Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m heading out here shortly to go get more firewood, but while I’m waiting for my neighbor to show up will take some time to jot down a few thoughts. Feel a tremendous amount of gratitude this morning as I walked around the farm and interacted with the menagerie of goats, dogs, cats, horse, the trees and the beautiful blue sky (except to the south east towards the city and heavily populated areas where there was the usual forming of “clouds”, spreading out from the “contrails” crisscrossing patterns in the sky).

I feel so much about where we are heading, as a species, us humans specifically, but also all biological life here. Either most of us just didn’t notice, or truly ALL life seems to be waking up and becoming more aware, and that, strangely, despite all they (those that wrote the current programs to control all life here, and are busy trying to implement them, at the total expense of our free will) keep throwing at us and the environment. And then trying to lather everyone up over climate change, and guilt tripping anyone who doesn’t support the narrative that we totally created it, us lower class humans (not of the top 1%) and that if we just change our ways we can turn this ship around.

And, like any dogma, they won’t even allow for us to talk about the part that geoengineering, big multi-national corporations, and our movements through space (perhaps being in a more highly charged area of space, as well as changing magnetics - which have been shown to stimulate earth changes in the past) are playing. So, pardon me if I ask some embarrassing questions!

The reason it irritates me is they have taken the true good will and desire to see positive change in this world of so many people, and channeled it into what in many ways I see as a useless endeavor, and one even they, in secret, don’t plan to succeed. These people are globalists, and, as such, have their own plan to ultimately “rule the world”, that they simply disguise in terminology that is intended to be misleading. You have to watch what they actually do.

And I do, watch what they do. I am so fully on to them it makes me somewhat ill to even think about it too much, because I do know what they are capable of, and have no doubt about their true intentions. It is anything but benevolent. But still, I gotta live here, and I am committed to sticking it out to see what happens. I do trust in a divine essence, a presence and an intelligence if you will, that is embodied in all creation. Especially since I’ve moved out here on what was a completely undeveloped piece of land, and begun to intimately interact with it over the course of a few years. It’s all taking me deeper and deeper into the mother, the womb, that nurturing bosom of creation from which all life emanates, and it is beautiful, and full-filling. I can almost drink it up.

That is one of the reasons I keep writing. I fully believe that I am not the only one experiencing this emerging awareness that in a way, we are living in two different realities at once. The organic, natural one, that a truly divine creative force of benevolent intent brought into manifestation, and then the one that is trying to do a takeover. It’s an infestation of a stealthy, parasitical, destructive force, that is anti-biotic in nature, rather than for the benevolent expression of the life force as it continuously flows into the myriad of its individuated and manifested forms.

Not that I haven’t used antibiotics to successfully save some of my goats that had become seriously ill. But then, those animals became ill in large part due to what they are doing to the food chain, and that includes pet and livestock feed. So, again, once I correct the problem, and plan ahead by continuing to find and implement ways to strengthen their own natural immune system, they won’t need that kind of drastic intervention in the first place (the ole problem, reaction, solution concept that many of us have learned to recognize so easily these days).

Basically I’m just here in many ways feeling like I’m watching a show unfold before me, with my farm as a distraction from the outer drama. And it feels that way to me. People are getting strange, and they unfortunately do not recognize this new strangeness isn’t at all natural. It isn’t organic. What I’m doing is actually organic, as I’m seriously getting into the nuts and bolts of it all, going back to what makes it all work in the first place. Microbes! Cells! The ones that work tirelessly, both inside and outside of us, trying to be the bridge, the communicators and messengers, that help all natural systems work in balance, and symbiotic harmony with one another. All of nature does this, when not disrupted by non-organically created intrusions and hostile takeovers.

I can look back on over 40 years of interest in, and studies of, how nutrition, food, herbs, and a multitude of other common elements found in nature impact health and wellness. It’s funny that I’m so close sometimes, yet don’t always see what’s right in front of me. I’ve made kimchi and yogurt, and was doing kombucha for a few years, but did not understand really how that all fit into the bigger equation. Funny how I’m having to go back and revisit some of what I used to know. Years of working for “the man” in interesting and educational jobs, but also demanding and mind numbing in many ways, often required me to “forget” what I knew, because I just didn’t have the energy, time, money, or situation to do better. I’ve lived a very strange adventurous life. But now I’m moving into a completely new stage of knowing who I am, and what I am capable of, and what I might actually be here for.

Of course, I always think we are primarily here to learn. I know I have learned a ton I didn’t know consciously when I was younger. I mean, I’ve come to believe all knowledge doesn’t go anywhere, it’s always all right there for the knowing. It’s just knowing and “learning” how to access it.

So I’ve had kind of a resurgence in my enthusiasm for life and what might be coming up for me. I know astrologically it’s indicated that this will be a pivotal time. I’m moving more and more into this idea that we can create, in a very real way, what we want. I’ve always thought I have a kind of preplanned exit date, and don’t know when that is. In the meantime, I plan to continue to test my theories on myself, since we do actually still have the freedom to do that for the most part where I live. I mean, I don’t plan on parading in the street about anything anytime soon. But somehow I feel just living it, puts it into the collective knowledge that can be accessed by others, even if they don’t know me at all. And I am coming more and more to believe the earth herself, as a living being, wants us to succeed. She will help us, and has provided everything we need.

It’s like video games. They have put us in a virtual reality video game that is trying to entrain us to play and go along with it. We have to consciously see it, and say no, I don’t want to play that game. Maybe most everyone else doesn’t even realize they have a choice, or that there is any other game to play. But by doing it myself, playing a different game, the game of life, it changes everything. Because I absolutely know I am not alone. Many many others throughout the world have figured this out too. You can see it all over the language that is being used today, and the way people talk about things. It’s changed dramatically in my lifetime.

And it going to change some more. There’s a game changer on the horizon. Make no mistake about it. I can feel it, I can taste it. The force that moves through it grows day by day, as more and more realize they actually do have a choice, and that there are other better games to play. We are the creators of our own inner screens of perception, and therein lies the answer to how we change the programming. We’ve simply been entrained to play a game that may have seemed interesting at first glance, but turns out it’s more like one of those dreams that starts out good, but goes dark and nightmarish.

You will also have to teach yourself, as I have, not to panic as you “wake up”, as you begin to see what has been there all along, but somehow you missed. Focus on what you “see”, and breath, slowly and deeply, as you begin and continue the process of extrication from their game. For they will try to drag you back into it, over and over. Eventually though, if persistent, you will get better and better at freeing up your own personal energy from their grasp, and you will notice the positive changes in your life.

I know I certainly have.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

It’s funny, sometimes I have a particular topic I’m wanting to write about, but on a deeper subconscious level I actually have something else on my mind. Sometimes I’m not even certain what it is that is wanting to emerge. But it’s almost like the momentum of it is stronger, and I have to just start and see where it goes, regardless of whatever else I had in mind on a conscious level.

The subconscious really is like the larger part of an iceberg that is submerged, mostly unacknowledged, and unexplored. I know one thing I’m waxing philosophical on is the topic of alcoholism. There is a reason for this. The younger of my two sons just came for a recent visit, and it has been two years since I last saw him. He had missed his flight to the Philippines, and decided to reroute to come visit mom during his two weeks off from his job. He works four weeks at a time at a very remote place in Alaska, currently as head cook at a big mining facility there. He literally gets flown in and out, as there is no other access. While there, he lives a fairly clean life as there is absolutely no alcohol allowed on site, and eats fairly well too (for him anyway).

My son would probably be classified as an alcoholic, and unfortunately for most who know him this is what stands out. But there is so much more to him, so much. Anyway, this all makes me think about what I was taught by the establishment and so called experts in the field about the nature of alcoholism. I do not agree with it. For one thing, in Alcoholics Anonymous you have to admit you are an alcoholic, that you are powerless, and that only God, or some type of higher power, can help you stop drinking and stay sober. Also, that once labeled, it’s a life sentence. I also know the criteria they use and teach about what exact drinking behaviors constitute an alcoholic. I do not agree with them either.

The one thing my son has demonstrated, repeatedly, is a completely different physical response to alcohol. I would say his brain chemistry is different than mine or even most people I know. And I know that no one in their right mind consciously chooses to be an alcoholic, especially having spent time with one in a blacked out state on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, society itself has a tendency to actually thwart the healing process for many, due to heavy judgements and assumptions. Plus, life itself is set up to produce a great deal of stress. Not every one processes anxiety the same either.

If I were to follow the criteria laid out by our societal conclusions on the topic, I would have believed myself to be an alcoholic, at least at times in my life. But until the last 20 years I primarily only had bouts of heavy drinking when I was first out on my own at the tender age of 16 for a number of years. Yes, for me, and many others of that time, it was party time, and I did a lot of it. I really didn’t value my life, and so never gave much thought to my own personal safety and possible future aspirations. This is seen in many youth of today, in fact. The young people I talk to, some have it together, but many express a feeling of meaninglessness, and they don’t know why they are here. It’s like they have no anchor, and are adrift at sea. It’s hard for them to see a rosy future ahead, for far too many reasons to get in to here.

I would say, in my case, getting pregnant is what snapped me out of that place. Suddenly, I was responsible for another life that would be dependent on me, whose well being would be in my hands. A whole new part of myself I didn’t even know was there suddenly emerged. Problem is, I continued to have very dysfunctional relationships, with all three different fathers of my three children. They were always good for a while, until our own undealt with trauma selves eventually had to raise their heads. I had to work very hard to get out of a great deal of self blame for not knowing what I didn’t know during those years. Biggest problem, in the end, as I understand it now, was I quite literally hated myself, so more self hatred as I started to wake up was not helpful.

But the thing is, I have never craved alcohol, it was either out of a total falling apart of my life or simply a bit of excess social drinking from time to time that was the extent of my drinking problem, and I very rarely drink at all now. It was easy for me not to drink, and for a true alcoholic, it is definitely not easy to not drink, ever. For some, the craving really does persist for life.

Alcoholism has probably touched the life of everyone I know, in a very personal way, so this phenomena is literally all around us. As I think about it, I realize what a big, and potentially deep topic it really is. I mean, they don’t call it spirits for nothing. Maybe I can branch off into some of these ideas that are coming to me at another time. Best I continue with the primary branch at the moment.

I guess the thing that I am marveling about the most, is witnessing my sons incredible tenacity, perseverance, survival instincts, and unwillingness to give up on life, and ultimately himself. He knows he would probably be dead by now, if he hadn’t made the choice to literally place himself in a situation where it just wasn’t an option, for extended periods of time. And he keeps on going. When he first started down this road, one of the head people he works for said he would never promote him, due to his perceived short comings. But he just kept showing up, doing his job, getting better and better at it. He suffers from fairly severe anxiety, and absolutely has to stay busy, but he’s actually quite a deep thinker, self reflects (I wonder where he gets that from?), and remembers things very well. And through a series of events, he has suddenly found himself promoted. And has a crew of 12 working under him. He, like the rest of my progeny, has trouble with authority. So funny how life is. And now he has purpose, and he is slowly gaining more and more self esteem, despite the handicap, and, learning to handle and accept responsibility.

Because, let’s face it, it is a handicap. When he has his two weeks off, he still usually has things occur, with fair regularity, that most of us can’t conceive of, such as being robbed, and can’t remember what events have taken place. Loosing his phone, his credit/debit cards, personal identification (even passport once), are common side effects.

But, strangely, he is learning, and making amazing progress, and I saw much in him this time that makes me want to weep with joy, literally. Because as a mother I want to see my children happy, and successful, but not in the way most of us have been taught to think of success. I see him gaining life skills. And it’s almost like there are two people in him. The one that wants to drag him under, and the one that refuses to submit. That is a good thing, as he has clearly learned to recognize this, and is choosing more and more to listen to this other self that is starting to emerge. He may still have many set backs, and challenges ahead. But, seriously, for a number of years there I thought I could get a call at any time, that call that no parent ever wants to receive.

For my part, I just want to be his biggest cheer leader. And, I have to mention before I finally wind this down and get busy (you know, the usual), my husbands influence. This visit was the first time I saw the two of them interact as much, and it felt so different this time. My husband is, well, what can I say, a mans man. I mean, in the old traditional mom is the nurturer, dad does the discipline kind of way. He is more tough love than I could ever be. But all my children have benefited from this over the years. He was never outright mean, but he was very firm at times. They all know he has been the reason my life has done a complete turnaround, and he has personally been there as a father figure in a good way more times than I can count over the years. In fact, all three of my kids have expressed that they hope they can find and experience what my husband and I have together. And I am very grateful.

And, lastly, I have learned quite a bit about myself through all of this. Learning to step out of preconceived ideas and expectations. Learning to question them to begin with, and try a different approach than what I had been taught, with unconditional love at the forefront. I did not forbid my son to drink, even though part of me wanted to. I want to see him, to know him, to get even those few moments. And he did (drink) when he was here. But of his own choice it was more moderated than I had ever seen. And I did get to see more of that beautiful shining soul I know is in there. Love as a word means nothing. Love in action is everything.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m hoping as I write I bring some sort of clarity to my burgeoning thoughts that want to go all over the place today. On the one hand, I have thoughts about the Solstice tomorrow, the shortest day of the year, which, as I’ve gotten older is always felt approaching with a sense of increasing intensity, for many reasons.

And then my mind wanders to images I’ve seen plastered across my FB feed from my highly diverse “friends and family”. I’ve never seen people so strongly oppositional. There’s a little bit of the drama from main stream news which my husband just had to peruse the last couple nights, mixed in, which is totally dominated by politics. What a circus! And for what?

Images of my childhood religious upbringing spring to mind next, how they talked about being in the last days, and Satan being in charge of the world, and how bad things were going to get. Whether by design, coincidence, or some other factors we can’t see clearly, things do appear to be getting quite strange, and loosely following the biblical script. And I’m not even going to go into all the outright Satanic imagery our consciousness is being saturated with now, as that is a whole other topic. And if you can’t see it, I really don’t know what to say.

Then I have a few emotionally stirring events going on with my three grown children. I’m still sorting it out, and trying to see my own blind spots (which, yes, I do have).

But then my thoughts turn, as they always do, to my abiding relationship with the Big Kahuna, Great Spirit, whatever name we might use for that universal benevolent creative intelligent loving energy that is the juice, I believe, that animates all life. And my team. I have to acknowledge them, for they do feel like a group. They are my non-physical spirit helpers, and they are as real to me as anything can be. I keep them close at all times, in my consciousness these days. For otherwise I begin to feel the outside shit show start to push in around me.

I could be totally wrong of course, but I’m not alone in thinking that our would be controllers are moving into their version of the “end game”, and that part of it involves great suffering and great loss of life. I wish I didn’t feel this way, but it’s hard to know how else to interpret the ample evidence that this is so. I get up everyday with this knowing. What can you do?

I don’t have a magic wand, and it’s a challenge to know how to proceed in the face of such abject evil, and yet, my instinctive nature tells me that I can indeed work with and activate my own protection. It resides deep in the innermost core of my being that is beyond physical, but is connected to the solar plexus, my own inner sun. From that place I can draw from the limitless source of all life, and radiate that out in a circular fashion around me. That is my bubble of protection. And that doesn’t mean it can keep me safe from all physical harm, but it will protect my spirit, the very essence of who and what I am, as originally intended by the first creative impulse.

And that is where my thoughts keeps going, day by day, to keep practicing working with these unseen, but definitely felt, energies that we, too, can summon. Just as those who wish to harm summon energies that assist in physically manifesting their nefarious agenda (through black magic and rituals), so too can we, as magical beings, not fight fire with fire, but just extend out our own personal energy fields, our own little solar systems, as is our right. If each person of good heart learned how to do this, the energies of destruction and harm would have no choice but recede back into the realm from which they came. There would simply be no room for them to manifest here.

Here comes the sun....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Christine »

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m sitting here in bed, covers pulled up, and not wanting to get up. We didn’t get to cut wood this last weekend, and we’re out of presto logs. I can’t run the chain saw myself anymore, due to physical issues. So I can’t keep the fire going through the day, and I’m kinda in hunker down mode. I don’t want to run the propane heater as much as I would need to, to stay comfortably warm, and don’t want to sit around in my snow pants. What’s a girl to do?

As usual, I have an ongoing flow of thoughts running through my head, so what the heck. I’ll try to write, and see where it goes. I haven’t been posting much as of late. I wonder why that is. As I think about it, I realize I have a strange juxtaposition of thoughts, interests, and lack of interest at the same time. When I think about any of the main topics people seem to be interested in, I find myself just shaking my head. The political arena for one. Like, who is this Pelosi character? All I know, is she irritates the crap out of me, just seeing her face. I don’t even want to know, anything, about the shit show they call politics, for it bores me, and repulses me to no end.

And the Coronavirus. Like, seriously? I actually remember dying from some illness in other lifetimes, with high fever, becoming delirious, and basically just fading away. We’re all going to leave the physical sooner or later. I absolutely refuse to buy into the hype and fear. Primarily, because I’ve seen this show before, way too many times. It bores me too.

Then there’s the whole climate change thing going on, with heavy helpings of hype and fear applied there as well. Yawn. Not because I don’t care, but, like I said, I remember other lives, and am highly aware of cycles. Large cycles, small cycles, intersecting cycles. Yes, change is upon us. But I don’t believe this planet is going to become uninhabitable any time soon. We may have to change the way we do things, and, of course, humans don’t like change. I also believe that most of the human made contributions to what is viewed with great fear by many, is actually caused by corporations and industries, that are owned by individuals who actually want to see the worlds population of what appears to be many lifeforms, human and otherwise, drastically reduced. At all costs, they have to maintain their illusion of control.

It reminds me of America’s many wild horse herds. The ranchers see no problem at all with their practice of elimination, so they can have more cattle and less competition. And I know a few people who think we shouldn’t have re-introduced wolves back into the wild, for then they can’t use the land to run, again, cattle and sheep, without suffering any losses due to predation.

You see, I just lost three animals to a wounded cougar. Yes, it was traumatic. Yes, I had to put up higher fences, and start putting most of my goats in closed shelters overnight. But, do I hate all cougars now? Do I think they are the enemy? No, I don’t. I live in and with nature. I am not above it. I am a part of it. It is up to me to take responsibility, and make needed changes to accommodate nature, not the other way around.

And, I see so many people lately, struggling with this world, this reality. I, also, shed tears almost daily, and struggle to find meaning in it all. I’ve had this sense since I was very young, that I don’t belong here, in this reality, this time. I’ve seen in my mind how things could be, and how much needless suffering goes on, and how completely bereft of morals, ethics, and just plain human kindness is lacking in policies of governing bodies the world over. Sovereignty is an ideal that got lost a long time ago. We are not born free. From the time we come into this world, our parents slave away at meaningless jobs (oftentimes), to pay for our being here, until we “come of age”, so we, too, can become slaves of this “system” of so called living that has been imposed on us all.

I just don’t want to play this game anymore. It makes me sad on such a deep level, I almost feel as though I could become lost in it. You would think that all this loss would make us more humble, more compassionate, more aware. Perhaps it has for some of us. I know so many who are experiencing loss of loved ones lately too. Heartbreaking, whether it’s a child, parent, life partner, or furry friend. Maybe those who leave us are the lucky ones. I do wonder sometimes.

Where is the sun....?

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention the Super Bowl. It’s another one of those “I just don’t care” topics. Yes, clearly they are trying to make Satanic imagery, ideals, behaviors, a fad that is considered “cool”. Well, I just don’t think it’s cool at all.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Just jotting down a few thoughts that came to me as I spent a bit of time, musing about this strange reality I keep waking up in every day. There are some strange energies pushing in around us as of late, that require our collective response. It’s weird to feel such incredible spiritual potential that lies just under the surface, yet completed unclaimed by the masses.

And that’s what we need right now, is a mass coming awake from the fairytale illusion we have all been sleepwalking our life through. I just went to a forum presented at Gonzaga University on the current rollout of 5G technology being fast tracked in the eastern Washington State city of Spokane. All I can say is, wow! At least a few of the people were quite outspoken and concerned about the health risks of this technology, and were not at all happy to see these antennas going up about every other block throughout the city. One lady had one installed next to her two story home, where she could see it right out her upstairs window. And nobody asked her how she felt about it. You could tell she wasn’t pleased.

It’s going to be interesting to see how the 5G rollout, coupled with cases of this feared pandemic showing up closer and closer to home, will effect everyone, because it’s definitely starting to cause quite a stir in the collective. I’m beginning to wonder, not so much what’s going to happen to me, but what’s going to happen on a much wider scale. It’s definitely shaping up to be epic.

It’s also weird to see how emotion driven everyone is, even though it’s not acknowledged as such. People like to think of themselves in glowing terms often times, but what I see is people not really doing all that well under pressure, most of them anyway. It’s this factor alone that worries me more than anything.

I have to do some clearing of the energies around myself almost daily, for I can feel the energies pushing in around me, from the collective, most especially the fear. Then at the same time I have to clear what is coming from me, the more hidden subconscious aspects of myself, where my own fears, expectations, assumptions, beliefs, and programming hide.

Once again, every time I do this, I seem to come into contact with a completely different frequency, field of energy, that is steady, soft, gentle, benevolent in every way. I actually have conversations with it in my head. It, just this morning, showed itself to me as two beings, one representing the divine feminine, and one representing the divine masculine. It basically conveyed that these were my spiritual parents, and that, beyond this, they both came from the same source, and, although actually one being with the first emanation of this divine creative energy, it split into two beings, so as to begin the spiraling dance of creation.

This is what is real to me. All else is part of the show. Like, where is the popcorn? But, these beings also conveyed to me that the actual experience of this part of the dance is of great importance, even though I often feel like I am just a spectator (and I’m often not thrilled with what I see on many of these reality channels). More and more I feel drawn to spend time with this exercise, every day, where I tune into the channel that is still there, still operating, just before our conscious mind awareness, that is totally tuned to the natural organic world around us.

Yes, they tell me, there is an attempted takeover going on, by an alien intelligence that wants to control our minds, literally, meaning control our experience of reality, and shape it into what basically amounts to a never ending nightmare for most. This entity, or group of entities, feeds off of this energy that is released. It utilizes these ungrounded emotional energies, released by us humans, to fuel its narrative and agenda. But, we can wake up!

Hell, if I can do it, anyone can. All it takes is a sliver of awareness for the cracking open to begin, just like an egg hatching into a completely new awareness and reality. I guess that’s why I keep trying to engage, even when it seems futile. They also tell me to “keep the faith”. The darkest hour comes just before dawn.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

A little moral dilemma for you... A friend on FB sent this to me (it’s 316 pages long), and my husband and I are having an interesting discussion about the following scenario. No easy answers forthcoming on this either. I will add more as time permits. In fact, the entire PDF is an interesting read, if you can at least consider the possibilities. ... -_lkze_iqE

Pg. 286-287
When adherents to such religions(*my note - referring to religious teachings that are heavily into retribution, vengeance, sacrifice, and eye for an eye type archaic thinking), doctrines enshrined in “writings from the realm of evil," as Simon the Canaanite's followers put it, invade a culture based on peaceful coexistence, then tolerance for the aggressor's right to practice his “religion” becomes a moral dilemma for the people under attack. On the one hand, they feel morally justified to protect their culture with as much force as needed. On the other, their morality frowns on intolerance. So they have to choose. They can either ignore the principle of tolerance their faith is founded upon and, de facto, practice their aggressor's “religion,” or remain loyal to the principles of their faith and be overrun by the aggressor, in which case their culture, principles and all, will be wiped out, along with its leaders, and replaced by that of the aggressor.

That such a choice is difficult for the leadership of a tolerant society is an understatement. The leader tries to resolve his moral dilemma by comparing the aggression to a home invasion. He comes to the conclusion that the first responsibility of the head of a household is his family's welfare. Consequently, he is not only authorized but required to repel an invader using all means at his disposal. However, his reasoning alone does not lead to timely decisions if the invasion is subtle and gradual. In the absence of a trigger, he can neither identify the point where intervention is morally justified—and required—nor decide on the degree of force to use. Should a homeowner chase a perpetrator beyond the front door? Should he launch preemptive strikes to foil an impending attack, punitive measures to discourage an aggressor from future attempts, or preventive campaigns to eliminate a threat? So what is the leader of a tolerant, peaceful society to do? Unfortunately, reason alone does not generate answers to such questions. Decisions of this nature need guidance from another source.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m having a very bizarre day, that has come upon me unexpected. That’s what happens sometimes, the unexpected.

It’s also getting pretty bizarre out there in the world, on a much grander scale. My mind is fairly blown. Should I just go ahead and say what I think? I mean, I’ve already been going on and on here, for over 5 years. Why should I stop now, right?

I mean, this is just my observations, based on my own little limited view of reality, both personal, and as part of a much larger whole of consciousness. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, but find I benefit from learning about what others are experiencing, as we are having a collective experience, of which parts can be observed and shared.

I don’t know yet if I will post this on the forum, for I often do write with that intention, and, depending on how personal I get, it may go in the private section. I realize many (probably most) of the seemingly large number of guests who come here are probably not real people, but it still surprises me that people just come to read and not participate.

It is another day now from when I started this, but it would appear we might be in for a rather continuous and long lasting spell of weirdness, so gathering my thoughts is generally a useful endeavor.

What I realize I want to write about, and what is on my mind, is not a topic for the masses. Even with people in my everyday life, much of what I notice, feel, and think about, is not something I share with most. I truly don’t think they could handle it. I talk strange enough as it is.

And that is part of it. How we can all be here, with some general shared parameters and perceptions of the reality construct we are operating in. Yet, we each live in our own little bubble, and, like Venn diagrams with various amounts of our shared realities overlapping. I learned about Venn diagrams when I had to take a totally illogical logic class to meet one of my math requirements when in college. Sometimes I get glimpses of the larger bubble that is our collective container, and beyond. But any words I use to describe what this means to me falls too short to be of much value.

It’s like trying to describe what you see to a blind person who has never had sight before. It’s more of a full fledged sense of being immersed in a much larger, expanded field, or bubble of understanding and potential, than our finite little biological minds can comprehend. But, our spirit has no trouble at all, for, I feel this is where we each come from, and will return to upon leaving our physical body.

I wonder, too, do those who are blind from birth have dreams where they can see? But, anyway, as I often do, I digress. So, on the pandemic of fear and panic, as well as a possible real threat for some more than others, that is spreading across the planet, I have made some interesting observations. One, is no matter what the truth of it all is, this kind of collective experience we’re having can serve many agendas. It can be looked at in many ways. One, is I know there is some reason to accept the possibility that trauma gets passed down through the generations through our DNA. So, almost all of us have in our genetic history ancestors who died from the various plagues and pandemics that swept across the populations of many parts of the world. And, because it’s not,consciously remembered by us, we do have some collectively stored trauma to process. So, it could be a gift, but, due to the fact there are those who benefit from keeping us in a fearful and submissive state, many will not see the opportunity. And those who manipulate us are very good at what they do.

The other topic that seems to be coming up for me is the way in which I actually live in two, or even more, realities at the same time. I converse pretty much continuously with the unseen realms, and realize that my understanding ow what a crowded place this is will not be understood by many. There are forces all around us, intelligent beings and thought forms, of various different frequencies. Some feel incredibly wise, loving, and benevolent, almost like the perfect set of parental figures (if we could imagine in great detail the best case scenario for an optimal life experience and what a template to strive for might look like).

Others are very low frequency, and when engaged, have a very specific way of talking and their energy feels, frankly, quite creepy. They tend to flip flop between being patronizing and childlike, to hostile, and quite vile, saying things that sound positively demonic. Especially when they possess someone, and they manage to take charge of the conversation. My husband and I, together, have experienced this phenomena enough times, to have formulated some ideas about how to deal with it. The foremost things is not giving it a crack to get in. For that’s the other thing it/they do. They know and exploit your greatest vulnerabilities and weaknesses. They cause the possessed person to engage in activities and behaviors that are clearly self sabotaging, and if you take the bait and become energetically, emotionally, and psychically entangled it will leave you with a feeling of WTF just happened?

And these low frequency beings and energies love to stir up trouble. It’s what they do best, besides preying on weakened vulnerable people and basically living vicariously through them.

I’m going to come back to this when I have more time, but wanted to get my thoughts down while they were still fresh in my mind. I think I will share this, for I know before me and my husband both came to our current understanding, and are teaching ourselves how to interact with these energies in a less destructive way, we become stronger, and more able to handle the absolute strangeness of our times. We understand better what we are really up against. It also helps to have at least a few people in your life you can talk to about these things. If I didn’t know the handful of people I know who also have experience in these areas, and aren’t afraid to talk about it, I would truly question my grip on reality, because it does almost feel too strange to be true. But when I do come from the premise that what I am experiencing is as my intuition tells me it is, I get better results. Which is to restore my own equilibrium and balance. I am more able to address these low frequency beings without judgement and anger, as well as still holding a frequency of love and compassion for the person afflicted.

This is important to me as we continue to move into this strange new world we are entering, for I do feel we will all be sorely tested on our resolve. The higher frequency and benevolently expressed field I communicate with continues to encourage me to psychically “hold the line”. If you’ve done much energy work in your life, you will understand what this means. I guess I’ve been in training for this my whole life. We are there now. With total love for all.....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

When I talked about this year getting off to a brisk start, knowing there would be big changes, I have to admit, this isn’t how I thought it was all going to unfold. I want to post things on the forum, to keep some new content happening. But it’s also a struggle, for in a way I just don’t know what to say.

I have my own little life out here, with baby goats any day now, new chickens to watch and clean up after, eggs to eat, seeds to plant, composted poop to distribute, and so much more. But there is only so much I can write about my life here, without boring the hell out of even myself. Doing it, being here, is great! It’s just, for those whose life is more mainstream, they can’t relate.

And, I can’t relate to them very well anymore. I used to be them. When my boys were little, I dutifully took them in for all the required vaccinations. I held them overnight, as each time they were sick for at least 24 hours afterwards. It wasn’t until my daughter was born 12 years later, that I had seriously begun to question things. To be honest, in theory the idea of injecting something that will stimulate your immune system to produce antibodies, doesn’t sound so out there. I get the logic of it. It’s just I don’t get all the other toxic ingredients in there that no doctor can satisfactorily explain to me their need to be in there. And, of course, the need to give so many at one time.

The reason I’m talking about vaccines, is because this IS most likely to be one of the long lasting side effects of the current situation unfolding in the larger collective. Yes, some good will come out of this, such as people becoming more self reliant, and engaging in behaviors that are more valuable in the long run. Gardening, plant based health maintenance care, and small farming in general are all good things. Learning to pull together as a people could be a good thing.

Yet, I see more and more and more reasons for people to feel the need to be on one side or the other over numerous thorny issues on the forefront of our consciousness these days. It feels very turbulent, and the news is positively doing a horrendously good job of not so subtle mind programming. If you’ve pulled away from television viewing for many years, as I have, you will know exactly what I mean.

And this is why I feel reluctant to post anything. Sure, I’m still interested in piecing together the true story of our past, as opposed to the lies we’ve been programmed to believe. I’m still interested in a lot of things. I have a ton of stuff to do here on the home front that will bring me great personal satisfaction. I love watching things grow, flourish, and be birthed. I like visualizing, and then making real my visions. I love working with nature, to just soak up the positive vibes that come from cultivating beauty and joy.

But people are creating and engaging in feeding a field of fear in the outer reality of which I am a part that is growing to enormous proportions. I realize there is likewise a different stream of energy flowing into our reality, one fresh like a warm summers breeze, that hasn’t been felt in a long long time. It is here too, and I and others can definitely feel it.

The deal is, I wonder whether this one reality built on fear will overshadow the new sun shining in our skies, and life as I know it literally ceases to exist. For if, and it is a quite likely if, they are successful at accomplishing several things that have been in the works for a long time, such as all of us being micro-chipped, forced into making cash obsolete, and having to prove we have been vaccinated for this so called new COVID19 virus scare, plus all the rest of them, just to buy anything at all, we are indeed in big trouble. Dimming our sun is now out in the public domain as something seemingly for our benefit. Don’t you dare question global warming. Don’t question the bought and paid for media’s dribble on pretty much anything. In fact, pretty much don’t think at all. Just be good little slaves.

And I am having a problem with some of what I see percolating just below the surface here. First of all, no one has ever been able to adequately explain how some one who isn’t vaccinated can even be a threat to someone who is, especially if the vaccine has been effective in the first place. Like, isn’t that what it is supposed to do? Protect you even if you ARE exposed? No one can answer that one either. So the public response really is starting to feel like Pavlov’s dog, salivating on command.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not claiming there is no one dying, or that there isn’t some new viral strain circulating around. I am dutifully keeping my distance, and limiting my trips. Mostly out of respect to others though. You see, a couple more things stand out to me. One, is my whole approach to staying healthy is completely different from the mainstream, and has been most of my adult life. I’ve done many things I was told were not possible. My way works for me, and if I had followed mainstream medicine’s way, I would probably be dead. I do not want that right taken away from me. In a way, it is part of my spiritual belief system, that is backed up by actual experience. It is part of sacred law, the right to choose what I do with my own body.

I do not fear this virus, because I know I have a set time to leave this world. It will happen when it’s meant to happen, and I accept that as a part of this physical experience. I’ve been with two women in their nineties who passed away. I saw and felt many things that, in addition to out of body experiences, have given me a different outlook than most. I had an accident where I flew through a windshield back in 1991, that should have seriously debilitated me or possibly even killed me. Not one broken bone, and I actually wanted to die. What a deal. And many are more afraid of death than the virus. They are often not that happy with the current structure of the average persons life on this planet. But they also often cannot quite put their finger on the exact cause of their dissatisfaction.

And, seriously, why don’t we give a damn about all the homeless people, all the people dying of starvation, all those displaced due to conflicts not of their own making? So I am not afraid of death anymore, and I am not afraid of what will come while I am still in the physical. I have an unshakable faith that I will be okay. But I can tell you, I will not be willing to give up my sovereignty that is given by creator that will always trump mans laws. I take my orders from an entirely different kind of god, a different kind of supreme intelligence, that rules without ruling, that loves without conditions, and that would never deceive and demand obedience through fear.

I can feel the memories and blood of my ancestors coursing through my veins. They were a tough pragmatic bunch, who valued freedom. I also had ancestors who were not even cut from the same cloth, and whose intentions and thoughts I can also feel. They have no empathy, and their modus operandi is to deceive, to toy with its prey like a cat does a mouse, chasing them through a maze with no end. I will give them no quarter, for they do not deserve it. If nothing else, I will stand witness to their machinations, and just simply not be afraid. That is empowering in itself.

Am I alone in holding the line, that says stand for your brothers and sisters in faith, stand for the sacred mother and father, and all our relations, stand for the earth who gives freely all that we need, and can show us the way without a compass, without a map, without a Bible, or sacred text. Only through faith and love can we effortlessly pass through the eye of the needle. I will not even look to see who stands with me. We will all know when the time is right, and we do not even need to worry. All will be revealed. In love, and peace.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Give me liberty, or give me death

Just jotting down a few thoughts. I wonder, mostly everyday, about the big divide between the differing ideologies making up people’s thoughts and beliefs, and therefore influencing their perceptual interpretation of what is occurring in their lives.

My experiences and interpretation of my reality is, of course, somewhat subjective, just like anyone else. Probably one of the biggest differences in the way I experience reality and most of my fellowman, is that every time I consciously realize I have a belief about something, I am willing to question it. My understanding is subject to change, all the time.

Over time, I have come to experience myself in totally different ways than I even knew was possible, and so no longer believe I am just a physical body, and that all of my thoughts originate in my physical brain, or even that the real me that animates this body even has to have one to experience what I would call “life”.

This has also led me to contemplate the whole nature of reality, and ask many questions.

So, back to where I started, why do some people almost never question their beliefs and interpretation of reality that is mostly programming from as soon as they were born into this world? The reason I ask this, is because I am trying to understand why some people literally believe in their governments, their religions, their mainstream media outlets, and the government and corporate sponsored “experts” that help prop up the belief structures that those at the top which to promulgate. To me, when I feel into these structures, they all feel like a house of cards, ready to fall down at any moment, for there is no real substance to any of them. They just don’t hold up to my actual of experience of life here that goes beyond belief to personal knowing.

Another reason I ask, is it also feels like they are maneuvering the masses who don’t question much of anything about the fabricated consensus reality channel they are on, and those very masses may be turned against the rest of us who have held onto and expanded on this other way of experiencing life here. For the most part, those I’ve gotten to know over these past few years that seem to share my questioning nature, have remained fairly incognito. We may try to inform our fellow man about some of the bigger and more impactful to all life strategies and agendas those at the top intend to implement if allowed to continue unquestioned and unchecked. But we generally just try to live and let live, and not really bother anyone.

And, even though we aren’t out trying to make everyone over in our own image, we also, from what I know of those who are like me, are not willing to give up our continued right to think for ourselves, and hold a different view of “the world” and “reality” than the masses. As long as we are not hurting anyone (and there is ample evidence that all whom I know are actually motivated by wanting to help their fellowman and the environment), we should not be forced to conform. Especially when we recognize the predatory nature of this manufactured set of “belief constructs” that they’ve programmed most of humanity to participate in. Even if you do question the narrative (and I obviously do), life will force you to play along in some aspects whether you want to or not.

The money game is a quick example. We went from originally being born free in this world, to having to literally pay just to be alive, in some form or fashion. And your parents are supposed to pay for you until you “come of age”. And now they’ve rigged the game so that the number of those unable to pay have suddenly exploded, while a small handful of already filthy rich have just profited from their demise. ... -rise.html

I won’t go on and on about Bill Gates, but it should be fairly obvious what his game is. Even just a small willingness to look at the evidence will reveal his true intentions. And believe me, it is not benevolent. None of these characters, such as Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, or Musk, is coming from a place that truly wishes to benefit life on this earth for all. Maybe they think it will help create some weird utopian vision the richest of the rich have about how they want their reality structured, and the rest simply exist to help them get there. At least, that’s how it looks to me. I will not support that. And I will continue to call them out, as I do care about ALL life here.

The day they stop those of us who keep shouting from the mountain tops with our loudspeakers about what we see, is the day the birds stop singing, the bees quit making honey, and the waters flow red and black, with blood of the poor and oil of the rich. Not a world I want to live in. So, yes, for those who refuse to question, I hope I am wrong, I hope I am so wrong. Time will tell....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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