated to advance a cause, etc." is from 1929.
The above quote is often used as an example of Hitler's known use of propaganda to lead the world against Jewry and of his supposed hatred and despotic character. The question in me that begged to be answered was when and where did he say this and in what context? A rather cursory research of the internet only brought up opinions and no references. Um? I finally came to Mein Kampf (My Struggle) which I've never read so I found a PDF copy and downloaded it. Searching the single word propaganda I came upon this quote on page 362:
We had experience of this when we made our own first public appearance. In all truth it can be said that we did not court public favour but made an onslaught on the follies of our people. In those days the following happened almost always: I presented myself before an assembly of men who believed the opposite of what I wished to say and who wanted the opposite of what I believed in. Then I had to spend a couple of hours in persuading two or three thousand people to give up the opinions they had first held, in destroying the foundations of their views with one blow after another and finally in leading them over to take their stand on the grounds of our own convictions and our Weltanschhauung [World View].

I learned something that was important at that time, namely, to snatch from the hands of the enemy the weapons which he was using in his reply. I soon noticed that our adversaries, especially in the persons of those who led the discussion against us, were furnished with a definite repertoire of arguments out of which they took points against our claims which were being constantly repeated. The uniform character of this mode of procedure pointed to a systematic and unified training. And so we were able to recognize the incredible way in which the enemy’s propagandists had been disciplined, and I am proud to-day that I discovered a means not only of making this propaganda ineffective but of beating the artificers of it at their own work. Two years later I was master of that art.

In every speech which I made it was important to get a clear idea beforehand of the probable form and matter of the counter-arguments we had to expect in the discussion, so that in the course of my own speech these could be dealt with and refuted. To this end it was necessary to mention all the possible objections and show their inconsistency; it was all the easier to win over an honest listener by expunging from his memory the arguments which had been impressed upon it, so that we anticipated our replies. What he had learned was refuted without having been mentioned by him and that made him all the more attentive to what I had to say.
Reading these words I find a refreshing self honesty, not a coward hiding in the shadows. I hear a person who is not afraid to reveal what he knows.

Came across this website while looking for a downloadable version of Mein Kampf. A bit heavy on Christian indoctrination and from my current perspective missing many links to how the Christian god Jehovah is an inappropriate construction ... however it does have some interesting data.

To end with another quote of Rudolf Hess:
"I hope that the outside world will realise that Hitler's government has no idea of steering towards war, even though this has often been asserted abroad. As Adolf Hitler himself has said, Germany has no need of another war to avenge the loss of her military honour, because she never lost that honour. Germany does not want war of any kind. Germany wants real and abiding peace."
~ Rudolf Hess
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

LostNFound wrote: So this following writing of a declaration of war against Germany by the Jews in 1933 is quite interesting to say the least and shows the real enemies face.

https://archive.org/stream/JewsDeclareW ... 3_djvu.txt" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Well now isn't that interesting, considering it had been Russia to blame for their woes all this time. Good find! I have more to say on that, but I also need more time to look into it further as well. As an example we've all seen the old footage of the Nazi movement in America in the 1930's, and especially the spectacles of huge Nazi rallies at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Well last night I discovered the war against Germany rallies were held there first, why didn't I ever see that as well on the History Channel? Hmmmmm, Hitler wasn't the bad guy yet in '33. Curiouser and curiouser...

This brings me back to a small anomaly I noticed in looking through some of the newspaper clippings of the time. Starting in 1900 it's all about the Russian atrocities, until strangely enough at the WW 1 time frame, it suddenly starts blaming it on the "German terror" for instance (say what?). Then that abruptly stops after about 1919 and goes right back to blaming Russia and Eastern Europe.

Until the mid 1930's oddly enough, when one notices the subtle shift beginning; starting with not just Eastern Europe, but now Eastern and Central Europe. Then it shifts even more to just Europe in general, then to Hitler, and then it's all Nazi from there on out.

What happened to Russia?
https://archive.org/stream/256Reference ... 0/mode/2up" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Well we spent a good part of the day listening to an audio book of Mein Kampf and it has left a deep widening impression on me. A few notes at the moment until I have more time to process the implications of a book of personal truth juxtaposed up against our politically correct way of thinking.

Certainly in the atmosphere of today’s world Hitler’s vision could not be implemented for by now, some ninety years later, most of what he astutely wrote about has come to pass. However his intelligent dialogue along side the open revealing of his inner landscape including moral dilemmas left an impression of a man who heeded the highest call of ethical and truthful self assessment.

He uses words that today strike a sour chord in our expanded heart held understanding on the nature of Being human. Some of his political analysis hearkens to the belief in colonialism as the only viable means a nation can survive. I find this repugnant although he correctly states the case that “competing” Nations need resources to feed people and protect borders, etc. The questions he posed to himself in his earnest pursuit of truth are indeed ones that have no collective answer today. It is also clear that providence stepped in on more than one occasion and it was not a despotic character that wanted to rule the world who was being guided.

We were left wondering what he would say in light of today’s world complete with developed technologies (the positive as well as negative uses of such) and the continued plight of nation’s fights to remain sovereign.

Questions: Is there such a thing as a superior nation? Or superior race? Or superior ethics? Or a superior anything? We are trained to not think in these terms, trained to a view of equality that while spiritually attainable is the furthest thing from our current reality.

Much of what we write about on the forum and elsewhere on the web is that most=people-everywhere are asleep, we call them sheeple as they are unaware of the hidden hand manipulating reality and simply follow the predominant collective flow. I’ve long pondered this and inwardly asked what the implications are. Undeveloped, underdeveloped or traumatized souls that are missing the most vital human qualities of curiosity and honor? Along with this comes the questions of personal responsibility to truth, to guidance, to being exemplary in behavior and ethics … This is a never ending process for as the time waves warp reality at an ever increasing pace we are also called to become more fluid and like a Zen master who tricks his students thus lead them to the inner truths.

The irony not to be missed is the living legacy of the “chosen people” those who rule the world today with a psychotic hand is hard pressed against a Father figure who loved a nation and knew that the rule of unconquerable faith was necessary.

I am rambling simply to jot down thoughts as they appear.

Certainly listening to a man and his own words made it clear why he was such a threat to the status quo of arrogant parliamentary rhetoric and the slippery slide of those who hide beneath an epitome of lies. He doesn’t hold back while describing his disgust and repugnance of his experiences with these agents.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by LostNFound »

Perhaps this documentary can shed a tad bit more light on Hitlers actions and even the German peoples as a whole. It is 1hour and 13 minutes but it is quite enlightening IMO as to the woes of this world for so long now. It really doesn't take to much of a leap to connect so many dots. I thought the end of the video with the man talking really does sum up a lot. This may slide a bit sideways but it appears that the Zionist(Jews) are at the root of the problems we are living in and have been. One must think that the Pharisees that were the other side of the Sanhedrin a few thousand years ago were nothing more than crooked lawyers or shall we liken that whole thing (Sanhedrin) to the Congress/Senate/house of representatives? Shall we say Government in particular? Well guess who took over? Curiouser and Curiouser.


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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

We've continued to listen to Mein Kampf, at times most difficult to digest for the modern mind rejects such things as military valor and the "glorious" call to arms. We've matured in our knowledge, we've seen the manipulations of the war industry, indeed the very same forces that Adolf Hitler confronted are the ones calling the shots right now. My inner dialogue realizes that the victors lacked honor, they wage war from a foundation built on deceit, greed and envy. Along side that view we too see that war is not the answer, perhaps centuries past or among tribal peoples there was once valor and honor in warfare, perhaps once it had a vital place within the human psyche, perhaps once it was fought within the sacred fires of justice and truth ... perhaps. Today however is a different type of war, it has no honor, no purpose other than to fill the greedy pockets of corrupted agents that seek only to destroy in order to survive. A cult of death dealers that feed on human naiveté.

I've allowed myself the space to feel the revulsion of hate and then to consider the value of such. I've so often shied away from anything that does not fit my current point of view that I often miss an opportunity to delve into the subterranean world and ferret out my own truth and understanding. Those of you here on the forum may recognize why I wrote this piece: HERE

If for no other reason reading or listening to Mein Kampf does bring into sharp focus not only a man who the world loves to hate but it addresses the great moral dilemmas he confronted, the very same we still confront today.

I am grateful for those who are looking at this straight on. Grateful for the courage to name the perpetrators, grateful that perhaps we will finally see the root of this great evil. I am also highly aware that with every consciousness that holds peace without creating more deception lays the foundations of our true natural power, we change the field via observation.
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