Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

''Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.''
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Haven’t seriously sat down to write in quite some time. Been processing many things on many levels, and sometimes it helps to just go within, and spend time with the self. So much is directed and pulled outwards, look at this, look at that. And it’s beginning to feel like I’m sitting in the eye of a big storm, when I’m not being bandied about. Much change is on the horizon.

One thing that has been niggling on my consciousness, is the multidimensionality of things. I’m becoming more and more aware of myself operating on numerous different levels simultaneously. And definitely the pot is being seriously stirred lately, affecting all life, though many still seem blissfully unaware. Not really blissfully, though, as even my daughter, when I talk to her, is willfully shutting the outside world out. What will happen to these people who are trying to protect themselves from the anxiety that is really still there, just under the surface, can no longer be ignored. It’s palpable, but still they shove it down. Eventually, action is going to be required. What action, I cannot say, as it will be different for everyone. Some seem as though they are here just as props in a movie, a nameless sea of moving bodies, but almost as if they are not really here. Strange, strange, this newly dawning awareness of what’s really unfolding around us. I’m in the middle of it, but keep trying to connect to the eagle in me, who flies high overhead with x-ray vision, and can see what I can’t see from ground level.

On a personal level my health has been bumped to the front for my attention, and I see I still have much to learn, as well as unlearn. I’m gaining on it at the moment, but truly, I am my own worst enemy. Much more to say there, but for another time. The big news, for me anyway, is a possible move to another state. It’s looking more and more viable, and I will have much more of a feel for what is to come after this next week. Many things have led up to this point, which I’m sure I’ll write more about later. I really just wanted to start the ball rolling, and get some of my thoughts down while they are still fresh in the mind.

I have also been reviewing what many of us are now coming to understand about our real history, as opposed to the lies we’ve been fed since birth. I’ve started re-reading the Oera Linda material and listening to some videos with Cal Washington. This all synchs nicely with my thoughts about freedom, what it really means, how we lost it, and how to achieve it again. I’m going to go ahead and post this for now, so I don’t get bogged down with how much has transpired since last I wrote and posted. It’s been a wild ride....

Redemption Song by Bob Marley keeps coming to mind....

Old pirates, yes, they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty
We forward in this generation

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the book

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I haven’t written anything for the forum in a long time. Many reasons, but primarily among them is the ongoing health challenges I have been dealing with. But here we are at the end of yet another year of madness, and I feel the need to reflect. Actually, been doing a lot of that lately, maybe even more than usual. As I move through the various phases of what is going on in my body, trying to trouble shoot and treat, I find myself experiencing some fairly topsy turvy emotions. The stage was set for where I am now a long time ago.

One of the things that keep coming up for me is the way mainstream medicine has morphed into something barely recognizable anymore. In fact, it’s that way with most everything. But much like my health, this storm was brewing since a long time ago, we just couldn’t see it clearly, let alone take appropriate action, or really any action at all that wasn’t simply reactionary, usually driven by fear and emotion. For instance, I have from time to time taken myself to task and tried to improve my diet (even though compared to most it wasn’t that bad I thought), but mostly only as a bandaid to stop whatever symptoms I was having rather than following through on any real life change.

And that brings me to the topic of the saying “trust the experts”! Of course, that’s only the government sponsored “experts”. As in, none of us are smart enough to do our own research and trust our own knowing. I look at pretty much all the institutions, from religion, politics, medicine, commerce, to education and science, it’s all the same shaping and mind control techniques being used, quite successfully I might add. I’m spiritually minded, but won’t do religion. I want nothing to do with our current circus going on in politics and prefer to govern myself according to my conscience. Partaking of the current medical regime is a no go for me too, even if my family does think I’m nuts. The whole structure of capitalism and wealth being any sign of success in this world makes me nauseous, as I have seen over and over again how it is used to bypass having to do what is right in the name of “it’s just business”. So much misery has been caused by those given full license to let their greed run amok.

Education is a farce now, and science has become the new religion, complete with unproven beliefs that can be substantiated with all manner of trickery. I took a statistics class and learned how they can be so easily skewed. No one ever asks, “which model did you use?”. Reminds me of when I was a kid growing up in a home who were Jehovah’s Witnesses and arguing with this kid who was a Mormon. We could each pick and choose bible scriptures to prove our points. Did that make either of us right?

So, back to my health, or lack thereof. Most of the time I’m fairly philosophical about it all. My main objective is to try and heal the monster I’ve allowed to take hold of my digestive system. I actually did make a doctors appointment, which I cancelled when I found out I needed more information first. They can do certain types of tests that can give me more substantial information about what is going on in my body, but if they don’t test for the right thing I won’t learn anything at all. What I do know is that I am among the growing numbers of people who realize I have to completely give up wheat and there’s no going back. I love wheat, my organic whole grain bread I toasted in the morning to go with my kimchi and eggs, French toast with yogurt and raspberries, my spaghetti, homemade macaroni and cheese, and especially my scones! That was truly the first hurdle was giving up this idea that it was ever going to go back to the way it was.

The other thing is I’m trying to still keep up with the farm. My husband, being 78 and pretty much as stubborn (maybe even more?) as I am, is encountering more and more limitations on what he can reasonably do. He does many things that aren’t helping (in all honesty he feels he has to), plus it’s unlikely he would have the fortitude to change the way he eats as drastically as I have. He did finally give up a few things when he actually read the labels and saw that they contained not only GMO’s etc, but bioengineered (frankenfood?) ingredients. Could be anything under that label, even insect parts. But his diet sill consists of things I gave up a long time ago. Anyway, he can’t do it all even if he is willing to try. I still have two goats to milk everyday, even though I am finally down to that magic number of 6, plus 3 more that aren’t mine.

We did not get our roof done, so still tarping it, nor did we get the bigger wood stove in this year. We have it but it has to be repaired first. So still chopping lots of tiny pieces of wood for our stove, hauling frozen buckets of water in to replace with fresh for the animals everyday. Fortunately the weather, though mostly overcast and gloomy, has not dumped an enormous amount of snow on us this winter, yet. Still have vehicle problems, and the big generator that we use to run the well just quit on us. We have a new one coming by the weekend, thankfully. It just goes on and on, but still very grateful to not be in the big city, and still be able to be surrounded by trees, wildlife, and farm animals. A big drama unfolded with us and our nearest neighbors over our dogs and theirs, but I’ll save that for another time. Suffice it to say we responded appropriately and they did not, at first. But then they saw first hand what they needed to see, and also took at least some kind of action, which is good.

I have learned a ton of new information that makes my mind feel stretched and full. My weight got down to about 85 pounds (I’m 5’2”) which is about 20 pounds less than I should be, and kind of scary to look at. For a while there I couldn’t eat at all on some days, and only had bananas and applesauce on other days. My digestion has completely broken down. I’ve discovered some new terms, SIBO and SIFO, short for small intestine bacterial overgrowth and small intestine fungal overgrowth. I now know more than I ever wanted to about leaky gut, how and why it happens. Nothing like feeling like you’ve poisoned yourself every time you eat. Food is something I’ve always had kind of a strange relationship with. I was malnourished as a child, had a fast metabolism, and could out eat everyone I knew. I love food! It’s one of the reasons for wanting to have a physical body, so I can eat and enjoy food. Life can suck, but everything’s ok if I just have tasty good food. Unfortunately “good food” has come to have a whole new meaning to me.

My emotions have been all over the place with this, from contemplating my own death and departure from this world, to being afraid to eat at all, to fearing I was going to die of starvation (already did that in probably more than one life). Intense vomiting and diarrhea for days does tend to get your attention I must say. This has actually been going on off and on since May, about 2 months after I had my bottom teeth pulled. That played a part in all this as well. My situation illustrates, rather painfully I might add, how difficult it is for humans to change the way they do things. Funny that we can be so adaptable as a species, yet so resistant to change. Now it’s got my full attention. In fact, my already busy daily routine has now had to include a rather ridiculously long list of things I have to do to try and regain my health.

I’m taking quite a few supplements to help rebuild my gut lining, try and eradicate the colony of harmful things that have taken up residence there, while trying to also create an environment that will encourage the beneficial bacteria and microbes to want to repopulate. It’s also a dance to take it all slow, and not try to do too many new things at once. Soothing the inflammation and irritation is also important, and I’m learning to eat completely different than I ever have before. I’ve been juicing carrots, apples, celery, and beets several times a week and soaking any rice, oatmeal, or split mung beans (also known as moong dal) I want to include in my diet overnight to help with digestibility. I came up with this new dish I make with bone broth, peas, rice, and kimchi. High protein and very satisfying. I’m going to be making my own kimchi and yogurt again. It just goes on and on. And even at that, there are no guarantees.

But then, even if I had went the mainstream route there are no guarantees. At least I have some control over my quality of life. I would not do chemotherapy or radiation, even if I was diagnosed with the big C, nor would I have a colonoscopy or any other invasive procedure. I can’t think of any pharmaceutical medication I would take if prescribed for me by mainstream medicine. There are so many more natural sources available. I have considered taking Ivermectin for the fungal and bacterial overgrowth problem, but for now am trying a few more natural substances. Colloidal silver is amazing, and so is oregano oil. There is this thing called die off symptoms, so sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m getting better or worse. But at least my energy is up most days (and I can eat!). And I honestly think almost everything we have been programmed to eat has contributed to so many mental and emotional problems, such as mood swings, depression, anger, and bipolar disorder, even autism. One of my main goals is to keep my mind in the right place. We all have an expiration date, whether we want to think about it, admit it, or not. I want to exit this realm as gracefully and aware as possible. Even this is an opportunity to learn about myself, maybe get a handle on my addiction to food, and basically become an even better version of myself. In the end, being here in a human body can be seen as either a blessing or a curse.

I have had some issues with wanting to be here with what seems to be unfolding around us on the larger collective screen of life. It’s not pretty in many ways, though I do see some bright lights out there who see a different vision. I talk to many people who feel as I do. What a strange time to be “alive” and in a body. Not that I think when we leave here it all ends. In fact, there are many perks to not having a physical body that can feel hunger, pain, and suffering. But for now, I’m going to give it all I got to stay in the game. Besides, this next year is already promising to be epically weird, as if it wasn’t enough of that already! Why wait and watch on the sidelines when I can be in the thick of it, eh? And, at least I’m going to have lots of new products to offer at the Freedom Exchanges next year. So I will end this with my expression of faith in what is good and my wish for all of us to just grab each others hands, remember what it really means to be human, and keep walking each other home. In love…..
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

For anyone who may want more information on what is really going on with gut issues and why I won’t go to a mainstream doctor (they simply don’t know and just want to do invasive procedures and prescribe you pharmaceuticals), this is a great 40 minute podcast with Evan Brand and Elissa Arnheim that will even give you specific information about tests you may want to do. I was also given info about where I can send these to bypass going through a so called health professional. My husband, having been a physicians assistant, can help me read and decipher this information so I can take the appropriate action. Also, a great book on the subject I was also turned on to by this nurse I know, who also incidentally spent three years, even going to a mainstream doctor at first, trying to figure out what was going on before she finally made enough progress to turn the corner back to restored health is Super Gut by Dr. William Davis. Evan Brand spent 10 years trying to figure it all out, so once you have a serious problem it will take diligence to turn it around. Nice to save time by learning from those who have already traveled the road. ... sa-arnheim
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

They would like us to believe now that we do not have a spirit, and that there really is no God. I guess you could probably fool a good many into believing that, if they did not have any transcendent experiences to draw from that have informed them otherwise, like I have.

You are merely a cog in the great machine, whose design and operation have rightly been given into the hands of those deemed most “qualified” for the job. According to their rhetoric.

Gathering integrity is the arrow that will shoot us back to the stars and beyond. God’s light is a field so bright, so exquisite, so intense, that you can feel like you will be blown apart, but in a good way. I have had a taste of that. To me, it is a field of goodness, of love, a love that goes far beyond man’s petty and childish ideas of what love is.

We are, at our core, magical beings conceived from this field. I am in awe and gratitude that I am able to perceive this, even if only getting brief previews sprinkled throughout my life. It’s enough to make me want to actively, and with intention, seek out and gain more access to the pathways that will move me through this black hole of our current dilemma, so that I am propelled through it to the other side. The secret to successfully navigating this dark unknown territory we are currently traversing, besides integrity, is to gather the gold, the nuggets of truth, love, and right relationship. Rather than being enamored with our current cast of role models, from sports stars, to actors, musicians, the elite and wealthiest among us, who do not exemplify any of the above characteristics, we should seek out and start adoring and trying to emulate those who live with honor and integrity. In case you are hazy on it’s meaning the following is from the online Merriam-Webster dictionary: integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.

It seems we currently live in a world that worships the opposite of everything good and of real value. I am fortunate enough to know in real life a growing number, many of them younger and having families, who have seen through the ruse, and are, with great motivation and strong intention, crafting and creating a life that runs completely counter to what the majority of mainstream society believes is the “progressive” way to live. Not even sure what that means. Several things come to mind. For many years now I’ve had dreams on occasion where it ends in total frustration. Like, I’m in a building and can’t find my room, then can’t find my keys. Or I’m in a parking lot and can’t find my car, and then can’t find my phone to call anyone. Then one where I’m going somewhere and become lost and suddenly I’m on a dock and the dock runs out and I’m in the water. Of course, I always wake up when the frustration is starting to peak. Occasionally I’ll kind of realize it’s a dream and just sit down, wherever I am, close my eyes, and just be present. Because there is no good ending, and it’s time to opt out.

What I look for, when observing patterns and people, is the love and light shining out of their eyes. It’s not hard to train yourself to do this. The people I’ve been meeting and getting to know these last few years look far happier and less stressed than the people I generally see when I go to the city to buy supplies. These folks, in general, don’t even have televisions, home school their kids and don’t give them cell phones. Everyone participates together in daily life, from livestock care, to gardening and food preservation, to learning all kinds of useful skills from hands on daily interaction with mom and dad. Usually the father either works from home, or has an outside job, allowing mom’s to be home and engaged in teaching the kids and providing high quality nutritious foods for the family. The kids are always polite and respectful.

The stark contrast with the mainstream is quite stunning. Like, everything is opposite, and illustrates so clearly that we have been sold a lie. A gigantic lie! Sometimes more is less, and less is more. Having more toys, gadgets, and conveniences does not necessarily make you happier. Same thing with cars, houses, bank accounts. I’m not saying that doing without certain things doesn’t make life more challenging, and being patient to work it out another way isn’t sometimes frustrating. Believe me, it is. But overall we have been coddled, babyfied. And we don’t even know what we actually gave up. And lastly, we wear our need to be right like a shield that keeps us from the truth. Just lately I’m realizing, yet again, just how wrong some of my ideas and thoughts were on some things. It can be humbling, but necessary. Truth is like a sword. It can cut you, but it can also set you free….
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I haven’t felt inspired to write for some long time. But just now, I felt something welling up in me that wants to come forth. I have a friend with whom I’ve had some deep conversations regarding what happens when you die. She has concerns about being tricked into coming back here, and wants to know how to avoid that. We’ve both read Robert A Monroe’s books, Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey, and I have done a fair amount of out of body travel. She has tried ayahuasca and mushrooms, and has had some powerful mystical experiences herself. The only real difference is that I have been, for some long time now, consciously working towards having more experiences connecting with command central. In other words, I inwardly spend time asking God, Great Spirit, Creator, Source, the Big Kahuna, to assist me in clearing the distortions and gaining access to a clear channel so that my life, thoughts, actions, words and behaviors will be more aligned with divine will. And I know when I’ve made the connection, because a Big Something begins to fill me with an amazing sense of gratitude and love, to the point where it feels as though I’m going to explode. All fears, and critical thoughts seem to fade into nothingness, and I know everything is just as it should be. I believe it was Ram Dass who said something like “we’re all just walking each other home”.

Many positive results have come from this practice which I’ve tried to make a part of my daily life, and one is just knowing that everything is going to be okay. The other is knowing beyond any shadow of a doubt that a benevolent loving energy made my experience possible, and that God, the God of Love, is very real. Not just a vague concept, belief, or hope, but a knowing that comes from having touched, ever so briefly, the realm and frequency where it resides. It can be only love, and even though we are made of it and are immersed in its creation, we have been given a sense of self that allows us to think we are separate from it. It truly is an illusion, but you wouldn’t know that unless you have been touched, almost like a magic wand, with what can only be called communion with the divine. Many have had this experience on rare occasions throughout their lives, but few make the honest effort to seek it out, to make it more than a rare occurrence. I would suppose many do not even know it’s possible. But it is.

Maybe more later….
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

These times we are living thru - always wondered about the past repeating itself, like how does it happen, this spiraling narcissist nightmare we seem to be living thru.

Then realization hits that it’s not that we fought and lost, but that we didn’t fight at all. Or that they have perfected their form of mass hypnosis to the point where most cannot fathom the truth of where we are. Only a small portion of humanity seems to be immune, or able to slough it off.

I believe in the past, at times we did fight back, and battles were won. But those were times before humanity was neutered, and before the predators perfected their art of takeover by stealth.

Yet, foundations are being laid that potentially could tip the scales to create a different outcome. Choosing to live, to love, to create, to actively seek to find that sweet spot, where we live in peace, yet ever ready, the infinite warrior. I know more clearly than many, yet I choose to stand firm (despite all appearances), looking this beast that seeks our annihilation right square in the eye. I see you, and I am not afraid. Your time will come.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

When I sit and contemplate where we collectively are right now, I just can’t shake the feeling that we’ve entered some kind of bardo, where it appears we are truly between two widely different states of being. We are not where we were, yet we have not arrived at where we will be (I’m sorry if I almost sound like someone who’s name I won’t mention - and yes, only some of you will get it). It feels very chaotic and unstable, with many pieces on the game board of life in motion. It kind of reminds me of the very agitated yellow jackets that have been swarming our poor dog’s food bowl. The heat’s been turned up and it’s kind of intimidating just moving through them.

But then, you have to ask, who or what is turning the heat up and causing so much agitation? How long have these predators been among us, and how many resets have they enacted on the unaware public? Because more and more I’m beginning to see how “they” operate, and how they have been with us for a very long time. I think lately the part that is hardest to accept, is that the reason what they do to us is so effective isn’t because people don’t have access to evidence and information that conflicts with their programmed view of reality. In our time, you don’t even have to be a super sleuth to follow the trail. The thing is, the majority want those proverbial prison walls, as long as they get to keep the illusion of being free, and their “stuff”. And, of course, our programmers know that humans are driven by their egos, a need to conform, and materialism. You know, since we can’t prove god exists, then does it really matter what we do, what kind of humans we are, and what kind of moral compass we do or don’t follow in life? Diversity is just another way of saying anything and everything goes, and you’d best just shut up about it if you do not agree. Everything is NOT relative.

Speaking of the need to conform, there are a couple of experiments that were conducted that show just how willing the majority of humanity is to harm others when told to do so by those in a position of authority. In fact, for many, it appears that being given a position of authority over others almost guarantees that it will be abused. Even though the second experiment in particular is what I would consider unethical to begin with, based on what I was taught when taking classes for my degree in psychology, they both still convey troubling outcomes and tentative conclusions about humanity as a whole. The Milgram Experiment conducted in 1961 by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, demonstrated that everyone in the experiment was willing to cross the line, with all of them thinking they were administering 300 volts of electricity to someone who gave incorrect responses to questions asked. Furthermore, 65% of participants were even willing to administer a deadly 450 volts to those with wrong answers to their questions.

On the Stanford Prison Experiment from
- Carried out August 15-21, 1971 in the basement of Jordan Hall, the Stanford Prison Experiment set out to examine the psychological effects of authority and powerlessness in a prison environment. The study, led by psychology professor Philip G. Zimbardo, recruited Stanford students using a local newspaper ad. Twenty-four students were carefully screened and randomly assigned into groups of prisoners and guards. The experiment, which was scheduled to last 1-2 weeks, ultimately had to be terminated on only the 6th day as the experiment escalated out of hand when the prisoners were forced to endure cruel and dehumanizing abuse at the hands of their peers. The experiment showed, in Dr. Zimbardo’s words, how “ordinary college students could do terrible things.”

As can be seen from the two examples above it becomes obvious that we are not all that civilized after all. In fact, these results demonstrate that if the Marxists have their way, which it’s looking increasingly like they will, the few of us who may be more resistant to this type of behavior will likely be the first casualties in this war against humanity at large. And I say Marxist, but really, you can insert many other names and the outcome remains the same, such as socialism, totalitarianism, fascism, Zionism, communism. I’ve always had difficulty conforming, knowing instinctively something was seriously not right in this reality I have been born into, since I was about 4 years old. It’s not made life easy, as even my own family did not warmly welcome my questioning ways. And to think my ancestors came here to America already programmed to view the native people as somehow “primitive”, and even as “savages”. The world would be a different place had we not already been so heavily indoctrinated. When you think you want freedom from oppression, but don’t really know what it is, you will just recreate what you thought you were escaping. And now, even the majority of the First Nation People have conformed to our sick societies expectations of us.

I don’t really know why I write, but I guess it is an outlet that lets me express how I really feel, before even that option goes away. The only thing that really seems to help has been seeking out like minded people, for which I actually have the plandemic to thank. I wouldn’t have met most of us as, for the most part, we didn’t stand out from the crowd before then. The other saving grace is I’ve actually had enough personal experiences with an intelligence that appears to be everywhere at once, but strangely is largely unknown, even by the most avid churchgoers. I know, not just believe, that I am a spiritual being having a human bodied experience, and will use my remaining time here to foster and expand my knowing in this area. As far as I can see, it is the only viable solution. I have already drawn the line between what I will do to get along here and what I won’t. And I’m going to do my best to figure out how not to come back here. Enough already.

And it is hard waking up here everyday, knowing that a bunch of very sick psychos, who believe in social Darwinism, believe they are superior and have some kind of right to be in charge, just continue to grow humanity like grass to just be mowed down periodically. It’s hard to so clearly recognize their tactics, as they just keep doing the same thing over and over again throughout time. I do have people I care deeply about, but there really is nothing here for me. Until a larger proportion of humanity recognizes that these cycles of boom and bust will continue to repeat themselves, unless they stop participating and helping make it happen, there isn’t going to be any real change. It’s not the controllers who need to change, as they never will, it’s humanity at large.

I still see it all the time. Even among those who have pulled themselves away from it, I see glimmers of superiority shining through. I can clearly see I’m different from the mainstream, but am I better? See, that’s another way they hook you. There’s even this not so obvious trend towards believing we can’t prove god exists, so they imagine they themselves are gods. Some of the classes I took many years ago by a so called mystery school even had an Adam Kadmon class where you were basically taught that you, yourself, could be “as a god”. Yes, we are creator beings, but we’re a long ways from being truly “godlike”, myself included. In fact, we’re about as far away from any true spiritual mastery as a whole as we can get without totally imploding on ourselves. One thing we were really good at, though, is being genuine fakes. For the most part, we don’t know who we are, we only know who are controllers want us to be. When we finally turn around and face our enemy, many will be shocked to learn that what they see is a mirror image of themselves. We are our own worst enemy. But we can change that.

In fact, that is my only hope. Maybe, just maybe, there is an undercurrent running through all this that is actually pushing us toward an understanding that can literally be like flipping a switch. I remember doing an experiment in chemistry class where we had a liquid in a test tube that was (I can’t remember for sure) I think blue. We were putting drops of another liquid in that was pink. Drop by drop it stayed blue until suddenly one more drop was put in and it suddenly all turned bright pink. The pressure is certainly increasing day by day. You can almost strike up a conversation with anyone and see that there is growing unease. I’m thankful that living out here surrounded by nature has allowed me the opportunity to see what is really “normal” and what is not. Humanity is straying farther and farther away, but eventually it won’t be able to go any further. I watch the chickens, cats, dogs, goats, and other wildlife as they go about their days, how they create an equilibrium that balances itself towards optimum survival. There is what is called natural law at work here, and much can be learned just observing. But I’ve actually had city folks out here who in a short amount of time feel profoundly uncomfortable.

Either way, whether humanity figures out how to save itself, or just goes through yet another planned “reset” while the would be controllers remain in charge, I will continue to seek out that which cannot ever be destroyed for it does not come from man. It cannot be bought or sold, it can only be earned. There may be an easier way, but I have not found it. It’s hard work but worth it. I’m hoping that at the end of this lifetime here, I can look back and see that I have made some progress at breaking free from the chains I was born into wearing. We are swimming in a sea of lies. Truth is the only path I know that will lead to true freedom. May mankind get uncomfortable enough that it finally becomes willing to see it.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Haven’t been up to writing much for many reasons. One, is it feels like doomsday is approaching. I have noticed many people kind of pulling into themselves. I would guess it’s in part due to the uncertainty that lies ahead for all of us. The other reason is I’ve been very busy here on the farm and taking a few classes (ham radio, and gun safety). Physical limitations are kind of pushing in too. Hard to have problems with your hands when everything I do involves using them.

I figured I’d write out a few thoughts before the election takes place, perhaps for posterity’s sake. I went to visit my sisters over on the west coast a few weeks ago, and pretty much all my family over there are liberals. Fortunately, we didn’t really discuss politics other than one of my sisters said everything will get better when Kamala is elected (I managed to keep a straight face on this one) and the other expressed her overall sense of anxiety. She is hung up on the abortion issue. I explained that a woman’s right to choose has been badly abused, and that there is a whole industry that makes a lot of money off of body parts and tissues etc, especially from those aborted after three months. This should NEVER happen unless there is a legitimate health reason. So the pendulum is swinging the other way there, as it should. Plus, I woke up from a dream this morning in which I was at a restaurant and some guy gave me $10 to go get another cup of coffee for him, even though I didn’t work there. After what seemed like forever I was given a cup of coffee, but the manager guy thought I worked there and handed me a mask. No one else was wearing a mask, and I was like “I don’t think so”, and woke up. Or, became awake, as I’m definitely not woke.

We are still doing the Freedom Exchange market, and I’m as committed as ever to keep it going, although almost everyone that started with us 4 years ago no longer participates. It seems when the mask mandates went away, so did all the people. But, I have met so many wonderful people since we started it. Nothing can take that away. Many new people seem to keep coming in, at least trying to make an in person connection, as others quit participating for reasons unknown. It’s very gratifying to make these kind of exchanges with others of like mind, who are well aware of what is being done to most of the food-like products in your local grocery store. I have learned so much from these people who have taken their health and food options out of the hands big Pharma and what passes as commercial food production. You basically have to create these options, as they are not readily available otherwise, and it does take more effort. To me, there is no other option, for if I did buy and eat some of the foods that might have been okay at one time, they no longer are, and I would be seriously ill or dead. One of the more recent things, besides Apeel, is the rennet commonly used in cheese making, at least on the commercial level, is now called “vegetable rennet” on the label, but is actually a genetically modified enzyme made by Pfizer. It seems they are pulling out the stops (you know, those beings that think we all need to be herded into 15 minute smart cities and eat ze bugs). They have a time line to keep, and they are definitely stepping up the pace to where it is fairly undeniable for anyone with eyes to see, and still have a few working brain cells that haven’t been “modified”.

I hate to sound so jaded, but it’s pretty bad when you have to assume every single thing you hear out of the current cast of sanctioned mouthpieces is at best mixed with lies, and at worst is ALL lies! About the only thing good about all of it, is that, at least many of those commenting about the freak show unfolding around us haven’t lost their sense of humor. Some of the memes are creatively amazing and funny, with a message. They kind of help lighten things up, amidst all the anxiety and trauma being generated, purposefully I might add. Even my one sister who thinks everything will be better when the camel is elected said, when the subject briefly came up, “they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs”! And, personally, I don’t mind being “garbage” for supporting my right to express myself without being censored for going against the party line. At least even Trump himself has a sense of humor. I haven’t heard anything funny coming from the opposition. In fact, some are just about frothing at the mouth over the possibility he may win.

I must say, though, in all truth, I don’t believe any politician is going to turn this ship around to a more sensible and healthy outcome. Not to mention things are never as they seem from the outside looking in. Those who have infiltrated, inverted, and embedded themselves into all aspects of our lives have not been neutralized and will only dig in deeper. Only the people themselves can change how this all turns out. So my only hope is that at a higher level this is all going to wake (at least some) people up out of the stupor they have been in. For that to happen, I believe things must and will get worse, before they get better. It kind of reminds me of the many science fiction series and shows my husband and I have watched over the years. In many of them, some of the members of a team get taken over by some foreign entity or consciousness and behave completely out of character. When finally shaken out of it through various means, it’s like waking up from a bad dream and they are often horrified by what they’ve done while under the “influence”. At that point, those of us who have seen through the veil enough to know that we’ve been led down the primrose path for some long time will hopefully embrace our long lost brothers and sisters.

My suggestion for all who read here is to find something that comforts you, and pay attention to that. For some it’s a good bottle of wine (and good company), for others such as myself, it’s farm animals (and some occasional wine, LOL), and for others, like my one sister, it’s her new dog. Time spent in nature is also a good antidote. And really limit your exposure to the, cough cough, “news”. Find folks that still know how to laugh, smile, and find something positive to focus on. Don’t buy into the hype and fear. Consciously pay attention to how you feel in your body, and purposefully release the tension and replace the thoughts that reinforce the sense of doom that’s being generated. I personally have so much to be grateful for, and find that is a good thing to reflect on. It seems to draw good things and beneficial outcomes into my life. And memes. More memes, LOL.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Greetings to all who read here. It is a new year and I have not posted anything in along time. I’ve been writing, but mostly just to my two sisters who I am trying to stay more connected to, despite our many differences. Spiritually, we are aligned, as they are both very caring people who know there is a greater divine presence many call God. From that place we can build, and I’m making every effort to do so. They both got the shots, still believe in the system, and even voted for Kamala (and despise Trump).

I have a great deal of emotion rolling around inside of me. And I have good friends who manage to get through life without such a load. With my Leo moon, it’s hard not to experience BIG emotion, and the trick truly has been about learning to step back and be able to calmly assess what is really going on, instead of just reacting. Anxiety is a condition that is far more prevalent today than I’ve ever seen it, with an entire generation of young people who struggle with severe anxiety, and I’ve often wondered why. Not really, because our world is growing increasingly unstable, but still, it seems many come in now with an inability to process and move on from even the smallest traumas now.

I’m going to write more openly and honestly than I probably should, but I honestly feel this is at the heart of many of the worlds problems. When you are traumatized, it seriously inhibits your best self’s ability to use what you learn from life’s harsher experiences to have a better understanding, and more productive set of life skills with which to navigate life. We become ripe for enslavement, which we are on the verge of now in an unprecedented way. Strangely, we are at the same time on the precipice of achieving a whole new understanding of our place in the larger scheme of things. That is, if you can open your mind to new possibilities, new ways of looking at things.

One of the things that keeps reappearing for me is the notion that our earth as we’ve been taught, may not be what we’ve been told. I’m still on the fence, in that I still don’t feel we have put all the pieces together, or reached the end of the story. There is more. But when you mention to anyone that the earth is likely flat, and not a round ball hurtling through space, you are likely to get a triggered response that rejects this notion out of hand. For me, I’ve definitely reached the stage of accepting that we have indeed been majorly hoodwinked. It was hard at first (due to those pesky emotions) to accept that all my many years of studying, learning astrology (which by the way, still works) taking college classes in astronomy, geology, and heck, even history, was a lot of mental effort that literally has had to be discarded to make room for me to begin to just follow the evidence. We were taught to believe that certain things were inalienable truths, yet as it turns out they were bold faced lies that have simply been told and taught so pervasively that they have literally become cemented in our minds. Which leads me to think we have master magicians at the helm, creating these collective ideas that we have all been adhering to. I can see why just the thought of it creates a sense of anxiety. Once you start unraveling the fabric of lies, it seems there is no end. And one thing college did do for me is taught me how to research anything I wanted to know. We may not have it all figured out yet, but some brilliant minds have been at work providing many breadcrumbs to follow. Not knowing or questioning now involves willful ignorance.

One of the other reasons I haven’t written much is I have a sense of pulling inward, and just really focusing on keeping my own ship heading where I really want to go, and to steer away from those things that tend to go no where. There is much here that I have no control over. It’s easy to get caught up in the outer show, especially lately as just waking up everyday exposes us to more shock and awe scenarios. I find dwelling too much on all that can go wrong is not helpful. Instead, I keep to myself and focus on what I can personally do to just stay in that sweet spot, where at least in my own space all is well. God is good.

This may sound like a bunch of gobbledygook, but seriously, just being in a world where so many have turned away from the spiritual, worship money and personal wealth, or worse, believe in an angry god, or have even pledged their allegiance to the false god of this realm, it’s an act of courage to stand up and say I am in this world, but no part of it. I live by faith, but also in the warm, loving embrace of my creator. For this I am grateful and blessed indeed. Outwardly, due to many factors, the plandemic being one of them, and age/health related factors being the other, my husband and I have been living on our Social Security benefits and the little bit I make at our market. My husband has made very good money at times in his life, so I think it’s harder on him. Me raising two boys by myself when they were small, on minimum wage and no family support, has made me pretty tough. Still, having to be patient, and cultivate a solution oriented attitude of basically “where there is a will, there is a way”, has stretched us in new ways. Thing is, I can’t count how many times I’ve bumped up against something seemingly unsolvable, and consciously admitting that, surrendering, and asking for assistance from the big Kahuna, my higher self, and those who help me in the spirit world. Every single time, assistance has appeared, often in ways I couldn’t see coming. I’ve learned to trust that though I can’t take a snapshot of who it is that is helping so I can prove it to others, it is very real to me and can be relied on. It is kind of scary, though, I must admit. And humbling. I know very few who are actively working on their relationship with that which is non-physical in this way. Admittedly, if life had been a cake walk financially, it would have been less likely I would have come this far. The Bible pretty much sums up what I am talking about in Matthew 19:24: “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

I have also found just being out here in nature with all the trees and animals around, and no smart meters or power lines, has been a blessing of a high magnitude. It has made me more reclusive, though. I find the energy I encounter in the nearby city rather discordant and loud. I’ve never seen so many homeless before, and life has become a struggle for even many who consider themselves middle class. It’s hard to watch all our tax dollars go for anything BUT helping the people who have been born and raised in this beautiful country. It is all coming to a head, though. I’ve thought things were out of balance, out of synch, since I got here, but things are about to flip. How exactly that is going to look is still uncertain, in my mind, but it’s a good time to self reflect, all of us. Things are not going back to what many considered the old normal. Might as well try to contribute something positive in whatever ways you can, even if it’s just shoring up your life navigation skills. And being able to work through trauma quickly and effectively, in my mind, is a good skill to work towards. I certainly don’t have it all figured out. Heck, I still have old trauma lurking around in there just waiting for the right moment to rear its head, from this life and beyond. But I have made progress. And I can guarantee we do have help. So, onward we go. May the power of love, truth, and courage, along with a healthy dose of faith, gratitude and humility, take us where we need to go.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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