Reflections by the moonlight

''Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.''
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hello lovelys, dropping by to say hi, Love to All.

What a ride 2018 was... hahaha ! You gotta love it ! Now, a brand new year, a brand new cycle, 2019 is going to be a really, really good one ! I leave you with a few songs, of course. ;)

It's been sooooo long...


All around shadows of you...

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Good morning Lovely’s,

Although I come by often, I have not entered this veil in many moons. I do think of you often. So much talk of ‘natural’ disasters going on everywhere, I pray that you are all safe. My river has overflown this year again. Very strange weather indeed… some of us know there is something very wrong with this, but alas, what else can we do except take responsibility for our own lives.

I’ve had major lessons coming my way since the beginning of the year. I sometimes wonder how many layers there are to healing. Haha…! I fell and dislocated my shoulder in February, on the last day of a job I was running away from, my front doorhandle had frozen and broke earlier that week, there was a major snowstorm coming our way and my days of shoveling were over, so needed to find someone quick, I was in between jobs, no salary, major financial worries, oh, and my stove broke, completely. Argh! WTF! Talk about being pinned down. At that job that I was leaving, I had been attacked personally in a very dark way. But you see I too have a very dark side. I was broken, in many ways, so I dived inside. I found a little creature living inside me that is very ancient, a very young wild animal, very fearful, very protective, very powerful and very much hidden. It works in the background, knows how not to be seen, and it does much damage if not handled with Love very quickly. Did I get to see my shadow? At least part of it, I think. What to do next? Go forth and look for the blessing! I must say that life has become simpler through these lessons. I am more at peace with myself, loving the good, the bad and the ugly AND the beauty of my being.

What did I glean lately? Many jewels, some of which I find here. Back in 2012, I heard about a documentary that was being produced, Time of the Sixth Sun. I was launched this spring and I watched the documentary and many of the episodes. It is a good watch. The narrative is done by Tobias (channeling). I always liked Tobias. I am very careful with channeling; I do not give it more power than it has. I have reserve about sharing the material because of the links to many other channelers. So, do not forget to think for yourself now..." onclick=";return false;

I have enjoyed many of the people featured in the film (and episodes). What I kept the most, is a sharing from Pat McCabe – let go of my stuff (The Grandmothers Speak)! It helps with the little creature. And then, the beautiful discovery of Tim Mac Macartney and The Children’s Fire. I was very moved by the poetry of Shivam O’Brien. (Both from Grandfathers Speak)
The Children's Fire: " onclick=";return false;

It gives me hope to know that you are there my lovely’s. Some of you I have met by my passing through Avalon, and we have found each other ever since. It was a necessary journey, now I know you are out there. 8-)

So, Estas Tonne was the person responsible for me connecting with The Sixth Sun, therefore, enjoy !

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi Moonlight! So lovely to see you pop in! Meant to respond to this sooner, but ya know, life just keeps intruding on my writing time. So very interesting what you say about your little being that you have found within yourself. I know I have identified something very primal hidden deep within that comes out at unexpected times. I’ve found exploring my shadowy realms to be most fruitful in getting to know more about who and what I really am, although the end result leaves me feeling like I have a big chunk of understanding that I pretty much have to keep to myself. So far there are few who can relate to this discovery about the dark terrain hidden within, and fewer still who want to talk about it. So many want to identify with only the “love and light” side of themselves. Hence, the continued projection of all the evil coming from somewhere else. For our collective healing I feel it is paramount for each of us to “own” our shadow side, but that still feels like a long ways off, and may just be a person by person endeavor.

And, wow, all I can say is thank you for sharing about life basically. I share so much of myself here that I don’t even share with close relatives, and I wonder what the hell am I doing! Life can be so very f*ing challenging sometimes! It’s a wonder we keep finding the strength and inner fortitude to just keep going, yet here we are. And dealing with other people’s shadow self is becoming more of a common occurrence for some of us. I admit, I have a long ways to go there, and keep wondering when me and others I know aren’t going to have to keep doing the Macarena to keep (or regain) our balance through it all.

And I couldn’t have said this any better!
“What to do next? Go forth and look for the blessing! I must say that life has become simpler through these lessons. I am more at peace with myself, loving the good, the bad and the ugly AND the beauty of my being.”

Oh yeah, and I’m very careful about the whole channeling thing too. I believe any of us can and do channel, but it can become something else when we start doing it for others. I’ve seen people who just let any “being” come on in and use them to impart it’s version of how things are, and some of those energies do not feel good to be around at all. Yet, there really are benevolent beings just as abundant. The trick is learning the difference.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Geez... Spiritwind... Your response made me happy. I just spent a long time writing a response to you... pressed submit, and poof ! I'm logged out and my text is gone, gone, gone.... with the wind. ;)

I did say something about being nostalgic of when we needed to wait for a letter to come in the mail. Haha ! and I have to go for now. I'll try to be back soon.

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Spritwind.... I have read many of your writings and have been moved many times. I do not know what you are doing either, but please don’t stop. :)

It is so; shadow work is a very lonely path. I do not think it can be any other way. Healing is a slow process and very personal to each. I have the privilege of having a few friends with whom I can share. We don’t get to meet often, but if one of us is having a hard time, we can always call on the strength of each other. I am very grateful for this.

The awakening can be very traumatic, as you well know. It can bring you down and suck the joy of life out of you. To acknowledge that the same darkness you see outside is also inside of you takes a lot of courage. You can either deny its presence or start the cleaning process, knowing that this alone is your responsibility.

I’m still peeling away at the layers of who I am really, behind all of the lies I have believed, behind all of the ways I have put in place to cope, behind all the programming. It is always the same thread I find, I just get to go deeper each time, just because I am ready to see and learn from it. Denying the darkness gives you only a partial view of what you can be. It all starts inside, your inner world, what is it you tell yourself all day. Peace, Love and Light, its radiance starts inside, and the real test is when there is an asshole in front of you.

The job I was in became a place of gossip and because I did not adhere to certain behaviors, I was picked on viciously and ostracized. I was the ugly duckling in that group. It triggered very deep fears in me and I observed a change in my attitude. My vibration had changed. When I stopped to really listen to what was going on inside of me, I saw the mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the ugliest of them all… you all are. That’s how I got to finally meet that little frightened creature that has been travelling with me for a long time. I was not ready to see it before, or I was not willing to see it before, because it helped me so many times. It was time for me to do things differently. Once you see, you become responsible. You always are, but now you know.

I therefore chose to leave for better grounds, so that I can be with a group of people more in tune with who I am. It’s always easier to be Love and Light when you are in better surroundings, your own demons are less triggered. It takes two to tango… it’s always better when both dancers have been learning the steps, otherwise it is just chaos.

Maybe one day we will get to all meet in real life and sit by the fire. That would be nice.


Un coucou spécial à Blue Rising aujourd'hui ;)
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Christine »

... in silent communion with all we share.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Good morning lovelys,

Hope you are all living well. I heard a certain calling, so here I am, in this special place. What is there to say? Be careful what you wish for? hahaha! We ain't seen nothing yet, that's what I say. Where will all this lead us? Some of us will still be here to see, some of us will see from afar, some of us will see nothing at all, as usual. The main thing is that we are moving forward, no matter what. No more waiting. Get ready, go!

Be safe lovelys. Love, Love, Love to all of you. Keep on dancing ;)

... in silent communion with all we share. xoxoxo

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Spiritwind »

So very nice to see you drop by Moonlight! You must have been feeling me wondering about you, how you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. Even if for a fleeting moment, it’s wonderful to feel your presence here! You’ve been fondly missed.

Loving the springtime showers and all the green! Such a beautiful time of year (in some ways at least!)

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Good morning Spritwind,

I am well, thank you for asking. I should say that I am better, since I was in much turmoil for a while, even felt that my time had come and would be going back home soon. I would have died with a smile. But, here I am still, more alive than ever. Enough said.

The weirdest thing for me is that I was in an opening up movement, even planning to sell my car to spend time in Costa Rica in early May. Then the dreams started, something was brewing and there was urgency to all of it. The warning gave me time to get ready, warn my loved ones who did not really believe me; all was so unsure and blurred. Then the whole planet was in locked down. Wow!

Here in Québec, we are hit hard, mostly in what is called ‘nursing’ homes, like everywhere else. The door is wide opened and lots are going through in much confusion. We are not supposed to die this way.

My area is safer for the most part. My loved ones are all in good health. My closest friends work with very vulnerable people, so yes, I kept my distances. It was the thing for me to do. I am teleworking since mid-March, and for a loner like me, I still felt the loneliness. Considering what was going on in my life, I stayed alone with my cats; it was the thing to do.

Spring has come and the weather has become milder, the flowers are blooming, the birds and bees are busy. Each day, I go for long walks in the Gatineau Park who opened up a few weeks ago. I can now see my family and friends again, which is a great pleasure.

I realized even more that I live a very lonely life, not that I really want it any other way. I love people, but do not like most… toilet paper zombies. Hahaha! Maybe it is just the way it is for me now. I am still open to connecting with like-minded people, I just don’t really know how.

I must have felt your concern, this warms my heart. I came by here and there to check on you guys a while back. This week, waking up, something was in the air and it was a nagging call. So I came, here, in my safe place for which I am very thankful even though I don’t come by very often. If anybody wanted to get in touch with me, this would be the place to do so; otherwise, the meetings are in the silence.

I see you now have a website ! Very good ! Love reading your life at the farm. Thank you.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Blue Rising »

Hello, beautiful! I don't usually log in, but since your little sacred space is hidden from public view, I had to log in to see it. And what do you know...I followed your have been here recently!

Yeah, isn't life surreal? I'm so sorry to hear to have been unwell, that hurts my heart. I'm glad you are better!!

I have not felt the loneliness some have, I have been fortunate with my daughter and grandson living with me. Of course, on the flip side...there is no escaping a 3 year old boy who is most assuredly the most constant and intense child I have ever encountered. LOL

Leaving much love here,
Do not fashion me a maiden who needs saving from the dragons. I am the Dragon. And I will eat you whole.
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