Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

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Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Christine »


Friends, three or so days ago we were accosted and threatened on our property, the threat was the extermination of our cats if they were seen on anyone else’s property again… the man who did not introduce himself stated, “I will personally pick up your cats and exterminate them.” All three of them reiterated that the cats would be exterminated, as if they were vermin.

I tried in vain to be reasonable and talk of the nature of cats, to explain that our rescue cat, Luci was the main problem and that we had her sequestered on our roof top, unfortunately the very same neighbor who threatened us took down the barricade that guaranteed she would not be able to cross to their roof patio and then freaked out when a cat being a cat figured out how to get over … her crime was looking for a way down.

Now Fred, I am crying as I write these words for his noble soul spoke with me as we buried him this morning. Fred was purposely picked up, poisoned then thrown in the empty lot in front of our home in plain view so we would see him. This was the result of human beings with no empathy, no real love and no respect for the natural life of an animal. Fred’s crime was simply being here to give and receive love, his soft demeanor, his love of cuddles, his true spiritual beauty disregarded and then his life cruelly taken.

This was done by human arrogance and ignorance, by those who believe they can impose their authority over another, those who hold hatred in their hearts, those who hide their secret wounds and allow their dark shadows to impose itself over people whose soul purpose is a peaceful and fulfilling way of life.

Here is Fred’s message:

“Humans, for too long now you have lived outside the natural order of life, you choose ideas of ownership and hatred over love, over sharing freely and in doing so you become dishonest. You choose to impose a corrupted will over others and when you do so you knowingly hurt the people around you.

My life here was to love, to show how easy it is to do so. My life was lived with my care givers, my mama cat and my beloved siblings. I looked out for them first, always gentle and kind. I loved to play and chase leaves on the grass in the wind, my favorite place was curled up in arms or on the bed with the cat tribe. There were days I would climb a tree to get a better view… some days I explored a bit further but I was always the first one home.
I was killed by the hands of a human. In the world of cats there is no such concept as forgiveness for in our nature we don’t know of such things, we live both in this world and in the world of spirit, we know so much more than most of you.

I was love incarnated and now I am love in Spirit, there is no separation for me. May each of you who are touched by my spirit find a place in your heart with the stark realization that it is you humans who are the destroyers of the natural life, that you have been so contaminated that you could think you had the right to take my life is deplorable to the natural order of Life.

I see my caregivers in grief, experiencing a great sorrow that far out reaches even this event in their lives, they know that the same black field that has penetrated the human heart is destroying all life on Earth. May their Spirits once again lift to the highest call that humans receive, protect the sacred.

With the purrs I gave so freely I send to each human heart a message of pure love.”

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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by finaltom »

Rest in peace Fred.
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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Christine »

Adding my latest Facebook posts:


UPDATE ON FRED: 8 May 2017

Today starts with a heavy heart, we are working through our sorrow and feelings that justice must be served. Any of us who have been long in this world, those who have worked ceaselessly on themselves and with others, those of great empathy do inevitably confront the dark forces in their personal lives. Every comment that you, friends have made are part of our collective of psyche. This is deeper than the terrible loss of our beloved Fred, aka: cuddle monster, golden boy and sunshine cat.

Fred's spirit stayed close by all day, the image that I inwardly perceived was one of a great white heron trying to fly. This is the second cat from the same litter who has passed to the other side, both seemed to choose birds as they passed. We even got a small chuckle imaging our big boy trying to fly.

We are dealing with petty tyrants who committed an illegal act when they came in to our private space and threatened us. This threat was an invasion of the sanctity of our home and resulted in the death of a beloved.

Cristian and I have been experiencing beauty together, we live with our cats, create orgonite, garden, and take long walks. In no way do we meddle in the affairs of others. We recognize that our life style, our interests, our knowledge of the falsity and hypocrisy that lies in so many hearts is felt even though we try to leave a big space for those around us to their own lessons and chosen way of life.

How to respond to this assault is what we are navigating, you see to leave it unaddressed will not work for these petty tyrants will take more ground, extract more compliance and further impose their perverted use of will. We also have four other cats whose lives are in jeopardy, four free beings confined to our two room home.

There is no justice in the legal system, I know this too well having lived in Mexico for most of my adult life and having dealt with other attack vectors... a long story for another day. It also goes against my sovereign nature to occur to any outside authority. My one and only reason to file a complaint would to be hopefully detain further nefarious action against our cats. I say hopefully because we are dealing with a system that goes to the highest bidder.

Another aspect of the despicable nature of Fred's assassination is that Glenn and Norma, the ones who caused all the issues, threatened us and then left the next day not to return to Mexico for another year... so they cowardly paid someone to commit the deed. Their vacant house, their overreaching sense of ownership a hollow reminder of those who are so empty inside that they must create problems when there are none. This is a man, Glenn, who was offended by our potted Rosemary straddling our property lines so he moved it … such is the nature of pettiness.

Now we move to another issue, fortunately the rest of the neighbors here are good-hearted people who also want to live in peace and harmony, they recognize the nature of animals, there are four other cats on the property (now confined indoors too) … having spoken with them all we have agreed that our animals should be able to live outdoors safely and any issues will be addressed directly, people to people. We recognize that it may be impossible to please everyone yet we are flexible and kind. So here is the issue, the woman who bought this land and developed the property (she doesn’t reside here) has taken on the self assigned role as authority/ manager, she clearly sided with Glenn and Norma, she made mountains out of mole hills and created an atmosphere of a tempest assigning all the responsibility for discord to us and our cats. She went so far as to instruct the grounds keepers and the cleaning woman to pick up our cats if they are seen crossing any private space. She has covertly accosted me as she feels morally superior and sees herself as the arbiter of moral codes.

What all of this is showing is that the tyrants win if we let them, this is the state of our world. The people here don’t want to confront this woman, Patricia for she is known to be punitive and vindictive when challenged, this is how they win.

Which brings us to the challenge of justice, we both know with a cosmic view justice will always be served. I am not a believer in karma for our interchanges over eons of time have created a tangled web so we humans don’t have a clear enough view to determine for ourselves what is being served here. Karma has become a catch all word that is used when we don’t see any clear way to respond. We are left with the very real aspects of living with fear of reprisal, while the cost may seem small compared to those dear souls who confront terror every day in Gaza and Syria, it still has the same echoing repercussion in our earthly lives.

Last night out walking a thought came into my empty mind, walking is a meditation for us, it was this: “There are a few Elders on the planet, they are assigned with implementing Justice, only a few have that divine right so listen well.” I am sitting with this message right now, listening well.

Our gratitude for all your thoughts and comments.

Christine and Cristian


9 May 2017

MORNING UPDATE with gratitude for so many wise and caring friends. Some of you I know, others I have never even spoken to yet we all have an uncanny and uncommon connection which has helped Cristian and I heal and look from as many perspectives as possible, we are listeners in the deep and the dark places as well as sailors on the the cosmic streams of joyous creation ... we have experienced both and all, so thanks to each of you who took the time to reply with so much care. Our gratitude extends beyond this world to the Realm of Spirit, to our beloved Fred who continues to stay close by.

As primary spiritual beings encased within this human form we are capable of seeing so much when we are not operating from a lowered egoistical state of being. What was done to Fred with all the markers of black sorcery will not and can not hold us captive for too long, but we did go down deep into the heart of darkness these past few days. We've navigated this sticky dark matter before.

In our walk through yesterday, in our mourning, by asking the questions posed here on Facebook we are well aware of a guidance system that far outstrips the limits of most human awareness, it operates within Universal non-time and in Rite action. Yes, action is called for, so we wait as our own connection with Spirit world opens the way.

One of the deeper realizations we came to is that we are animal spirit too along with the stark realization that part of the great psy-op of human consciousness is to reject our animal nature. We are told to suppress and overcome our animal nature, it has been represented as our base desire body but as you get in touch with it you realize how false this is, how detrimental to a fuller expression of Life, it is like they hacked out a part of ourselves and left us with a sad echo of empathy and no real connection. I know myself as Mama Tiger, she is fierce and will do what ever is called on to protect her beloved family. Perhaps this is why the feline races were hunted down and slaughtered, I've been looking at this for years in the many journey's taken with myself and others.

On the Earthly plane we are have gathered with my mother and the few neighbors here, we will present a letter signed by those who choose to, that our communal outdoor space remain a safe sanctuary for all our animals, that no one be accosted and threatened and if they are that the person responsible be prohibited entry to the property. We are fortunate that most of those who reside here either permanently or part time have developed an empathy of love for all life.

My blessed mother is going to have the "Letter from Fred" published in the local newspaper and we both have called upon our friends to be aware of the duplicitous nature of those involved in this outrage. My daughter, a lover of cats is making sure her friends also know about this... our town, like all small towns has a long established grape vine of spreading news often like wild fire, it also functions as a gossip line so we are careful only to speak facts and truth which allows those who hear access to their own judgement. No, we will not use the same tactics as those who betray themselves in nastiness.

With the fierceness of love unbound we express our gratitude and knowing that as human beings we are called to rite action. The diminishing and taking of sacred Life on this planet has gone on too dangerously long for it to continue, it is up to each of us to work toward ending this story of deception.

Christine & Cristian
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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Moonlight »

I am so sorry. Rest in Peace beautiful Fred.

My heart goes out to you Christine and Cristian. Love will prevail.

I am with you from afar.

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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Naga_Fireball »


No kitty should ever have to live in fear. Even more horrible, that Fred's untimely death was caused by evil neighbors who hated him for being loving.

Ugh. Way back when, my family had a very sweet hound dog named Pepper. He wandered off to see a female way up on the ridge above our valley and was shot by this retard country store owner who did not take care of his breeding age cats & dogs. It was the chaos puppy mill. Anyway this fuckin yokel shot Pepper, so my dad went up there if I recall and he shot 2 of the store owner's older dogs.

The two men apparently did make up later, but not before we wondered briefly if it was Hatfield vs. McCoy 2.

I hope you are able to kick the asses of these neighbors without repercussions, as they need to learn not to kill people's pets & kids for fun.

Jesus Christ, there's only about 1,000 things they could have done before resorting to murder.
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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Sandy Clark »

Well I think Fred has always been at peace as that is what love is :-) ....thanks for sharing your words of Wisdom and Love Fred.

The lessons can be sorrowful and ultimatley painful for sure, leaving one struggling for understanding, compassion and empathy even for those who seems to be lacking such!!

Hugs and Love >>>>>Cristian and Cristine
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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Rob Halford »

I wish I could exact revenge for the little soul/s..............
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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Christine »

Rob Halford wrote:I wish I could exact revenge for the little soul/s..............
Yes we too wish there was a higher call that would exact revenge, though revenge is not a course of action that we can take.

We have four other cats and the "underwear lady" as we have named her due to her "righteous moral outrage" that we sat outside on our porch in our underwear. Seriously our cats are vulnerable to her idiocy and hatred. Since dear Fred's passing she has pursued us via fraudulent legal channels and has bought live animal traps so we live in a state of constant vigilance.

This is a microcosm of a greater question that plagues the human being, what do you do when your life or life of your beloveds is threatened? What recourse do the people in war torn countries have when every retaliation is met with more bombs? It is a fundamental question that most humans can't confront.

Cats are high spirits, they are guides and protectors so for us to not protect them as best we is not an option.

And one should not underestimate a caat spirit.

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Re: Message from Fred, our beloved cuddle cat...

Post by Sandy Clark »

Maybe one should tame a few nice and cute skunks and a trapping or two of these lovely creatures will cure her of capturing anything one would think.......... :lol: Of course without harm to any creature but highly offensive to the trapper of can always be vendictive in the mind scape at least... :roll:
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