Meanwhile in Maui

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Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Christine »

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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Re: Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Christine »

I could post dozens of video clips from the people of Lahaina though will not do so assuming that most readers have already seen the government induced genocide. It touches me somewhere very deep, a sorrow that doesn't seem to have an expression at this moment. I saw this piece on a FB friend's account and it summed up the energies moving through me so well that I want to share it.

It doesn't miss me that my last writing Burnt Offerings and Blood Sacrifice was on target. It took me over a month to compose due to weight of the subject.
This Maui incident actually triggered and awakened more past life memories for me, and exactly why I am doing what I am in this incarnation.
I have spent time as an Earth person / Native in many lands and many clans. Both as medicine man / mystic, and warrior.

What is happening now, and the ones behind it I have battled throughout time and eras. I have seen them decimate my people and create structures and cities right on top of their bones, again and again.

I have died fighting them in multiple lifetimes, and have come back both a bit wiser but a bit angrier in each successive incarnation.
I have come to realize that the battle in this place is only physical at it's final stages but it is far beyond that in its depth and complexity.
It is a millenia-fold war upon consciousness and souls, via the unensouled.

It has been going on for at least 12,000 years if not far longer. My first incarnational memories of fighting these dark forces were in the Atlantean and Lemurian eras. But dozens, if not hundreds of incarnations beyond that on all continents as various tribal and soldier expressions.

Egypt, Sumeria, Samurai, Monk, Viking, African, Aboriginal, Polynesian, Multiple North American Tribes, as both Medicine man and Warrior. I've lost count at this point how many lifetimes in just this realm alone I have moved in and out of.

But we are now in the era where this war will reach its crescendo that has been building for thousands of years.
This is why all these upper dimensional and neighboring frequency beings and civilizations are gathered around us now.
They understand the immensity of what is coming to its final great battle.

One which will be felt throughout all of creation.
It is that immense, and that important.

What we do here and now will indeed echo into eternity.
I did not come here to lay down and submit. The blood of my ancestors and clans pumps through these veins. Through this soul. The memories through my spirit and my DNA.

Choose every step you make as if a thousand future generations depend upon it.
This is how important you all are. Here and now.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Christine »

Carrying much determination to not let this event out of the collective consciousness. It’s not that I am totally focused on the horrors that have been perpetrated on the native people’s for millennia, it is closer to my heart and soul than that. You see friends, I have long proposed that we are all native to this earth—it isn’t a designation reserved for the remaining few from the past few centuries. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not is of little import for we all have ancestors that go far back on the track of time. 

The purposeful destruction of Lahaina is much more than a horrendous event, it was a quintessential event, it marked the beginning of the end so to speak. I was energetically transported to the Hawaiian islands, penetrating deep into the importance of the telluric currents that connect them and their geo-location. Once a kingdom of grace and gratitude it had to be marked, just as the aptly named Paradise was in California. 

With the onset of the constant noisy theater of the absurd—the selection process, and people’s attention spans limited to the news of the moment most will easily forget and move on. There are literally thousands of other fires being lit by arson, incendiary devices, DEWs, or other technologies developed by nefarious agencies. They don’t care how and to confuse the conspiracy realists they will mix it up and call it human driven climate change. What a joke by jokers who get their kicks by how easily fooled and diverted the human mind has become.

Do you feel powerless, do you feel overwhelmed? This is the intent of the dark ones. Do you turn away because of these feelings? Perhaps this remembrance of mine is a personal calling and others have found their own. Though with Laurie’s farm being threatened and the Alfa Vedic community in danger for over a week it feels imperative that we rise up. By this I mean rise in Spirit and connect with the Source of All, connect with friends and family in meaningful prayer—a prayer that becomes a constant emanation.

My good fortune is having maintained some very meaningful connections with good friends and when we get together to penetrate the smoke and haze to the unseen we receive abundant blessings and insight into how this game will end. Pure gold.

A heightened awareness is necessary, this is not a time to stick one’s head in the sand or stand by waiting for a savior to arrive in the nick of time. The game is woven in a thick black smoke, interwoven with false prophets, fake news, fake images, misdirects, misinformation, opinions promoted as truth—the list is long. It’s going to get worse with the abilities that have been programmed into AI. A good question to ponder is, where is Truth and how will I be able to discern it? I will leave the question hanging for I can not answer it for other than myself.


Sometimes “love and light and bliss” is just a cop-out, a distraction, a terrible lie.
You’re angry, you’re hurt, but then you bypass the anger and the hurt and pretend to be calm, spiritual, “at peace”.

It’s a lie. It’s a terrible lie.

You hide in “Pure Awareness” and pretend to be “beyond” the drama. It’s false. A mask. A manipulation. And nobody is buying it anymore.

Yes of course some situations call for stillness, silence, a turning from conflict and a turning within. Sometimes you need to pull back, turn the other cheek, not get involved, rest in Being.

But sometimes, sometimes, the gods call you into loving conflict, to take a stand, to confront the forces of unconsciousness and manipulation head-on.To get involved.

And so you go, you go willingly, called by forces older than yourself. You leave your meditation cushion and you lean into the world. Trembling, in awe of all creation, you walk into the Unknown, to face what you must face.

The image, the act of the “nice, kind, tolerant, drama-free, neutral observer” crumbles… and you step into a fierce and tender rage. The world hears your cry. The world sees your passion, your deep care, your authentic tears.

It’s just as “spiritual” as love and light and bliss. It truly is. It’s a tender, righteous anger that protects the vulnerable, stands up for truth, calls out abuse, discrimination, prejudice, lies.

Don’t let your spirituality become an excuse to repress your true human feelings. Don’t create a new image of “the spiritual one” and push down your sacred passion. Just follow your fucking deepest knowing into the heart core of truth. Stop being fake “spiritual” and dare yourself to be real today.

- Jeff Foster

Even though I didn’t grow up in a religious family, for some reason I was taught this Psalm and it has stayed with me all my life. A psalm is a holy song, it resonates somewhere long forgotten, for me hearing and saying these words brings back to this current life the resonance of the Holy of the Holies. It takes faith but true faith bears forth the real and beautiful. All things in the physical pass away, that of Spirit are eternal. Perhaps this is the reason I listen to the people who survived the Maui fire. It often happens while driving to town in the mornings that I get a message, a few days after the fire I had the clear thought, time has run out for people to make a different choice, their path is set. I felt in a way that the Maui fire symbolically marked a line, a moment, where the course of destiny has been set.


The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Christine »

Posting some videos as an archive, the truth of what happened is in the people's stories.

To support the survivors of the Lahaina fire please give to  And all the money will be given directly to survivors and to fund their immediate needs right now.

Please see my last two community posts about the air filters and personal safety gear that we need and if you’re going to the burn zone you must wear. For those of you that need to report a missing person please call the FBI at 808-566-4300 or send an email to If you have lost a love one, please go to the Hyatt Regency in Kaanapali and give your DNA sample. Just a quick swab - they will not submit to any crime, database or care if you are not a citizen. If you know the person that’s maintaining the missing persons list at Please ask them to add a column for date of birth and sex.

Please donate to

Please Donate to Maui Food Bank: http://www.MauiFoodBank.ORG

No power or cell service all day. No communications or warnings at all. Everyone had to figure out where and when to go on their own. Hope it never happens again. These were filmed by my iPhone. My wife has 100 more footages filmed with GoPro 10. I’ll post some later when we have wifi.

This is the raw footage I captured via my iPhone to share with friends and family and is only slightly edited with captions to explain what’s happening. I hope everyone stays safe out there and puts into practice showing the “Aloha Spirit”. This definitely hit home for me and showed me that we should never say: “it could never happen to me…”
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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Re: Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Christine »

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Meanwhile in Maui

Post by Spiritwind »

It doesn’t look like this one has been shared here yet, and it’s a great one to share with folks who have no idea this is going on. I sent it to my niece and hope she does watch it. People do need to wake up. If they choose to do nothing more than maybe be moved enough to mention it to others, it will be worth the effort. Oh yeah, in case it gets disappeared, it’s an arborist of 48 years sharing his observations on what appears to have happened there. He makes a damn good evidential fact based case (for this being absolutely way out of the range of any normal fire and the usual subsequent damage).

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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