The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Eelco »

Anders wrote:
Eelco wrote:It's what the individual learns through it that makes it STO or STS.
The STO/STS duality seems to be a divide & conquer psyop meme. Service to others is needed in a hierarchical dominance society, so those in power need to promote service to others and make people believe it's high social status to be STO, when in fact it just makes them more slaves to the system.

I believe Corey Goode's message is about the evolution to the next level of humanity, so his promotion of STO serves a good purpose, and is something other than the usual mindless New Age parroting of the meme as something to strive for.
I think you need to take a look at what people are now, instead of looking to figure out what we are evolving to.
The next level of humanity is a joke. We are what we want to be. Anything else is a fantasy. I agree on the psyop meme that the division between STO/STS is. As it is though I didn't refer to that to validate the meme, but to show that it's up to the individual to decide what to do with the coin that holds both sides. As I believe we have no soul, or if that fits better we are already able to connect to the human group soul. Same difference as far as I'm concerned. There is nothing to evolve towards. Will humanity change. definitely. Will it be better or worse? I think from an experiental perspective it will be exactly the same...

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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Eelco wrote: I think you need to take a look at what people are now, instead of looking to figure out what we are evolving to.
Corey Goode talks briefly about an ascension event for humanity from about 40 minutes into this video:


And here again I believe Corey is correct about the main point that when we reach a broader consciousness then physical matter changes. That fits with my idea that physical matter is a result of a more intelligent fundamental level that will be revealed with the broader consciousness. I don't believe it will be an ascension event like Corey described it but that physical matter will change that's precisely what I believe.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

In this video Andrew Basiago, Randy Maugans and Emily Moyer talk about Corey Goode:


I think they miss the truth. They only examine the surface level of Corey's message.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Christine »

Good day friends ... The purpose of this thread wasn't about supporting or being against CG, it was meant as means to "disclose" how personalities are created, how the human consciousness is still so easily directed and how when one rabbit hole of intrigue collapses another is dug.

Anders, with almost every post you contradict yourself which is confusing to myself and others. Earth Empaths is a virtual space to reveal our inner self to each other, to speak of our own experiences, to expose our own truth. To be consistently quoting CG as a source of information is not helpful for as you clearly stated:
CG has been deliberately promoted with a scripted message. That's my interpretation as an armchair researcher.

Then you continue with this: I bolded a statement that is blatantly misleading and false.
While at the same time Corey is a member of the breakaway civilization and his deeper message is something other than the surface psyop message. In that case the breakaway civilization is the bigger fish that allows the duality powers to shoot themselves in the foot. This hypothesis is easy to test by following what will happen with Corey Goode's message and how it will affect the alternative community and even the rest of society. I predict that Corey will start to promote the earth group soul more.
I can give many other examples of this though these two should suffice to get my message across. I can be very direct and will be so now; you have over 600 posts on this tiny forum in cyber nowhere and so far I don't know anything about you, would you care to share your background, your cultural, you education with us? Maybe a thread called Anders Speaks would be the appropriate place to do that. So as to not clutter this thread with further speculation and belief, two of the most common mistakes we humans are continuously guilty of we are going to the close the thread.

P.S. it is about money, Mr. Goodebar himself is saying he is being financially damaged and his lawyers are mounting a case against his naysayers, you can see it all unfold on Facebook if you want. P.P.S. Does a being of higher consciousness seek justice in a the criminal courts of law? Me knowth the false in that move ... etc., etc., etc.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Spiritwind »

I was pretty much done with any interest in following what is happening with Corey. Will just pop in here to say that I think what part of the issue is that there are some of us who actually joined PA around the same time as Corey. I wasn't a fan or anything but some of his stuff did intrigue me. The thing is, it is as if the Corey whose posts I read back then for about 3 years is a non-entity anymore, and the Corey who is now considered to be some kind of special, and marketable, whistleblower of some kind, has taken his place. It really is as if they are two completely different people. It does have some of us scratching our heads, especially because he is not the first to display this trajectory. If you followed his posting style and demeanor over this period of time it is really easy to see.

What makes someone do such a 180 in their personality, to the point where you wonder, have they been that compromised? Did he always have this alternate personality hiding in there? Is he a clone? I mean, really, we just don't know. But it does appear like a total takeover. It is a recognizable pattern, and one which we would benefit from understanding so as to not get caught up in this kind of drama in the future. It is a shame so many are looking for answers and the "truth", and yet as we wake up we can be so vulnerable, and so easily taken for a ride. I think this is well known amongst those who wish to drive the narrative with their own special agenda for us all. I do not wish to go along with this agenda they have in store for us, so I do want to identify the ways in which we can still be deceived into buying, and I do mean laying out the greenbacks, what they are literally selling. Real truth should be discernible without heavy cash outlay to someone else who has made a living out of selling truth.

And, the real clincher, is that whether he had any real truth to start with, he almost certainly now has to make it up, like so many others, to keep selling what he has to offer. This is exactly why I steer clear these days of anyone on the so called circuit of marketable truth tellers. I have found the best source of truth is actually to be found within. In what possible way would giving our power away to some "savior" of any kind, blue bird or not, to earn back our independence from this dictatorial system we now have in place worldwide, benefit us individually or collectively?

Next thing you know, they are going to roll out the holographic technology they already have to make things appear, as in a total false projection of whatever they want us to see. And I've known about this for over 20 years. Unfortunately many people are still very gullible. That's why some of us feel a sense of responsibility to at least speak up and encourage people to think for themselves, and not look to others who may appear to know more. Each of us actually do have the capacity to discern truth. True, it can be difficult with sometimes such limited information and such a ridiculous amount of misinformation. But you have to ask yourself, what does a highly advanced race of avian beings really have to gain by helping us? Wouldn't it be better for us to learn how to help ourselves? And really grow up as a species? Maybe take some responsibility for our part in keeping the narrative going by constantly looking to someone else?

Sorry to go on and on. It's just I did exactly that when I first joined Avalon. I was looking to someone else to find the answers to so many questions I had. It wasn't wrong or bad to do this. And I did learn some very valuable lessons. And truly, the biggest one, is that I really can trust myself. And so can you, trust yourself first and foremost. This truth may be frustrating and sometimes hard to intuit and get to, but with patience and effort, I feel you will find the truth you seek is already within you, not "out there" somewhere. And that is empowering as all get out, when you begin to truly realize this.
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