Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Don’t have time to write much today, but as anyone with a brain cell left to think with can tell, we are moving in to a dark winter, indeed.

I feel strangely cheery, nonetheless, although that feeling comes and goes. Part of it is because I recognize so clearly, now, the underlying framework from which they work, and it’s the same every damn time. Nothing new under the sun here. And, people as whole are quite gullible, is also what I now realize, and didn’t before. Psychological warfare at its finest, or worst, depending on your perspective.

There is a website, I will mention again, as it had a group on FB for a short time, and, of course it’s already been removed. So, for anyone wanting to see for themselves the sheer volume of stories coming out from all walks of life, from people all over the world, this is a very informative website. While it was on FB, almost every post garnered hundreds, sometimes 1,000’s of responses within just a few hours. I was surprised it lasted as long as it did before being taken down.

A perfect storm is being created, by those furtive folks who work behind the scenes. It kind of reminds me of the movie, The Hunger Games, and, in fact, that’s exactly what’s on the menu. Death, suffering, despair, and losses of all kinds, coming to a community near you. I wish I was exaggerating, but unfortunately I don’t think so, just based on what I see. Of course, it won’t be the same for everyone. I have a few thoughts on that, but having limited time this morning I’ll have to come back to that.

I would follow and look for some of the stories having to do with supply line issues, of all kinds of products, for all kinds of mostly manufactured reasons. Yes, there are huge numbers of cargo ships sitting in harbors, unable to dock and unload. Yes, I do talk to real farmers, almost everyday out where I live, and for the first time, I hear serious concern in their voices. One of the reasons I keep writing here, even though I am currently the Lone Ranger, is simply because I can. So many I know are struggling with this new reality being thrust on us, and it’s all they can do to just wake up each morning and get through the day. They don’t have the time, or energy, to share how this is impacting them. And, there is a very real war going on, that includes shutting anyone down who might speak out, to try and keep that genie in a bottle. I get glimmers though, that it might just be getting away from them. And that makes me smile, big.

So I keep going, being one of many voices in the wilderness, sharing what I see. It is interesting to me, to observe the few discussions that arise on social media, between those who are not just following along, and doing what they are told without questioning, but are actually hostile towards those of us who are in the non compliance camp. They demand that we show them the evidence. It almost makes me laugh out loud, almost. No, we are not going to do your research for you. It’s true, that now you have to look a little deeper, a little harder, but it’s really all around us. In fact, it’s damn near slapping us in the face. If you just watch mainstream anything, or do a google search, you will not find much of value, because, well, in a totalitarian dictatorship, they ALWAYS censor truth. It’s a no brainer, folks.

As always, I have too much to do, and today is no exception. I need to harvest the spuds, beets, and see if I got any carrots. I kind of let the weeds go, so not looking forward to it. Plus, I’m helping someone move today. Long story there, too, I’ll save for another time. And, I need to call my neighbor about his tractor. I’m already thinking about next years garden though, and plan to go at it with much more enthusiasm, as I believe we are going to have to start providing our own food in earnest next year. This year was about making connections, possibly life saving connections, so I believe it was time well spent. Many do see what’s on the horizon, and it’s good time to grow a very thick skin. I’m preparing myself for the possible loss of loved ones who actually trusted the self appointed authorities who are telling them what to do, and what to think, as well as letting those barbs coming from them bounce off me like water off a duck. I’ve already dealt with some hostile behavior, and imagine it will get worse. I’m sorry (not) that I am not willing to martyr myself for them. My body is my temple, provided by nature to experience life in this way, and I see it as a sacred trust. Even though I know we all have an expiration date, I’m not throwing my life away for anyone. Call me selfish all you want (and they have). I see it as healthy, normal, self love. And I am not alone.

I see you.
All the many shining lights who refuse to go out.
Keep shining, like the stars you are.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Another day, another cup of coffee, and a lot on my mind. Let’s see where this goes. I have flirted with trees, herbs, and plants as healers for all my adult life, and lately have wanted to take it to a deeper level. If you think about it, life would not be possible here without them. Trees build our homes, and keep us warm. Everything we eat comes from nature’s bounty. Animals depend on the plant kingdom, and therefore even if we eat that meat, it still wouldn’t be possible without plants.

I’ve told the story many times about my grandmother on my adopted mother’s side, who by the way was an indigenous person whose tribe was not federally recognized, therefore to the government’s eyes did not exist. Funny how that works. Anyway, I was about 10 maybe, and she told me, my younger sister, and mom, that she could make her house plant cry. And she did! It left a lasting impression on me.

Last night as I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I started talking to the spirit of plants in general, and asked to deepen my healing experience. I still have many physical complaints that I am continuously working on, and thought I would take a different approach. I thought that I had mostly healed from the traumas of my childhood and younger life, but thought, maybe there is more there I have overlooked. As I felt deeper and deeper into the situation, I discovered something. Something kind of big, really. I now see myself as strong, and capable, not prone to emotional outbursts, and fairly steady in my ability to act and not just react, and be able to think through things without so many trauma based responses to life. I see myself, basically, as a totally different person than I used to be, and in many ways I am.

But, as I thought about the old me, I realized I still have some work to do. Because, as much as I forgive the old me, and accept that I just didn’t have the life skills or understanding to respond differently to life back then, I had passed some pretty harsh judgement against that me. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought about it. I see myself as a fairly loving person, but I realized I did not really love the old me. Maybe the child me, but not the young adult me. I know I have been a targeted individual, and many of my early relationships were designed to keep me in trauma, and unable to see a way out. I also acknowledge that each of these relationships taught me a lot about the world I live in with regards to the human condition. I had been fairly sheltered and truly thought there was something wrong with me, and that the world was mostly full of good, kind, honest people who had it together far better than I ever would or could.

Waking up to the real world was, and still is, a harsh awakening in many ways. I’m not special, or even exceptionally smart, but I have always felt spirit and the unseen realms and knew there was something missing, despite all the trauma and drama. I had been searching for that something throughout all my early trials, non stop really. People always knew I was “different” somehow, even insinuating I was retarded, and reinforcing my sense that there was something wrong with me. It wasn’t cool to ask questions about why we are here, where do we really come from, what happens when we die. It wasn’t cool to focus so much attention on the meaning of life. But my drive in this department could not be programmed out of me, no matter how hard the system tried.

Fast forward to now, and it’s like I’m not even living in the same reality, as I understood it back then. I used to try and fit in, and “belong”, and now I could care less, and don’t want to belong to the larger mass collective perspective. That would be like stuffing a large goat in a small crate (sorry, first thing that came to mind, LOL). It just won’t fit anymore. But, thing is, I realized that I still held myself in judgement for not figuring things out quicker, and having lived my life raising at least my two older sons in a very dysfunctional environment. I see the old me as very vulnerable and naive. If I’m totally honest, I’m still kind of angry that my early life was such a train wreck.

Of course, intellectually I understand so many things now. I was a victim of severe and prolonged trauma. Trauma that started in the womb, and even many other lifetimes. It was almost as if I were blind, and just couldn’t see what I do now. I don’t ever want to play the victim again. How did I ever dig my way out of that? And how come so many never do? Then, what about all those who are actually predators, in disguise, and lure us in? Do they do this consciously? Only one of the three primary relationships I had before I met my husband was what you would classify as a predator. The other two were simply likewise very traumatized individuals. But all three perpetuated my inner world of fear, constant anxiety and self doubt. I did not believe in myself.

If I had believed in myself, I would have made totally different choices. I could have been outwardly successful, and my two older children would not have experienced such poverty. I realized I had a poverty mentality. I also realize now, that I was, and still am, a targeted individual that has been having roadblocks, detours, orchestrated catastrophes placed in my life by unseen malevolent beings and entities since I don’t even know when. In this life, memories go back to when I was still sleeping in a crib. I could ask why, but I have, and the answer is always that every single soul here does matter, and dark forces really are trying to extinguish as many lights as they can, or at least dim them to where they can’t see what is really happening.

So you would think I would feel great compassion for the old me, and all the many who still don’t realize they are groping in the dark. It appears there are also many who come in with different wiring. For instance, I’ve always been spiritually inclined, and asked unpopular questions that made most people uncomfortable. Why do some not even have a desire to know? It’s like there is no depth to them. They simply don’t entertain the same questions at all, and will even get irritated. They have no problem complying with whatever the presenting authority figures tell them to do. And they will get angry, as if my non compliance with what goes against my conscience triggers hostility. What IS that???

And then there is the stark contrast with what I call the real world, or, at least the reality construct that was designed so that as embodied souls we could experience our creations. I thought about my relationships with pretty much everything that is not man made, from trees, weeds, and bees, to my many furry friends. My fascination with water, with dark fertile soil, with the air that I breath, as well as my love for the sun are just some of the things that come to mind. Energetically all these things fill me up, turn my lights on, heal, and encourage me. They are what has lifted me out of that deep dark hole I was in.

I remember all those years ago when I went to the mountains and slept out on the ground, fasting for three days, and talking to the big something I knew was out there. That was almost 30 years ago, and actually did mark the beginning of my healing journey, back to wholeness, back to light. I truly believe nature has ALL the answers for us, at least for those of us who understand the spiritual nature of life itself, and want to keep our lights on. But the question remains, why do I not love the old me?

Because, I’m thinking, I don’t ever want to experience that level of ignorance again, hurt. It created an immense pain body in me, that prevented me from seeing possibilities. The possibilities that are always inherently there in almost every situation. In short, other voices were running my life for me. And I don’t want that to ever happen again. I must deep down fear that it COULD happen again. How many times have we been mind wiped? And when do I get to move on, and be aware enough to choose not to step in this hole or that? How can I allow myself to still be vulnerable, yet have trust in myself to see the predator who disguises itself as my friend? How can I keep from getting hurt?

Truth is, I can’t. No guarantees. Still, I’ve decided I will keeping moving, into that uncertain future, with all the danger it holds. Something tells me things have changed. Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe that this moment in time holds different possibilities than have ever been present before. I will learn to not just forgive, but actually love the old me. And I will allow myself to be vulnerable, yet still trust and walk through that door to the great unknown. What will happen? I really just don’t know. But there is no going back, and I believe. I believe in me.

I now know the natural world, and plants, trees, weeds, and shrubs, they are all my allies. They are my friends. And they exude love and benevolence. I will dance with them, as long as they’ll let me, and see where it goes. As I sit here and contemplate what that might look like, I get a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. I think I will go with that. It’s a beautiful day....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I wrote this just as I received it. For what it’s worth, I will share it.

I can feel you, I can feel your spirits rising. It’s like the bees breath you take, just before the big event, the gathering of force. Another wave is about to hit us, and we are ready to ride it, all the way to shore. We are approaching our peak, those of us unifying the field, and in many ways, we are not even conscious we’re doing it. I see it clearly, in my mind’s eye, on that inner screen I’ve learned to recognize, and pay attention to. For spirit, and most lifeforms I’ve encountered, speak to me in pictures, I-Mages, just like the magic it is.

We ARE the magicians, and we will rise together as one being, one being of light, which in a way, we are. There is an alignment taking place, and we have almost reached the tipping point. This time was foretold, through the ages. The Earth/heart has had ENOUGH!

Bees - don’t even remember typing this word, and though it seems out of place, I decided to leave it in the sentence. Bees probably do kind of take a deep collective breath, just before they swarm. I believe there is so much more going on in the natural world than most of us know. Just winterized somewhat the hive yesterday, and have a bit to share on that, but will save it for the appropriate thread. And I dreamed about the lovely willow bush/tree I left on the the front area I landscaped with mostly raspberries, and various herbs and flowers. When I did this back in 2017, I heard clearly that I was supposed to leave it growing, rather than digging it up with the rest of the brush that was there. It has flourished, and I feel I have begun a relationship of sorts with it.

I see a dial on my inner screen, and it shows me that we are in the process of fine tuning what we are all here to do, those most likely to read my words. Just like tuning in an old radio to your favorite station, in takes some playing with the dial, to get it just right. But the sun is rising, as sure as the day is new. It cannot be stopped.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Moonlight »

Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:16 pm I wrote this just as I received it. For what it’s worth, I will share it.

I can feel you, I can feel your spirits rising. It’s like the bees breath you take, just before the big event, the gathering of force. Another wave is about to hit us, and we are ready to ride it, all the way to shore. We are approaching our peak, those of us unifying the field, and in many ways, we are not even conscious we’re doing it. I see it clearly, in my mind’s eye, on that inner screen I’ve learned to recognize, and pay attention to. For spirit, and most lifeforms I’ve encountered, speak to me in pictures, I-Mages, just like the magic it is.

We ARE the magicians, and we will rise together as one being, one being of light, which in a way, we are. There is an alignment taking place, and we have almost reached the tipping point. This time was foretold, through the ages. The Earth/heart has had ENOUGH!

Bees - don’t even remember typing this word, and though it seems out of place, I decided to leave it in the sentence. Bees probably do kind of take a deep collective breath, just before they swarm. I believe there is so much more going on in the natural world than most of us know. Just winterized somewhat the hive yesterday, and have a bit to share on that, but will save it for the appropriate thread. And I dreamed about the lovely willow bush/tree I left on the the front area I landscaped with mostly raspberries, and various herbs and flowers. When I did this back in 2017, I heard clearly that I was supposed to leave it growing, rather than digging it up with the rest of the brush that was there. It has flourished, and I feel I have begun a relationship of sorts with it.

I see a dial on my inner screen, and it shows me that we are in the process of fine tuning what we are all here to do, those most likely to read my words. Just like tuning in an old radio to your favorite station, in takes some playing with the dial, to get it just right. But the sun is rising, as sure as the day is new. It cannot be stopped.
I just wrote about the same, with different words, in a different language, in a different place. The vibration is the same. Gotta love when this happens.

I had an encounter with a bee this week, most unusual, and got stung.

The rising.

Always a pleasure to read you Spritwind. Thank you.
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I “see you” Moonlight, and so appreciate you stopping by!

Just a few thoughts before I run out to feed the horde. I’ve woke up from some weird dreams, several nights in a row now. Something is stirring in the deep.

There is no honor in what they are doing to all life here on this planet. No integrity either, just pure diabolical intent, planned out and executed with great forethought, on a scale that beggars belief.

My studies in mythology shows that the gods always had their high mountain retreats, island getaways, and underground bunkers. They’ve done this cycle of destruction over and over and over, ad nauseam. They are the ultimate predator, and it makes me wonder what is really going on here. Certainly there is a predatorial aspect that we don’t see, that is either alien, energetic, AI, or all three. Are they soulless? Is that what drives them to just do the same thing over and over again, knowing the results, and that being exactly what they want?

They lull us into complacency, condition us to rely on them, then pull the rug out time and time again. It reminds me of Lucy and Charlie Brown. How many times will humanity fall for it?

Generational demonic possession is a plausible explanation. I’ve become quite proficient in recognizing gremlin activity, behavior, and thought projections. It’s the same every time once you learn to see it. I’ve truly never seen it on such a massive scale though. I’m getting to where I don’t want to hear any more “news”, as it’s getting too painful and I feel more and more drawn to just pull in to myself, and just focus on the farm, and nature. I ask myself every day, what can I do to make a difference? Nothing, really, outside my tiny little bubble I’ve created out here. Some are more strategically placed, and I can feel the tide rising.

In fact, yesterday I felt very emotional and out of sorts for no apparent reason. When I laid down briefly, to tune in to my body and see what was there, I saw many shamans in different parts of the world (I actually saw where they all were) all working together in the unseen realms. I also saw a big wave and felt/heard it was a tsunami of grief, that was created by humanity waking up to the nightmare we call our reality now. I asked that my spirit self participate and assist in transmuting this energy, as the nature kingdoms absorb the ungrounded emotions of humans, to their detriment. People are waking up, and it isn’t pretty.

How is it all going to turn out? I don’t know. But I will pull myself together. What else is a good nature loving country girl gonna do? We do what we always do. We get up, dust ourselves off, straighten ourselves out, and keep going. It’s a beautiful sunny day, which are getting few and far between, so time to go soak up some rays, and enjoy the scenery and my wonderful furry friends, who are telling me I’m late!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Janus Quirinus
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Janus Quirinus »

I guess I'll try and chip in on here more often, it's not like I've got anywhere else to go lately. After 5 years spent searching for the coming man, I've found plenty of people with potential fighting spirit (including communists!), but with no means to bring them into agreement with each other (since politics/religion is exceedingly divisive).

Did your dreams occur during the full moon week (Oct. 18-22)? What was the time of day and were you sober (no alcoholism in that time span)?
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmThere is no honor in what they are doing to all life here on this planet.
What do you think about the concept of spiritual greatness? What can possibly supplant the impious trinity of power, honour, and glory, or a in word, the striving for success and perfection?
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmNo integrity either, just pure diabolical intent, planned out and executed with great forethought, on a scale that beggars belief.
Would you say the absence of integrity on their part is due to their lack of contact with the masses? Somebody once told me that the great tragedy of the habitual liar was that they eventually stopped believing in anything. I'll add that they end up mired in cynicism and their activities can be described as self-fulfilling calculations, along the lines of political analysts such as Oswald Spengler or Jean Raspail. They overlook unpredictability (of the masses, where they'll turn to when confronted with greatness) and improvisation (the greatest gift from deities).
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmMy studies in mythology shows that the gods always had their high mountain retreats, island getaways, and underground bunkers.
Ever come across the term Devas? It's interesting to note its connection with the terms divine, deity, and even devil. The concept corresponds to the biblical angels. The chief function of national Devas, in addition to protecting their territories, appears to be maintaining magnetic fields, long established by ancient devout worshipers through their rituals and ceremonies. I know of at least one such case from Western antiquity: Epimenides. It seems to be documented in the Mahabharata.

I wonder if this user's description was a contemporary encounter, although I've never heard of Devas supervising cemeteries, unless it was built on a hill. I'm not sure if the ancient term "ensouled" is the right word to employ here.

Say, ever experienced a sort of stillness in nature like this user's mother?
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmThey’ve done this cycle of destruction over and over and over, ad nauseam.
As Moonlight expressed it, "Same, same, but different." The means have changed, but not the motive (profit, territorial claims, vengeance). Herakleitos expressed similarly: no man steps into the same river twice. I'll add that the periodical destruction usually consists of an interchange between fire and water (Proklos), historically corroborated by Herodotus. Incidentally, Elijah and Romulus were both "taken up" by a whirlwind of fire and water respectively. In WW2, such a natural crisis was averted when man obtained the means for their own self-destruction (nuclear bomb). According to the eccentric serial killer Herbert Mullins, their criminal activities contribute to this prevention.

The ancient Greek sophism inaugurated by Protagoras prevails in modern art, but in what new forms and which aspects does it differ?
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmThey are the ultimate predator, and it makes me wonder what is really going on here.
If they were truly an apex predator, they wouldn't relish in sovereignty and wouldn't bother exploiting average people, they'd find that monotonous. I'm reminded of John Carpenter's interpretation of the Joker. What does the Joker do in a world already teeming with criminality? A genuine apex predator is somebody who has mastered both the past and present - which confers certainty regarding the future -, the result being that their model of reality incomparably accurate and precise, which puts them in a position to go toe-to-toe with secret societies and on par with seers.
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmCertainly there is a predatorial aspect that we don’t see, that is either alien, energetic, AI, or all three. Are they soulless?
Soulless is the right word for it. Two aspects for it: 1) sensual and leisurely people mired in total ignorance and given over to mass-psychosis and 2) people who forfeit subsequent incarnations by rendering themselves incapable of striving for the good (whereas most people are unwilling to choose a side).

There is a superphysical aspect to it:

1) fraudulent daemonic, trickster beings documented in Western antiquity, being compared to jugglers. Why jugglers? There are variations which are predatory and variations which are cunning. Their chief motive seems to be profit/recompense and to breed a dependency on them, as seen in the charlatans (i.e. G. K. Chesterton, Dorothy Eady) they inspire. Their activities consists of undermining the legitimacy of things like morality (conception of right), occultism, etc. by popularizing it as sensationalists. They were given different names under every conceivable civilization, all of which designate the same kindred spirits.

2) the Hat Man phenomenon, who appears to be distinguished from his subordinates by acquiring human-like characteristics and personality traits, as if he had formerly led a life as a human. Clairvoyants I've interacted with have suggested that the Hat Man is merely a chess piece sent by somebody stronger. There are dubious people spreading the myth that he corresponds to Saturn (Moloch), a red herring, just another attempt to cast aspersions on the stars.
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmIs that what drives them to just do the same thing over and over again, knowing the results, and that being exactly what they want?
One must distinguish between emotional and mental motives. Their urge to destruction, their aggression, is the result of being uprooted (I highly recommend reading the visionary Simone Weil's work The Need for Roots!), an inability to sublimate (that is, wholeheartedly commit themselves to creative work) and being hindered from expressing themselves, and hereditary defects.
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:22 pmGenerational demonic possession is a plausible explanation.
Mass-psychosis can be explained by the thought-form concept, skip to the 17m57s mark. The prerequisites are: a shape/form, a name/identity, and a symbol/formulation. JAHWE's existence constitutes such a phenomenon, it's corroborated in these Bible verses: 2 Samuel 24:1, 1 Chronicles 21:1, Numbers 12:9-10, Job 2:7, Genesis 15:12, Exodus 14:20. What I lack corroboration for is how thought-form appear to trained clairvoyants...
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi Janus, long time no see. So, I read what you wrote, and it stimulated the following response. It doesn’t address directly most of what you posted, but it’s what I got when I sat with your words. I am less and less inclined to refer to the writings and videos of others knowledge and experience, and what they view the truth is. For me, it’s daily becoming more of an inner journey. I share about it here, simply because I can pretty much say whatever comes to me, and months go by where I really don’t see much action here. It gives me a certain freedom to explore my thoughts, observations, and some of the emotions stimulated by a combination of what is going on outside of me, and what is going on inside of me. I’m totally uninterested in most of the outer show, as I can see how it was manufactured by those who have an entirely different agenda than I do. They are preparing for another harvest. I guess you could say, I’m hoping to help ruin the crop.

So, here ya go...
A lot of what I get these days is a combination of spiritual curiosity having been stimulated since early childhood, which led me on many journeys and pathways, as well as having read a ridiculous number of books for over 40 years. The other part is what I get from going within, and literally just tuning in, generally after clearing my own field, to what amounts to a whole other reality and what appears to be many beings, of all sorts, that I can communicate with, and receive information from. These beings are not physically here, but they are very real to me. (They don’t give me names, or identify themselves with any other particular teachings, by the way.)

Are they devas? I don’t know. I know I can communicate with animals, rocks and minerals, plants and trees, as well as the elements of water, fire, earth, and air. And, actually even beings that we think are mythological are accessible and willing to communicate. Can I prove any of this is real? No, and I truly don’t care anymore.

For me, the deal is here, that we have to claim our power, but not in an unbalanced, harmful way, such as we seem to have done for a very long time here. We need to remember the light that we came in with, every one of us. It’s been dark here for far too long. It’s not given those who wish to explore returning to the light, and how to do that, a chance to have that experience without great disturbance, without a force that gets activated to keep the light from having an opportunity to really grow, and thrive here. If we did that, consciously and with intent, it could be a beautiful journey, where all life has an opportunity to thrive.

Instead, we have beings who have made a commitment to maintaining a predominance of darkness here, and thrive off of the immense emotionally charged energy that gets continuously created from the way our current reality is structured. They have a vested interest in continuing to harvest that energy, to feed their need to keep their sense of superiority and self importance pumped up, and satiate their addictive need for power and control. Humanity, from what these inner beings tell me, is like a crop that is grown and harvested, over and over. Just like corporate farming today, it is all about maximum profit, in this case, profit being the energy that gets generated by suffering, trauma, war, and death, along with lust and perversions of all kinds.

Apparently, those who gravitated towards the light and truth, have been persecuted, tortured, and killed throughout time. I can remember, strangely, many times through my many life experiences, whether ancestral memories, or actual lives I have lived, having immense trauma inflicted, from having my tongue cut out, to being in an extremely abusive relationship with a mean and raging drunkard, to having my people slaughtered in front of me, and our horses killed and fed back to us as food, while being held in cages, and even worse things I won’t mention. I even remember being a non human female whose entire planet was blown up. That’s a lot of trauma, not to mention the traumas I’ve experienced in this lifetime. These traumas become a chains here, that create a repeating loop. It just goes round and round, and nothing ever changes.

I have grown to the point I want off the merry go round. And I will do whatever it takes to get there. I am shown, and told, that there are many here like me, from all walks of life, that are here to change things. By not only refusing to dim our lights, but brazenly overcome all odds, and shine more brightly than we have since we started our journey of incarnation. Evil may never cease to exist here, but this repeating loop is like a record that skips, and the song never gets to play out in its entirety. It’s like we are stuck. We are out of balance, and all life is suffering for it.

Will it be easy? Nope. Do I know how it’s going to play out? Nope. Will I show up and be present. Yes. Something amazing is happening, of this I am certain, and I can feel less difficulty in recognizing when this force of oppression, as expressed through those I mentioned above, who have a vested interest in things staying the same as they ever were, is actively attempting to obstruct my journey into the light, where I can see with clarity what is true and real. It’s a magicians trick, all of it, and it’s losing its power over me. It’s losing its power over many now, and it’s not happy. And that’s really just too bad, but I don’t feel sorry for it. It’s had its time, and it will not actually cease to exist, it simply won’t be allowed to run the show anymore. Like a big bully in the playground, enough is enough.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Janus Quirinus
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Janus Quirinus »

Hello Spiritwind,

I'm glad it resonated with someone. From my experience, most people are overwhelmed by my discourses.
It doesn’t address directly most of what you posted, but it’s what I got when I sat with your words.
That's fine, and it's probably better that way, I can maintain a sustained convo endlessly, addressing every conceivable point if necessary. You don't have to address everything I've sent your way.
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:03 pmI am less and less inclined to refer to the writings and videos of others knowledge and experience, and what they view the truth is. For me, it’s daily becoming more of an inner journey.
Yeah, to learn from others is just another reason to return here. The Dāna Sutta goes into the different kinds of motives for practicing virtue, it teaches that here was only one kind of thought ennabling the purest virtue, which specifically liberated a person from the reincarnation cycle: "This is an ornament for the mind, a support for the mind." The task of the teacher is to make themselves superfluous.

Only the individual who has instinctively recognized that an individual's mind "is god and of god"* (man is a self/consciousness and a divine being, or more specifically, he is a divine being with the potential to realize his inner divinity), or in Schopenhauer's words, "the mind of Heaven is deducible from what is the Will of mankind!", is fit to become an instrument and willing collaborator with higher powers. (And they're not talking about the modern interpretation of pantheism, which the latter repudiated.)

That's not me, obviously. I'm not competent enough to formulate things for people, lacking qualifications and inner stability. I honestly think you're in a much more enviable position than me! (And this is coming from someone who has too way too much time on his hands.) You lead a life close to nature while I'm holed up in a hostile urban environment, constantly sleep deprived and agitated by noise pollution. Count yourself blessed, for Plato wrote that only those who were deprived of theoretical learning would survive natural cataclysms.

I dropped out of high school, deprived of practical living. I can't cook, clean, sew, garden, etc. And I'm way too busy to learn half of these things; even if I did take the time (and DIY can cost a colossal amount of time sometimes), I'd be too preoccupied with mentally-based interests. I often neglect my well-being and hygiene when absorbed in my work. As you can imagine, I live in a world of plans and ideas. My prospects for properly functioning in society are nil. From society's standpoint, I'm useless for life, a drone and dreamer.

I'm actually suffering from a total lack of experiences and real life interactions. Therefore, I'm prone to bouts of naivety. I'm obliged to rely on my study like a crutch in order to not end up in superficiality (and as a means to drive off curious busybodies). I've noticed that once I bring up something from my life, people lose interest or move onto another topic.

Blogging: I have literally nothing worthwhile to say about myself. Besides, almost nothing eventful ever occurs. Most of my time is spent wallowing in unemployment and agonizing monotony. I'm bored beyond belief and starved for greatness.

The lack of activity clearly works in your favour. Would you say it's for the best or could things be better? People who are highly impressionable may be overwhelmed by external, intrusive feelings and thoughts, which they're apt to take as their own. They ought to make their decisions in solitude. Forum discourses, and especially interactions on social media, can easily take a violent turn since people are apt to reply promptly without thinking twice about what they're sending. They get swept up in the deluge of messages coming their way.
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:03 pmIt gives me a certain freedom to explore my thoughts, observations, and some of the emotions stimulated by a combination of what is going on outside of me, and what is going on inside of me.
I think I can somewhat understand where you're coming from, although I've never really been allowed to truly express myself. By pacing myself with little to none obligations or deadlines expected from me is how I could muster up the resources for my own project/website. Stuck in a school environment, it'd have been virtually impossible for me to hone my faculty of concentration into a contemplation of realities. As it happens, the service befitting the higher powers consists of strictly voluntary work.

* That is, all things are fundamentally matter endowed with a consciousness (consciousness must have a material basis for its existence), man is encased in a physical body (Aurelius termed it as an "envelope") which he steers and owns as he does with a car. Rather than the misconception that man is a physical body which possesses a "spirit" (consciousness).
The civilized man doesn't explicitly identify with his body, such as the head or stomach, recognizing it as a part of the body. He often says "my stomach is hungry", not always "I'm hungry." Or "my head hurts" instead of "I have a headache", and so on. So too must the passions and intellect be reared in and no longer identified with (not referring to the bipolar and schizophrenic conditions).
The theurgists developed their faculty of concentration beyond meditation, into "contemplation" (freedom from passions, or as Richard Wagner described it while in an elevated state of mind: liberation from impressions). The epistle of James draws attention to the tongue as an organ, as does Aesop's fables. Without mastering the tongue, how can one hope to master their thoughts? The spoken word almost always strengthens thought.

In addition to his emotions and thoughts, he possesses an intuitive faculty he seldom establishes contact with except in moments of ecstasies (distinguished from the emotional excesses mystics are prone to) or when sensing up danger and hostility.
By intuitive faculty, I indicate the possession of an unique higher body (which can be formulated as a portion, or seed/germ, of divinity), an antennae of sorts for receiving and transmitting impressions from higher worlds/beings (if they're attuned to their wavelength), which is one of man's few distinctions from the animals (in addition to: man's life-affirming attitude towards work and his fascination with what is above us in space).
Thus, having within him the potential to spontaneously automatize consciousness activity in that aforementioned vehicle - as our consciousness has already achieved in our physical bodies, which is usually on auto-pilot (except when meditating, i.e. breathing exercises), seeing as how we can effortlessly will our hands and legs to move without the need for constant supervision.

To what could I compare the higher vehicle to, seeing as how almost everything in physical life is perishable? I'm not very good with producing real life analogies...
Last edited by Janus Quirinus on Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Janus Quirinus »

As for the rest of your message, I'll reply cautiously on a piecemeal basis, lest I get carried away in my enthusiasm and show myself to be presumptuous.

1. Spiritual curiosity & erudition; By early childhood, you mean before age 12 or between the ages 12-17? Do you remember your earliest impressions? Regrettably, I no longer remember anything from my childhood, only trauma and bad experiences.

Which books remained with you for your whole lifetime?

As for going within, do you perceive these beings with your natural, organic eyes or with clairvoyance?
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Janus Quirinus »

Spiritwind wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:03 pmAnd, actually even beings that we think are mythological are accessible and willing to communicate
I'm reminded of Philostratus' Life of Apollonius, which furnishes an account for a few mythological beings (i.e. lamia, nereid, satyr).

For your examination at your own pace:

If his given accounts for daemonic obsession (not possession) are reliable, not to mention his purported feats (i.e. escaping chains by will and the spoken word, resuscitating a dying youth, premonition of Domitian's assassination), with their uncanny biblical parallels, then it follows that his acknowledgment of mythological beings must be valid too.

In one chapter, it's implied that deceased humans can turn daemonical on account of their physical and emotional attachments. In book 4 chapter 10 and book 8 chapter 7, an epidemic was ascribed to a certain species of daemon. And in book 4, chapter 20, there is an ancient account of the Bipolar disorder, distinguished from alcoholic symptoms (see book 2, chapter 36). It's worth noting that he requests that the daemon leaves behind a sign of its departure, distinguished from the indifferent treatment for swine in Gospel of Mark, chapter 5.

It's questionable whether bipolar is a mental illness to begin with, it seems to be an emotional affliction until the individual loses their sense of identity (schizophrenia). The fact that psychoanalysis has not discovered the distinction between these two disorders says a lot about its role as a sham discipline, masquerading as a legitimate branch of psychology.

To go off on a tangent:

That particular exorcism is the only instance where Jesus is frustrated in his attempts and has to repeatedly compel the daemon to leave. In nearly every other exorcism case, including that one daemon his students had difficulty with, these were performed effortlessly. Jesus only succeeds in casting out the daemon after he has coaxed it (without coercion) to give up its name. Apparently it was a prevailing superstition in those days that learning the name of a daemon would give one dominance over it. This demonstrates that Jesus and the daemon had collaborated to convey a lesson to his students rather than being a chance meeting. The gospel narratives plainly state that either one or two daemon-obsessed men immediately intercepted him when he got off the boat.

According to the theurgists, daemons are rendered docile and submissive in the presence of higher beings. It's strange how his students were said to be afraid of ghosts (Jesus never once goes out of his way to dismiss their beliefs) yet never showed any dread for daemons.

Covid omens:
1 - 2

Bipolar cases:
1 - 2
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:03 pmApparently, those who gravitated towards the light and truth, have been persecuted, tortured, and killed throughout time.
Not to mention having all the blame pinned on them. As for your past lives, we need not dwell on them, nothing gained from self-analysis.
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:03 pmI even remember being a non-human female whose entire planet was blown up.
However, this has piqued my interest. Have you ever read the Agganna Sutta? What was the cause of the planet's destruction?
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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