Since I end up sharing my life with so many folks remotely it would be easiest to make a forum post and link to share.
There are so many lessons that come from living in the countryside—it is a lot of hard work and not the idyllic life so many folks dream about. That said it is also rewarding in ways that those still immersed in matrix world of busy streets, Starbucks and Amazon will never realize. The last week for me was virtually and in reality so non-stop that this inner me was amazed that the outer me could handle it all. It was a very potent mix of incredible gifts and sudden challenges.
To start with something so sweet, Angel forever surprising me with his intelligence has been left at home with Maxine almost all week. With the constant rains the property has turned into an above ground stream, basically there is water running down hill that is seeping up from beneath the ground, quite a change from the dessert it was turning into during the six weeks long heat wave.
Therefore; muddy paws and wet fur going to the shop with me became out of the question, it's enough work just keeping my floors at home somewhat clean. So a few days back when I went to open the front gate to drive the Jeep out, the custom is that the dogs come running and I can tether them to the trailer so they don't run off. Max, ever cool just stayed on the porch looking at me and Angel was nowhere to be seen nor did he come when I called him, so walking back to the Jeep sloshing through thick mud and running water I went to find the Goof Ball (affectionately written) sitting on the hood of the Jeep. He be like: "You are taking me with you no matter what!"
I felt obligated but couldn't take him as I had a dinner date with my sixteen year old granddaughter that evening.
Angel at his adorable best.
Madeline, at sixteen, is more aware and articulate than most adults.
The plan was for me to have Maddie stay with me over the weekend and we did manage one night but a big challenge presented that I had to put a lot of attention on. When I turned on the tap to run a bath Thursday morning, alas no water. I went to inspect the cistern and saw that it had moved out of place and jammed up into the cement covering, no matter how much force I applied I couldn't get the lid off to see what was happening inside.
A beautiful aspect to life lived fully and never one to be discouraged for long, even though that takes a lot of inward focus I reached out to Fernando who I can't say enough good things about, he's worked for me for many years and was who installed the cistern over five years ago. He came out driving his motorcycle in the rain, was able to get the cistern open and this is what was discovered.
Imploded? or WTF happened?
Obviously I wasn't going to have running water until we got to the bottom of the issue and replaced or fixed the cistern. And with plans for Maddie's visit I was momentarily feeling overwhelmed. No running water meant no showers, no washing dishes, and a lot of extra work hauling water inside with buckets from the above ground holding tank. In this moment I let out a long deep sigh ———— and realize that just doing what needed to be done was no big deal. This is something that modern folk have forgotten, to just deal with what presents without fighting it or grumbling, or complaining, or blaming. Liberation!
My mind wanders back in time when people were explorers, frontiersmen, pioneers, trekkers and tough. So much has been lost by our modern expectations that life needs to be convenient and comfortable all the time.
Fernando agreed to work on Saturday knowing I needed the cistern issue resolved as soon as possible, plus Jaime works at the house on Saturday and at least two men were needed to get the cistern out of the hole.
Fernando and Jaime get to work breaking the cement cover apart.
I made them both a strong coffee and went back and forth to check on progress, also trying to help figure out how the cistern could be lifted out. Until it was we weren't really going to know what caused the damage.
Uncovered with lid off, removing the sumergible pump and piping.
Plan A: was rigging a tripod with pulley, it didn't work and I think we all knew it wouldn't put it was worth a try.
Plan B: leverage. It was working but the cistern kept jamming if it tilted even slightly.
Progress is made though this is way over an hour later.
I am so awestruck by both Fernando and Jaime, the determination and ingeniousness of these too Mexican men. One of the things that rankles me is how many gringos and gringas are constantly complaining about Mexico and Mexicans. This idea of forcing a whole culture to comply with how it is done in Amerika;
the fireworks!!, the noise, the dogs barking, the constant parades, traffic snarls, and the worst of all, Mexicans are stupid. On and on they grumble. Maddie and I talked about this a lot last night, she is equally discouraged by the lack of respect for her culture, not just lack of respect for it is deeper than that—basically it is a shadow elitism unseen by those who want their comfort before any depth of introspection as to why they are here in this land of chaos and magic.
That said, people are allowed to give vent at times to stupidity in general as it is so rampant in all cultures, no more so than in the good ol' incorporated USofA. I will write a separate post about my talks with Maddie, she attending an elite high school in a DC suburb and her observations are so acute that I want to share them.
Yay!! They did it!! And Angel looks on proudly feeling he is part of the crew.
Angel inspecting how much water is in the hole, I think part of him wanted to jump in for a swim.
It becomes obvious to us all that the cistern was low on water and with all the ground seepage the enclosure had filled with water pushing the cistern up against the cement covering thereby causing it to collapse inwardly. There have been years of equal or much more rain and this never happened so it didn't seem likely but there it was, the proof is in the pudding, so they say.
Cistern straightened out as much as possible, a few minor cracks that can be repaired and happy dogs!
Thus on a Sunday morning with some time on my hands I will end here for the moment. Life is beautiful because of challenges met with laughter, wonder, and gratitude.
Rainbows bearing good omen every day now. #Beauty