Journey Home

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Journey Home

Post by Spiritwind »

In thinking about the thought prison that was constructed for us, I thought about the ideas of reincarnation, karma, and original sin. I remember thinking many years ago that, as a spiritual seeker since I began to formulate thoughts here, I would have to find someone else who knew the answers to find the truth, and that I would surely have to come back many times to make the necessary improvements to become truly more enlightened. I now believe that what I used to believe is incorrect.

I now see that as a thought process pattern, it did eventually lead to greater understanding, but was in reality fundamentally false. Because I believed I was fundamentally flawed, I felt the need to take action to fix myself. And in reality, I did have a great deal to face and heal, but the answers never were outside of myself. It has taken brutal self honesty to make any headway, because what I realized was ultimately the problem, is that I had held onto every trauma I had ever experienced, in this life and many others. I now even tend to think that all of these separate lives may have occurred because we were originally fragmented into many pieces through trauma based technologies, so as to extract as much of our potential life force energy as possible, making it next to impossible to reassemble all the pieces and reintegrate ourselves. 

I also now believe that I do not need to consciously re-experience every little detail of all that has occurred, the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, to heal the fragmented pieces of myself. As I have been blessed to be able to reassemble enough of myself to get at least a glimmer of understanding, it seems I have established enough of a reconnection to my true self, and the source of all that is, beyond this reality that we are now all experience, that I can now consciously work in alignment with the divine forces of creation to transmute all that no longer serves my higher good, as I make the journey home. And home to me is not a destination or an end or beginning, it is a state of being wherein all potential is made available to be realized in a more conscious fashion aligned with my true ideals and values. No longer tethered to a false reality, that while maybe providing a great classroom for self understanding of all that I am not, is not someplace I want to stay forever to be fodder for someone else's reality. 

I also want to say something about my underlying approach to life since childhood. I had a strange experience when I was about 6 years old. I could describe the experience but I still can't claim to know what the true meaning was. But I can tell you the impact it has had on my entire life. I knew then that there were forces much greater than our conscious selves that were interacting with this world and the life forms here. Since I was raised in a very religious environment, I was familiar with the idea that there were forces working to assist us, as well as forces working against our higher good. I chose all the way back then to make a conscious effort to align myself in the unseen world with forces that were working to assist us in achieving a state of true freedom. I knew that it had to start with me. Even though I operated from within this matrix and in general was blind to much of the larger reality that surrounds us, I knew that this would lead to where I wanted to go and offer some protection, if indeed there was any to be had. 

I do believe that energy follows thought, and that you get more of whatever you focus on. These ideas have led me to greater understanding and personal freedom, at least from within. As within, so without.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Journey Home

Post by Spiritwind »

This seems to be a continuation of my previous post so will put this here.

Trust and truth

For all my life I have been asking basically the same questions. What is our true history, what really am I, what should be my priorities during my experience here. When I intend to receive information from beyond this collective experience, where there is more perspective, I call to that place from deep within my being wherein lies that spark of divine energy that is connected to source, always has been, and always will be. From that place I intend to receive guidance. Because of this I have come to see that even when my life lessons seem to take me down a path I didn't see clearly upon entering, I no longer feel that any of the detours were really a mistake at all. 

Many times upon my journey here I have had to rewrite the script. I have many times put blind trust in total strangers. I have even been intentionally deceived on many occasions, and had a rather slow, painful awakening in every case. I humbly admit that it is still possible for me to be deceived. I can even deceive myself without realizing it. Maybe that is the nature of experiencing what is really a predatory world. But each time I seem to come out the other side stronger from the experience. And a dawning realization has slowly occurred. Even the deceivers are deceived as well, whether they know it or not.

So as I extricate myself from each of these types of experiences I also strengthen my connection to source, the place I have come to trust, the place where I finally realize all the answers I seek abide. I can only hold the door open for others making a similar journey, but I have also come to accept that it may be a somewhat lonely journey. Force and deception of any kind can not be used. It just doesn't work to get where I am going. I am not even sure where that is, but the side effect seems to be a greatly increased sense of inner peace. There is no other way for me to go. It makes me sad that where I am going does not seem to be a sought after destination. Maybe it is just too hard to let go of what you think you know to trustingly embrace the great unknown. What lies ahead for me is not scary at all. One hundred percent faith. That is where this path has led me, and also to much greater self love that is not dependent on the acceptance of others. 

So this day I am grateful. This body may only have a limited life span, but we are eternal sparks of divine energy and there is no need to fear. Take action to create the reality I want to see by how I live my day to day life and treat people, but there is not much else to do. Each of us will determine our futures by our thoughts and actions, and I do not intend to assist those who intend to be the top predators in this reality to manifest their wet dream of total control by giving them my energy. I have a different reality to create that will require a focused imagination, action, and intent. I will dream a different dream. Energy follows thoughts and intentions. I will do what I can to alleviate the suffering around me, but I will not waste my energy worrying about things I can do nothing about. And for now, I am not putting my trust in any alien beings, alliances, societies, or anything else to fix what has gone wrong in this world. There are just way to many spoons in the soup and I have come to trust only in myself and those I have come to know on a personal level over time. 

I heartily support others who feel driven to do more and put action to their words. There are many sincere and good hearted people who truly do want to help make this world a better place. But I am just no longer jumping on anyone's band wagon. Each of us has our own unique learning experiences to further our understanding of how things work here, but I am much less driven these days to put my energy into anything that isn't tangible for me in my here and now. We all of us have a lot of work to do, and each must do their part and in their own way. I trust that there is more at work here than meets the eye, and will not look outside myself to find out what that is anymore, other than sharing with those whose general focus is the same. A mutually supportive and loving environment, where trust grows through shared experiences is where it is at for me. No time to dwell on the distractions that have been created for us by those who wish to enslave. There are consequences to every action and their days are numbered. 

I have a new dream to dream. 
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Journey Home

Post by Spiritwind »

I stumbled across this post from over 3 years ago, when the forum was still in its infancy. Interesting that I still feel every word written here as if I wrote it yesterday. Wow, and what a three years it has been. I am in awe, I am grateful, and I am still dreaming a different dream. The only thing that has changed is I have now found a few more who seem to be dreaming differently too.

I am a dreamer, and I am glad I’m not the only one...
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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