How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Christine »

I hadn't seen this thread until just this moment, it left me bewildered to realize that we haven't let go of this conspiracy crap and for the umpteenth time, ee is not MY forum, you all decide what you want it to be. Also ... to hammer in some nails, my only reason to be here is my Love of Truth and Freedom ... along with being witness to the beautiful expressions I find blossoming in the Human heart, if only we would let it.

If we all tended our own garden it is quite possible that Trolls would learn something.


A Child's fable by Mary Howitt (1799-1888)

Oh my said the spider to the fly!

“Will you walk into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly;
“’Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many pretty things to show when you are there.”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”

“I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the spider to the fly.
“There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck you in.”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “for I’ve often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed.”

Said the cunning spider to the fly, “Dear friend, what shall I do,
To prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that’s nice;
I’m sure you’re very welcome; will you please to take a slice?”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “kind sir, that cannot be;
I’ve heard what’s in your pantry, and I do not wish to see.”

“Sweet creature!” said the spider, “You’re witty and you’re wise!
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf,
If you’ll step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself.”
“I thank you, gentle sir,” she said, “for what you’re pleased to say,
And bidding you good-morning now, I’ll call another day.”

The spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly fly would soon be back again:
So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the fly.
Then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing
“Come hither, hither, pretty fly, with the pearl and silver wing:
Your robes are green and purple; there’s a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead.”

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,
Hearing his wily flattering words, came slowly flitting by.
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue;
Thinking only of her crested head — poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlor; but she ne’er came out again!

And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly, flattering words, I pray you ne’er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart, and ear, and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the Spider and the Fly.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Pris »


What you call 'conspiracy crap' I've seen in action all over the place. (To clarify, I'm not meaning any person specifically.)

Unfortunately, (government?) trolls don't come here to learn.

I've found this kind of information to be very helpful. Without it, it can be a daunting task to keep one's head above the water.

Btw, even I've been called a troll... a few times. On TOT, for example, some people thought I was using my 'Kitteh Thread' to deliberately cause 'forum sliding'.

Try not to take things personally. Nobody really knows anyone here (except under rare circumstances).
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Spiritwind »

Funny, I have my cat on my lap right now who keeps trying to grasp my arm as I'm typing because he wants attention. First, I want to say thank you to Pris for this information, even though it is not new to me. Last year was a roller coaster ride for many of us who have been a part of strange goings on in forum land. A whole bunch of us were like a group of people who didn't even really know each other and the only thing in common was our complete bemusement trying to figure out the seamy side of the forum life underworld. We even started private chats and blogs trying to figure out what really happened. It was like watching a government coup or takeover, with secret agents possibly lurking everywhere, and everyone was trying to figure out why it was happening in the first place. Quite a few of us ended up on another forum that appeared saner and safer, only to have a rash of impersonations and outright stalking occur. So, for folks new to this phenomena, this article can provide some patterns to look for if you feel a particular forum you participate on is beginning to feel off, and want a better understanding of what to look for.

This forum feels different to me for several reasons. One being that there is a group of very empathic people who have worked together behind the scenes, many of them over a period of 3-4 years. For me it has only been one year, but in that year I have gained valuable experience that really, for me, is priceless. Over and over again I have seen us, each individually and as a group, overcome attempts to basically break us up. Numerous tactics have been used, but all have proved unsuccessful. A group of people who have learned through personal and shared experiences to trust themselves and each other is a powerful thing. A thing that is a danger to whatever that force that takes many shapes and works through vulnerable people to keep humanity from realizing it's true potential is.

Not speaking for anyone else here, but want to say part of my reason for being here, on this forum, is because it is a form of holding space. Not to go out and change what is wrong with this world, but to create a space in Internet land, where a certain energetic field is maintained through a commitment to truth and trust. Each day when I log in here I am aware that the energy feels fluid, not static, and sometimes feels smooth and other times feels a bit choppy. But, because of the experience I have gained, I feel much more confident that we can navigate whatever waters our ship, called EE, encounters.

There is so much more going on in this world than I can wrap my mind around and comprehend. But a couple of things that have become glaringly apparent to me is that I won't find the answer outside of myself, and being willing to help create the world I want to see is a personal responsibility and there is no outside authority that has all the answers. But there is also an opportunity presenting itself, to learn to build trust. And that comes from knowing myself, and my body, heart and mind, and how it responds to incoming energies and intentions. Being able to share this with others on a similar journey has been the key in some ways. I don't think anything that happens anymore just happens. It happens for a reason.

I have a memory as a child, or several I should say. It took me a long time to sort it out, and I am still far from filling in the blanks. But, it appears that there are numerous levels of reality and understanding available at any one time. I was told I was part of an experiment. But I now realize I was part of more than one, and they were occurring simultaneously on several different levels at the same time. When I tune into the highest level that seems to be available, I get that, although there are forces arrayed against our waking up en mass and taking back this planet from the grip of something that seems to operate on a completely different level than our everyday waking consciousness, that seems anti-life in every way, yet highly intelligent, we can also avail ourselves of a truly loving and life-affirming energy and consciousness. The two have always been available. Yet the one carries an energy of deceit and is only able to mimic. It seems this energy, at its core, is not even organic at all. The trick is in learning to feel what is true with your whole self. The heart, the mind, the body, and the spirit must learn to work together to be able to gain skill in intuiting what is really true for me. I would guess this could be true for others as well.

So, to sum up, what we are really talking about is our observations of how each of these energies plays out in out lives, and learning to tell the difference. Strangely, my experiences with different forums has given me an opportunity I wouldn't have had otherwise, to learn more about how this adversarial force works through various vectors, specifically forums and the people who participate in them. For me, it has been a priceless education. It wasn't at all my reason for joining one in the first place, but I am not complaining. It's not been a boring ride at all.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Christine »


I need to say more than press the thank you button, you speak with our one voice from the compassionate heart. As I just shared with you; I am a bit weary at the moment, feeling so vulnerable and bare at times, it hardly seems worth it. Momentary sensitivities that are most likely needed ones.

Thank you for your open and honest eloquence.

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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by PurpleLama »

In case you missed it, Pris, EE has its own "Sophia", and it is none other than the one DNA/Darko Marco dubbed as "Captain Copy/Paste".

It's our old friend, and you should be aware.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Pris »

Spiritwind wrote:So, to sum up, what we are really talking about is our observations of how each of these energies plays out in out lives, and learning to tell the difference. Strangely, my experiences with different forums has given me an opportunity I wouldn't have had otherwise, to learn more about how this adversarial force works through various vectors, specifically forums and the people who participate in them. For me, it has been a priceless education. It wasn't at all my reason for joining one in the first place, but I am not complaining. It's not been a boring ride at all.
Yes, doesn't this just sum it up! ;) Thanks, Spiritwind! It's been a crazy ride for many of us. Btw, I didn't even know what 'forum sliding' was when I was accused of it lol. I've been accused of many things... Talk about learning curve. This information isn't exactly new to me at this point, but I feel every forum ought to have a thread about it so that people just starting out have something of a... road map. Personally, I like a little review.

For those who don't know, I've been trolled from here to Kingdom Come across at least four forums. I've been impersonated a few times, people follow me around... all kinds of 'fun' stuff. Some might say I asked for it. It's funny how demanding forum transparency and freedom of speech for everyone can draw attention to oneself... Generally, just 'speaking my mind' gets me certain... attention most of the time. I'm all over the board. Not everyone appreciates it.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: this forum is the best forum I've been on so far. At the moment, I think it has a lot to do with the absence of the Gestapo. The feeling is, overall, warm and inviting, fair and, yes, feels like family. There are many familiar faces here. I'm thrilled that we all don't get along perfectly and still hold it together. That's huge. I, too, think everything happens for a reason and we're all meant to be here at this time. Thanks, everyone, for the fun ride!

One last thing as a word of advice for everyone here: never let your guard down. Do you like how this forum is evolving? I do. It's starting to attract a great deal of attention. Just as Spiritwind suggests, stay vigilant.

If something feels off, don't keep it to yourself.
Last edited by Pris on Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Pris »

PurpleLama wrote:In case you missed it, Pris, EE has its own "Sophia", and it is none other than the one DNA/Darko Marco dubbed as "Captain Copy/Paste".

It's our old friend, and you should be aware.
Wonderful. Thanks, PurpleLama. Yup, I missed it.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Sophia »

Last edited by Sophia on Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by Pris »


Oh, fuuuuckin' lovely....
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Re: How (Government?) Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Post by PurpleLama »

The reply has been edited twice, so even the admin can't read what was originally said. Did you catch that, Pris?
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