Native States - Walking in Beauty - The Art of Life

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Native States - Walking in Beauty - The Art of Life

Post by Christine »

Facebook post on Aureo Sky:

Beyond the visible spectrum of light is a world where imagination is freed. Our walk at sunset was one of those nights where the heavens open their secrets to those who listen from within.

Walking quietly, allowing the the magical dance within the silence of wonderment to reveal we followed a new path finding a place to sit at the edge of a rocky ledge. The towns lights viewable in the distance as the sun set with the moon trailing.

Where words fail sometimes pictures reveal. The words craft and voyager play in my mind as so many presences were felt, we can enter communion with those who watch as all life forms respond when beckoned by an open heart.

We were gifted with the astounding beauty of night fall.

Hi friends ~ We are spending less time online and more time out in nature or creating; the garden, the rooftop sanctuary, orgonite making and now painting ... something beautiful and balancing happens when we focus our energy and work from the inside out. Social media and forums are useful only to a degree, personally I am finding that when I write it comes as a flow of self awareness so it allows me the opportunity to see my inner voice just as all art forms do.

I am curious if others have noted a phenomena of sorts, it goes like this: When your perspective of the world, universe or cosmos opens such as I describe above, or you commit yourself to acts that broadens others views, do you notice a detectable counter force the next day or shortly there after?

The Art of Life

Sunset on Water
Water Reflecting Light
Sunset from the Rock Ledge
Crescent Moon and Cloud
Night Fall and Moon
Moon in Taurus
Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone on Wake Up World do an excellent work, speaks of Moon in Taurus.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Native States - Walking in Beauty - The Art of Life

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Those are incredibly beautiful pictures, dear Christine.
There's almost nothing prettier than the ways our celestial bodies affect the lighting down here.

I don't think I've personally seen a place as universally nice looking as your region, although Washington is lovely in the evening, you'd have to be up on the river gorge or something to see anything remotely like your backyard.

Re: what you described in terms of a counter force to our efforts to grow, of course! Darkness sees the seeds of goodness and power as weeds in their garden. As soon as you start looking too strong, TPTB do tend toward nipping the buds and chopping the roots.

Maintaining balance in such a deadly serious ballet with often hostile higher powers is something I have not begun to understand.

Unlike you & SW, I tend to get angry / just blow a gasket @ corrupted authority, and that sort of violent reaction is what they use to justify said disempowerment.

We have to see Justice as a continuum imo and not a world vs. Individual sort of game. When authority tells us 'some people are just no good', we have to ask ourselves, what was it about that person that was so threatening to society's construct? And are we seeing the big picture, including the intentional factors that worked to damage that person's health and or testimony?

We want so badly to go into the world ready to work with both hands and sleeves rolled up, not realizing that society has already designated thugs of a kind to scope for our type of people & destroy them.

SW's SO was telling me about how Ronald Reagan undid all the solar panels etc that Jimmy Carter was trying to popularize, back in the day. Even among the presidential circle are people for life contending daily against the corporate interest, which is sadly so very invested in death.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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Re: Native States - Walking in Beauty - The Art of Life

Post by finaltom »

"I am curious if others have noted a phenomena of sorts, it goes like this: When your perspective of the world, universe or cosmos opens such as I describe above, or you commit yourself to acts that broadens others views, do you notice a detectable counter force the next day or shortly there after?"

Yes. Its as if something is trying its hardest to stop you from internalizing. It wants you to play your part in the machine and does what ever it takes to keep you in. When you turn your focus inwards, you are actually trying to pull away from the machine, (or what ever you want to call it). This is why the resistance of others around your circle, in your world, feel out of place. Those of us who live in this disconnection, get resistance from everything.

"We should prioritize our work on our souls, in our everyday life, and put the world second. Never put the world first, because without you, there is no world."

Your words are missed, but we know your spirit is still here.
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