💛 Christine Welcomes her alias, Aure0Sky, to the Forum

"I am one of many eternal spirits birthed from Source, joyfully contributing in the grand waltz of Creation alongside shimmering star brethren"
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💛 Christine Welcomes her alias, Aure0Sky, to the Forum

Post by Aure0Sky »

It is kind of weird to write a welcome to myself under a different name but hey! why not? Mostly I want to let our readers know that we have updated and made it simpler to the make a new account. There was some really draconian text that you had to agree to, I had never even known it was there. So we've simplified it and included the name of our cat, Bella that new contributors will need to make an account.

The Earth Empath forum has been very quiet with few posting for a couple of years now. Partially because the stirring of the controversy pot stopped and most folks are still drawn to human drama. I have watched the phenomena online for years with a growing distaste that this way of operating was far, far from our highest call. Also I have spent a due amount of time on social media platforms and they are mostly there to trap attention. Think about it, how quickly posts slip out of sight and no meaningful conversations can develop, not to mention the obvious shadow banning and other corruptive influences, and then the plethora of AI bots and deep fakes makes them less valuable as a means of communication each passing day. I would also note that while there are not many posting our little forum gets quite a bit of traffic, much more over the past several months.

I intuit that forums, message boards in the old parlance, will become a more viable means to develop and maintain a sense of community. It's been almost ten years now that the EE forum has been maintained and it truly is a searchable repository of many different subjects and thoughtful pieces of writing.

So welcome to Aure0Sky, she will likely post from time to time.

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