😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

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― Oscar Wilde
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😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

Post by Christine »

Chapter One: How it started.

Christine and Cristian went shopping in the nearby town known as Q-town, being forever children at heart the big toy store called them inside. Sitting on a big pile in the middle of the store were a bunch of stuffed animals, one jumped out—this cute little fluffy lamb with glitter. As Christine is secretly known as glitter girl so there was an irresistible urge to take glitter lamb home—little did we know what we were getting into.

The first thing we noticed was a certain grumbling sound coming from the glitter lamb which turned into a stream of obscenities by the afternoon. While I was at work Cristian found him drinking a beer, we soon realized we had some issues with this cute creature. Not only was he drinking beer but insisting it be from a local brewery and not "the commercial crap". His twisted nature was more apparent as he had taken out a spiritual book and put on an innocent facial expression.

The glitter lamb, now known as Psycho Glitter Lamb or PGL for short.

I am going to have to do some catching up on this lamb-chop tale since the saga has continued over several weeks now. During my telling I hope the reader will capture the hilarity that is catching on here locally.

I was getting daily notifications from Cristian that PGL was either drunk or swearing at him, he didn't like the beer left over in the fridge (though he drank it anyways), didn't appreciate the dogs sniffing his rear end, and rather despised the cats for ignoring him. At least at night he would settle into a stupor and fall asleep.

The day after Cristian returned to Romania I couldn't find him anywhere, his constant moaning and groaning was absent from the house so I went to look for him outside wondering if Maxine and returned to her habit of ripping up stuffed pillows and such. I found him up in a tree, yelling at me that he couldn't live without his "friend" who at least provided some company. I think he was trying to escape.

I know PGL looks cute and innocent but don't let that fool you.

I took him back inside and gave him a sketch book thinking he might find something to do other than cuss and complain. So far he hasn't produced a piece of art or even a scribble but at least I was trying to calm him down. He's really so incoherent that it's hard to figure out what the issue is. Cristian warned me that I might have to momentarily become PGL, sort of like a horse whisperer, get into his psyche. That wasn't all too appealing though it spontaneously happened a few days later. Meanwhile I was leaving him home, the beer had run out so finding him passed out on the floor with a bottle of Mezcal was concerning.

A bender that took him a whole day to sleep off.

Psycho Glitter Lamb and sketch book, hoping he will get inspired soon.

Since the supply of alcohol in the house was getting depleted and he can't figure out how to uncork the wine or champagne I have stashed away he found something else to appease his inner turmoil.

At least it calmed him down as he zoned out for a few hours.

I became concerned that he was going to harm himself if I kept leaving him home alone. The next morning I found him in my backpack and knew he'd be better off hanging out with me at the shop.


To be continued .... it gets better!
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Re: 😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

Post by Christine »

Chapter Two: PGL Visits The El

Having determined that leaving Psycho Glitter Lamb at home could be disastrous for his mental health, I decided to bring him to town with me. It wasn't a decision I made lightly as he is a bit of a chaos creator. By this point I was becoming aware that his deep psyche disturbance which led to his drinking and swearing had something to do with PTSD though figuring out the root cause eluded me.

I set PGL on the counter behind the coffee bar and went about my morning opening routine—getting the espresso machine on, washing any left over dishes from the day before and other random needed chores. I had my back to him when I heard the loud sound of bottles falling off a shelf behind me, turned around and found him swinging from a hanging lamp shade.

Not sure how he actually got up that high but there he was laughing a bit too diabolically for my taste.

Getting him down involved a ladder and some balance. What to do now? Ah! Stick him under the pastry display dome.

Perfect solution time being, I can no longer hear his constant swearing, he can't get out but still observe what's going on in the shop.

As is his custom Michael came by fairly early for his Kahlua spiked coffee when he spotted the squishy thing in the pastry plate. I explained to him why he was there—his constant drinking habits, his swearing and of course his name. Michael is never one to miss a moment for humor immediately making friends with PGL.

I knew I was in for a long day. PGL had been dry for a few days so it was definitely up for grabs his next antics where going to be.

As the day moved on a few friends came by the shop for a smoothie and a talk. One of the best things about being the proprietress of an intimate café is getting to know people over time. Building a field of trust where others we can share metaphysical musings, explore the nature of reality, and discuss the disturbing world events. While we were talking the pastry dish started rumbling so the ladies asked what was in it. Deciding that PGL might benefit for our conversation I let him out. Of course they asked me about him and while I was "being" PGL my friend Zora got right into it and filmed this short video.

PGL acted fairly decently until another fellow walked in, then he went right back to swearing, stamping his glitter hooves and demanding a beer. Not everyone knows how to take this furry fellow. The best approach is to take his unruliness with humor though some people find that difficult and others are beginning to wonder about my sanity. Denise is a regular and she took right to him, offered him a cigarette which of course he accepted greedily.

PGL seems to need a constant stimulant or he goes on ranting, smoking gave us a short respite from his foul mouth.

By the end of the day he seemed exhausted from all the excitement, it was the end of a long week for us all. Since I was closing up shop it was a relief to see him put on some shades and hear him snoring away on the shelf.

I didn't know that Psycho Glitter Lambs could snore so loudly.

Looking forward to the weekend at home I inadvertently "forgot" to put PGL in my bag, rationalizing I figured Michael could handle him on Saturday. I figured wrong, mid-morning I started getting photos on WhatsApp, still not sure if PGL or Michael was the culprit of these shenanigans, either way it had me laughing so hard that I spit out my coffee.

I am pretty sure that PGL didn't want to commit suicide so assume that Michael was the instigator of PGL in a blender.

Was PGL being served to a customer in a coffee mug? These moments I begin to wonder about everyones sanity.

Oh my! He must have been really hungry to bury himself in the cat food container... he's going to need a bath.

Little did I know that PGL would sneak out of the shop on Saturday afternoon and climb up in a tree, he seems to feel liberated when he's up high in the branches. It rained all weekend, not just light showers but torrential down pours. Looking back now I wonder if I had known he was outdoors if I would have driven to town to rescue him.

To be continued: A few other creatures that appear to be part of the cute-but psycho tribe have made themselves known. Wondering if anyone reading this has had such encounters? ...
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Re: 😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

Post by Christine »

Chapter Three: All That Glitters is Not Gold - Meet Ballerina Glitter Mouse

The saga continues, at the end of the last chapter PGL was left outdoors over the weekend. Arriving at the shoppe on Monday morning to find the glitter lamb soaking wet and sitting in the tree outside, he was very subdued when I picked him up and took him inside - admittedly I felt bad about abandoning him to the elements. Life does go on and by the end of the day he was back to muttering under his breath. At one point I caught one mumbled word, it sounded like "lonely" so I picked him up and had him sit with Catrina the cat, who ignored him but at least he was close to body heat

PGL doesn't look happy, at least he wasn't shivering too much.

Over the weekend my friend, Zora sent me an urgent message on WhatsApp that she had an unbelievable story to tell. Replying that I would probably believe it she sent me a bunch of messages and some photos. Once again I found myself laughing out loud.

"The skies opened up and it was raining cats and dogs, and and….. the lightning cracked in the thunder roared! A while later as the storm calmed I noticed some thing in the bushes… alas… it looked like a little spaceship had landed!"

A craft from space has landed."

"Then I noticed her, everywhere I looked there she was!"

The pink glitter creature has big eyes that are disturbing in their penetrating stare.

"She kept asking, "have you seen my papa?" Popping in and out of reality she seemed desperate to have her questioned answered. I can't find my papa and am so worried, you see he was going a little crazy, she said. I came to find my papa, we are so worried about him. She kept doing pirouettes which made her invisible and then she'd suddenly appear elsewhere."

The pink glitter mouse asking a latino couple if they knew where her papa was.

"She told me her name was ballerina glitter mouse. I tried to calm her down, as the storm receded I put her down for a little nap to rest from her long, long travels. She had trouble to closing her eyes though, but at least she rested. Now comes the journey of helping her find her papa. I told her I might have seen him in a blender somewhere, but wasn't sure. We will have to see how it goes."

Ballerina Glitter Mouse resting with her eyes wide open. I might call her Pinky for short.

I will end here for the moment a bit lost for words though I know there is more to this story. Recently PGL has been disappearing and reappearing in random places which has me wondering if these fluffy creatures are a special type of hyperdimensional entity that has chosen to make their presence known or they are on a special mission and being stuck in this realm has them a bit perturbed.

I am sure we will eventually find out.... To be continued.
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Re: 😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

Post by Christine »

NOT a Chapter: Oh no!!


Was it something I said?? or did?? or didn't do?? Getting worried here.
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Re: 😱 The Saga of Psycho Glitter Lamb (PGL) and Friends

Post by Christine »

NOT a Chapter III: Serious Concerns
And a new strange character appearing out of no where.

Arriving at the café this morning I find PGL passed out.

I am currently finding myself at a loss on how to help him, my friend Zora came in the other day and was surprised when I told her that the Glitter Mouse was peeking out of her back pack — PGL had stayed home so they didn't meet. Perhaps when they finally do it will help with PGL's obvious inability to find some stability.

Zora with Ballerina Glitter Mouse who had hitched a ride.

PGL has been somewhat subdued over the last few days, he finds comfort with Angel aka Goof Ball. I am now thinking that he needs constant attention and he definitely prefers the non-human variety. Tucking him in bed with the cats or snuggling him in with the stuffed tigers has been somewhat successful.

The look on Angel's face is why I affectionally call him Goof Ball.

Sparkle Farts had me laughing out loud, what a name! Are we dealing with an insurrection of sparkly cute toys? Has an alien species decided that human life forms are no longer viable? Not sure yet and with the way the world is crumbling these days it seems possible. Not sure when I will return to reporting on the saga of PGL, everyone and everything around me seems very subdued as we wait for the next piece on the grand chessboard to be played. Laughter has been a great solace and I am sure it will return though momentarily it has left me as the world goes ever more mad.

And still they don't see... That is the worst part, watching how well the dark hand plays the human.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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