Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

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Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Realeyes »

I have been a curious Alice all my life (this is congruent with my soul nature in truth). Tricks can be funny like in this below 40 second trick. I have always wanted to know how fake magic tricks worked, a typical curious Alice wanting to know the working mechanics; so I became a kids party magician’s assistant for several years and learned about the slight of hand moves, misdirection’s, mirrors on mirrors and hidden hinges/joints in magic props. .............“Reality” (for myself) involves far bigger magic that has been a greater curiosity for me as I have pursued journeys in exploring “Consciousness” of lower mind to higher mind, Soul and Spirit, and Source. Anyway, lets begin this serious topic Thread OP post with this endearing and poignant clip with a light heart.

The title of this thread says what it means, but please bear with me, while I warm up as I am not one to usually start threads. I was requested by Christine to continue this specific subject here on Earth Empaths; I am a member of the Earth Empaths Healing Group for the past year. Some here will know me, others will not; it matters not either way, I prefer to be a nobody; I like my privacy yet a completely open book to those who are close in my life. I have no need to prove anything, or justify anything, nor claim to have any answers, nor place myself as anything “special” to write home on. That said this very specific subject is dear to me and has been for a very long time….

So Let’s start.

2015 what a year! I have never known one quite like it! Oh my… so many revelations of transparency…

The most common theme I will remember about this year is the common daily usage of the word/term “Psy-Ops” used in a vast variety of ways in all mediums. It seems every nook and cranny right down to under stones and blades of grass has been harbouring a Psy-Ops, where so many were proven to be absolutely a Psy-Ops, others debatable needing more facts and critical thinking, to some just ego personality copy cats, and a few completely wrongo down the Congo (imo).

For myself this year has been Soooooooooo revealing inwardly and outwardly, it’s been a challenging journey for many, while revealing true colours on so many levels. Ironically I say in complete humour I was even accused (by less than a handful of cyber people) of being part of a Psy-Ops – such was most interesting to watch and experience). By far tougher and more challenging for myself was to watch and stay silent (a friendship wise group decision) when it was my friends being targeted – yet it certainly fires up the spiritual warrior to see what is really the focal importance of this ‘here and now’ that propels the compassionate loving momentum deeper with Soul-Full Love in Action.

Anyways, what with 2015 drawing to a close perhaps it would be fitting to bring up the subject (that is for myself always been the point of the big elephant in the room) the Mind F*** of all Psy-Ops’s – With the question being-: “What IF we are already living in an A.I. Simulation Matrix?”

While this question ripples ruminations in your mind…. I will share a few thoughts of my own that I have not publicly shared before. This topic is not new to me… it began long ago, (I just chose to remain silent about it until now). It’s a dark rabbit hole, so this thread comes with a warning, that it is the mother f*cker of all rabbit holes; If you don’t want to know, please move to another thread now – it is your free will choice of 'timing' right for you. For those who decide to stay, bravo for your timing and courage, I so look forward to your inspired deep thinking well thought out discussions.

All I ask is lets please be mature adults and avoid knee jerking reactions… we are grown ups here on our own unique Soul Journeys, representatives of the alternative community, so let’s be our best in walking our talk. Also, I totally admit I don’t like starting threads because I juggle a lot in my reality so likely will not read this thread every day so please bear this in mind. The best atmosphere for growth is where everyone is equally welcome to share their perspective. Btw, I also don’t have all the answers, far from it, but I have tested this out for the past 44 years and learned some things along the way that may be useful to share over time.

In Times of constant intentional misdirection’s and hoodwinks it is easy to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” as the saying goes where one “can’t see the wood for the trees”. Many of us have observed with dismay how the alternative community (once known as free thinkers) are on some kind of meltdown where everyone seems to be disagreeing with everyone, outing everyone, accusing, blaming and demonising. Divide and Conquer has always been the way this ‘system’ works; so I say let’s move past this and return back to our commonality that we all have in common. Regardless of the Reality we believe we are living in/perceiving, the majority of us know something is not right ‘here’ and feel tired and want to break out of the commonly termed “Matrix System”. So I am diving in the deep end and volunteering to start a serious discussion thread on this very subject.

So to get this ball rolling, in most seriousness, I have done many Spring Cleans in my life re-evaluating absolutely EVERYTHING I’ve experienced, perceived and believed or thought I knew in my life, and right now I’m close to the end of such another re-evaluating and re-categorising everything.

I am a very private person, yet I will confess I have known some shocking truths about this reality since 4 years old during a major soul quickening re-remembrance of myself ‘outside’ of this specific incarnation – I rarely speak of this as it is private to me and no one else’s soul business other than mine to know about. That said, since 4 years old I have spent my entire life knowing something was very wrong in this reality, how natural laws/behaviours of Creation were missing ‘here’, also other usual things missing that should be present ‘here’. At 4 years old I understood with soul Gnowingness what I perceived in this reality was ‘filtered’, not the full story, yet hidden in plain sight underlying reality in all that was right under my nose but ‘firewalled out’ to reach my conscious awareness. Since 4 years old I have been working on dissolving that pre-programmed ‘firewall’.

Déjà vu is one fine glitch to contemplate. I have spent a good part of my life contemplating the mechanics of déjà vu… déjà vu is a big clue that leads to what really is at the end of this rabbit hole (imo).

Okay, big confession, I soul remember prior to this incarnation what Earth/Gaia looked like in her ‘original’ form as a round planet in Her natural procession with the family of other planets and star. I also remember most clearly what “She” looked like after the historic Solar War that occurred a very long time ago; She had been battered so was not the full sphere she once was. I know ‘Her’ well and her Nature and I love Her dearly for the amazing unconditional service she offers to souls who decide to spend Time with Her.

That all said…. The ‘here’ I find myself writing this post in, is a very ‘DIFFERENT HERE’….. perhaps you remember or sense this too that something is amiss, something that is so soul-fully vitally important to remember?

In January it will be my 6th year of forum life, where most discussions revolve around trying to understand, debate and argue Matter with Matter, which will undoubtedly become heated. In my own mind’s thinking, I cannot solve a problem by the same attitude that created the problem, I cannot fix a disease by the same dis-ease that created it etc. I have to observe it from a higher perspective, above the attitude that created it, to discover the solution. So in this specific debate, (in my mind at least) it is prudent to look beyond physical Matter, going deeper into the Information Field of waves and particles/consciousness & Energy. It was for this very reason why I have been studying Quantum Mechanics since 2001 because I wanted to understand where Science and Spirituality ‘meet’. I was most alarmed when it was discovered that 'Super Strings' held within its coding a very sophisticated computer binary language…. I so wanted my childhood realisations to be wrong. I still do want them to be wrong…. But after 44 years (for myself) everywhere I have looked, experimented with firsthand has lead back to that soul-full remembrance aged 4.
Ultimately it is immaterial and unimportant what I remembered at 4 years old, such was just part of the ‘warm up’ introduction.

This thread is about what do you remember, really soul-fully remember?
Has Déjà vu played a part in your reality, knowing you have been here before? How do you pure reason this out?
Have you noticed other glitches in your perceived Reality of specifically this ‘here’?
Are there things you have noticed that are missing to what you soul remember?
Are you brave enough to go beyond your comfort zones and really look at this?

Red Pill moment has now arrived with this condensed 30 min video link – entirely your choice and responsibility to click the play button.

Ps. Returning back to the Monkey laughing at the trick…
(a) Was the monkey laughing because the item had disappeared from the cup?
(b) Or was his laugh directed at the human for 'presuming' the monkey would fall for such a trick?

It is all about conscious observational perspective...
No matter 'whatever'…
REMEMBER: We are Eternal BEings of Consciousness, birthed from Source exploring many landscapes into Foreverness.

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616
Last edited by Realeyes on Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Realeyes »

For those who are interested in more.... (I haven't cleared my cookies, so if the video links start in the middle, please rewind to the beginning)

Here is a clip from Philip K Dick amazing speech in 1977


And here is The Simulation Hypothesies

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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Realeyes »

Theoretical Physicist Finds Computer Code in String Theory

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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by dianna »

Panel discussion from the 2011 World Science Festival on digital physics:" onclick=";return false;.


Edward Fredkin: Fredkin has been broadly interested in computation: hardware and software. He is the inventor of many things including the Trie data structure, the Fredkin Gate and the Billiard Ball Model. Fredkin and his students did pioneering work on cellular automata and reversible computing. He has also been involved in computer vision, chess and other areas of AI research.

Fotini Markopoulou-Kalamara: A founding member and faculty at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, a research institute devoted to foundational issues in theoretical physics, Fotini Markopoulou-Kalamara is a leading researcher in the problem of quantum gravity.

Jürgen Schmidhuber: Jürgen Schmidhuber has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers on artificial intelligence, machine learning, mathematically optimal universal AI, artificial curiosity and creativity, adaptive robotics, algorithmic information and complexity theory, computable universes and digital physics, the formal theory of beauty, and fine arts.

Seth Lloyd: Working with a variety of groups to construct and operate quantum computers and quantum communication systems, Seth Lloyd is the first person to develop a realizable model for quantum computation. His research focuses on the role of information in complex systems and the quantum mechanics of living systems (known as `quantum life'), economics, and cosmology.

For More on Edward Fredkin:


What is Digital Philosophy?

Digital Philosophy (DP) is a new way of thinking about the fundamental workings of processes in nature. DP is an atomic theory carried to a logical extreme where all quantities in nature are finite and discrete. This means that, theoretically, any quantity can be represented exactly by an integer. Further, DP implies that nature harbors no infinities, infinitesimals, continuities, or locally determined random variables. This paper explores Digital Philosophy by examining the consequences of these premises.

At the most fundamental levels of physics, DP implies a totally discrete process called Digital Mechanics. Digital Mechanics[1] (DM) must be a substrate for Quantum Mechanics. Digital Philosophy makes sense with regard to any system if the following assumptions are true:

All the fundamental quantities that represent the state information of the system are ultimately discrete. In principle, an integer can always be an exact representation of every such quantity. For example, there is always an integral number of neutrons in a particular atom. Therefore, configurations of bits, like the binary digits in a computer, can correspond exactly to the most microscopic representation of that kind of state information.

In principle, the temporal evolution of the state information (numbers and kinds of particles) of such a system can be exactly modeled by a digital informational process similar to what goes on in a computer. Such models are straightforward in the case where we are keeping track only of the numbers and kinds of particles. For example, if an oracle announces that a neutron decayed into a proton, an electron, and a neutrino, it’s easy to see how a computer could exactly keep track of the changes to the numbers and kinds of particles in the system. Subtract 1 from the number of neutrons, and add 1 to each of the numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrinos.

The possibility that DP may apply to various fields of science motivates this study.
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Realeyes »

Thank you Dianna for this video link and information; it looks most interesting and I will most certainly watch this in the next couple of days.
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Hermit »

Can I approach this from a Socratic method? I'm not going to ask another question until I get an amen. :D
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Christine »

By all means do ~
Hermit wrote:Can I approach this from a Socratic method? I'm not going to ask another question until I get an amen. :D
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Hermit »

I'm going to start with the zinger.

What is a mind?
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Shezbeth »

Could you be more specific?" onclick=";return false;

"I have no flaws...

... except one: I lie too much" - Ilya Alekseyev
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Re: Reality...Is This an A.I. Matrix Simulation?

Post by Hermit »

Ingressum instruas, progressum dirigas, egressum compleas.
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