June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

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June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Christine »


I asked Spiritwind to make a chart for the astrological alignments occurring on this day. I've been having some conversations that are lining up some interesting dots.

To start June 24th, 2017 is the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in London.

This beginning post is not to create anxiety or to lead us to believe that the controllers are able to fully direct the course of humanity and Mother Earth. Over the past years it has become more apparent that our Human consciousness once engaged without fear, judgement, or our ego intent does affect whether or not the "secret lodges" can actualize their plans. "They" must operate in secrecy, hidden in the shadows. When the lucid light of human consciousness shines on a dark corner something beneficial but not completely understood occurs.

I hope to have more links soon that lead to this date indicating that there will be an attempt of magnitude. It will fail, my prediction along with others.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Spiritwind »

There was a new moon in Gemini on May 26th, and then Mars, at 25 degrees of Gemini, was directly opposite of Saturn, at 25 degrees of Sagittarius on May 28th. It is a fairly well known fact that astrological information is factored in when those who call the shots in this world do things like start wars. Dates are definitely looked at. Mars in direct opposition with Saturn, more or less so depending on the signs, can often lead to intolerance, conflict, disagreements, and sometimes outright violence. Without going on forever, I did note that there did seem to be many, including myself, who were experiencing unexpected challenging situations throughout this week, often confrontational in nature. Sometimes it can seem like everyone around you is getting their buttons pushed.

I have noticed in recent years this phenomena, especially while working the night shift at a local hotel for a couple years. Full moons, and even new moons did seem to bring the crazy out of people. Anyway, a few of us were talking a couple days ago and the June 24th date was brought up. I guess it's the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Grand Lodge of England. This date is often cited as the birth of Freemasonry. I know there's more, but then I started just looking at it from the point of view of what significance there might be astrologically, and as I was looking we all got this feeling. Only speaking for myself, I knew this date would be used for ritual purposes. And what they do is have these specific rituals, obviously in deep secrecy, and they also usually try to roll out various external events that are designed to generate copious amounts of emotional energy, usually fear, but even sports events can be used. And they harness this energy to make their rituals more effective. Because these rituals are designed to continue keeping them in power, and us disempowered.

Especially if you are empathic and study this phenomena of rituals, that actually do involve real sacrifices of the most despicable kind, you can actually begin to feel when this is happening. Not always, but some seem to emit a stronger energy than others, and can actually make those who pick up on it physically ill, or have strange physical symptoms, as well as unwelcome images of what is transpiring. I know this sounds really far out there. I don't know what to say.

But I do know, and have used this in my own personal life, how to direct energy. Energy in itself is neither good or bad. Like a laser, it can be used in both beneficial and harmful ways. Fore knowing can have the beneficial effect of being able to apply what is known about how these various types of energies so they can be channeled in such a way as to work for you rather than against you. Nothing is just good or just bad. It all has to do with regulation and application. An example would be working out more at the gym or something along this line when frustrations start to rise, to create a positive outlet for this energy to express itself. Knowing that a particular time period is astrologically more sensitive in this way can be helpful ahead of time.

This date has been identified as just such a date, and I will try to explain, at least from an astrological perspective, what kind of energies are wanting to express on this day, and maybe suggest some ways to be a counter point to the less desirable outcomes that at least some would like to achieve. Partaking in positive activities with specific intentions on dates like this can actually change the outcome to one more favorable than it would have been if only those who work against humanity are aware of their significance. It's been proven that just the act of looking can change a thing.

Each of us can come up with our own version of how to apply this concept. To suggest just a few possibilities would be to create you own spontaneous activity that can be anywhere from meditation, positive visualization, drumming, even singing. Anything that can raise your own personal energy to where it is operating at a higher more energized level. Even just conscious awareness and paying closer attention to what you feel energetically on these days can add to the overall positive effect.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Spiritwind »

So, on this particular date we have the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and the new moon in the sign of Cancer. That's a lot of emotional energy just to start with. Mars is moving into an opposition (180 degrees apart) to Pluto (will be exact by beginning of July). That in itself can be destructive in nature if not released in a conscious and aware fashion. At the same time Pluto (18 degrees of Capricorn) trines Venus (18 degrees of Taurus). This means they are 120 degrees apart and trines enhance the energy. Both being in earth signs can be about finances and resources, but it can also be about sex, or both. Pluto likes to control, can indicate the occult and secrecy, and Venus is all about your desires.

All the planets in the sign of Cancer as well as Pluto are all squaring Jupiter (90 degrees apart) at 13 degrees of Libra. Mars will be exact in its square to Jupiter on that day, so that adds oomph to the overall energy, as Jupiter expands whatever it comes into contact with. It is called the Great Benefic, and it is in the sign of Libra. Libra likes beauty and harmony, and has to do with relationships and, due to its association with the 7th house, also rules things like family law. Squares often represent tension, and with all these planets involved, there is likely to be some of that involved.

Then there is Neptune at 14 degrees of Pisces in an almost exact trine with Mars on this date with the other three (Moon, Mercury and the Sun) right behind it (coming into a trine with Neptune). Neptune in its home sign of Pisces is all about the imagination and consciousness. Mars could give the creative imagination a boost on that date, or, it could cloud ones vision so that you only see what you want to see, as in some sleight of hand chicanery could also be indicated. All being water signs whatever is invoked will most likely be felt in some kind of strong emotional manner.

Also, the sign of Cancer, besides being emotional, rules things like the home, mother, your sense of security, as well as things from the past and the larger collective that often moves with a certain ebb and flow that can be more felt that intellectually understood. That collective movement is what those who imagine themselves in power like to influence, and generally not for our benefit but theirs. I could say more, but think that will do for now. For me, what all this means in a practical way is that this is a good day to pay attention to your own emotional responses in a proactive way. Make a plan ahead of time to be more aware of where your thoughts and energy are on this day. Don't discount little things that pop into your mind. Follow them to see where they go. Of course, these are just suggestions.

Energy is energy, and it's up to each one of us how we choose to use our energy on any given day, regardless of circumstances.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Christine »

I started this thread because of a series of conversations with someone who has a great capacity to align biblical prophecies and vedic text with the current timeline and the very well known attempts of manipulation of such. Many things are lining up that point to June 24th as a "programmed event" day, asking Laurie to do the astrological chart was to get more data.

We all seem to know without speaking about it here on the forum that we are on a cusp, seems we've been lingering there for many years, nevertheless the cusp is felt at a cellular level. I have some deep inner feelings that this month, this year will bring about some more drastic changes in the outer. That said it is also true that we are in a war of consciousness and every counter force can be used to carry us further and deeper into the world of spirit.

Perhaps our friend will be able to write a linear piece on the intense downloads he is receiving. I well recognize the difficulty of linear writing for once the flood gates open it can be a challenge to make human sense of it all.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Christine »

I am going to jot down some notes here. Spoke with our friend again over the past several days, our conversations range from the realms of our inner psyche to lucid dreams to known and foreseen implementation of advanced technologies. Lots is leading us to think that there is a preparation to use holographic technology ie: Project Blue Beam, etc. to create these types of displays. This may also be used in conjunction with chaos created by war, more violent staged events, after all they have "elements" in place in all major cities.

One vital piece of information he shared with me in this mornings ramble was he had come across an obscure paper by a Texas Tech student showing how the use bio luminescent bacteria sprayed into the sky creates a perfect light screen because the bacteria are able to pick up frequencies that modulate their color. I know this has been speculated over and over, the reason I am posting is simply that we remain highly tuned and aware.

And don't forget the names of projects and agendas aren't random: Project Blue Beam, Blue Avians, Blue Sphere Being Alliance, etc. And what better color to superimpose on our sky other than blue.


We don't know if this video is real or CGI and in some ways it doesn't matter as they are not only seeding the sky they are seeding our consciousness. Everything I've looked at or into over the past several weeks is lining up for what must be rolled out along the artificial timeline. Many think we've already jumped, I say lets never get complacent and feel the real work is just ahead.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Christine »

There is another more vital reason for closing the speculation (spectacle of CG) thread... I am pretty sure many of us are feeling a wide spread change in energetics. I am most interested in how each of us are perceiving and dealing with it, not to mention the obvious outerworld insanity as the false matrix grid is coming apart at the seams.


Collapsing of our perception of time? There are so many timelines of projected realities, which one takes forefront in our minds?
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Eelco »

Christine wrote:There is another more vital reason for closing the speculation (spectacle of CG) thread... I am pretty sure many of us are feeling a wide spread change in energetics. I am most interested in how each of us are perceiving and dealing with it, not to mention the obvious outerworld insanity as the false matrix grid is coming apart at the seams.


Collapsing of our perception of time? There are so many timelines of projected realities, which one takes forefront in our minds?
You want to do that here?
Over the last few weeks I have heard june 24th, oktober 24 and if I remember correctly september 24th?
Anyway 3 dates all around the 24th of some month holding significance.

As for what I think and feel?
To be honest it's like another layer of the onion of life. Nothing in terms of connections, hopes and dream that seem to come to the fore with an energy of urgency and finality to them. The joy of spring and the almost palpable buildup of finally loosing our bonds..
I feel though that this time it will be the same outer dud as it always seems to be and freeing only for those that take the ride temporarily.

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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Spiritwind »

Yeah, I noticed the October 24th one too, Eelco. I would never say worry about any particular date. I grew up as a Jehovah Witness and I can't tell you how many times they predicted Armageddon.

That said, I can't tell you why I feel this way, whether it's the astrology of things, some secret timeline. Or, maybe, it's as I have long suspected, and that is that we are simply in a more highly charged area of space, that we are on the edge of it, and that we will be traveling through it for some time. I think those who followed these things back in the day knew about it. I read this book called the Holy Science, by Yogananda's guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar. He talks about the yugas, and this concept has always made sense to me. Everything in space is moving like some kind of grand clockwork mechanism, where they move up and down in a rhythmic fashion, as well as spinning and moving around each other. Our solar system does this, as well as our galaxy, and who knows how far out it goes. They are now looking at our sun as probably having another sun in which they perform an elliptical dance around one another.

There were clearly those in ancient times who understood these things and wrote about them. But I feel much knowledge was lost, destroyed, or hidden away from the common people having access to them. And, I do think that there are those who at least try to use this information against us. And then of course tell us that this information is bad, don't look at it. I was definitely told that as a JW. Astrology was a definite no no. No wonder I was shunned all those years ago. But I think at least knowing some of what they know doesn't hurt us.

Plus, I don't think picking any date and making it special in a good way is a bad idea. Energy does radiate out and continue its effects past the date when important things happen, as we all know. I astrologically picked the date for our wedding 14 years ago. I can't prove it made a difference, but who knows, maybe even thinking it might has made a difference. No way to tell.

But I do get this feeling of something being different about our reality and even the way time is being experienced from when I was a kid. I have spoken to others who feel this too, even though we often have trouble putting it into words. I have no idea when and if it will peak, this feeling, but it makes me feel like working towards being easily able to adapt to change, maybe even change that takes many by surprise, is not a bad thing to work towards. Even though much still looks the same, I can't shake this feeling that we're really not in Kansas anymore.
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by Sandy Clark »

My sense of detachment deepens even more these days and even tho' this offers less drama and emotional turmoil it too seems like drudgery ...........getting tired of putting one foot ahead of the other ...........saying this too shall pass...........
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Re: June 24th, 2017 - A date to be aware of

Post by LostNFound »

Dear Spiritwind, I hear you talk about the JW's. I do not pretend to know your spirit of knowledge today in this mad mad world, however I do know somewhat of the JW's simply because half of my family has bought into the cult. I do love my brothers and sisters and will not indulge their belief in a cult that to me is no different than this whole CG thing or any of the other guru's that spout the end of time, The crashing of the economy, The Frigging RV crap that has been going on for 17 or more years now. God I am so sick of seeing that. So here is just some of that JW crap. Please don't misunderstand me. I am one that sees that we all have our own beliefs but as my twinflame says "do not push me into believing your way when you will not allow me to believe in what is in my heart." Man can be so controlling.

Failed predictions
Main article: Watch Tower Society unfulfilled predictions
Watch Tower Society publications have claimed that God has used Jehovah's Witnesses (and formerly, the International Bible Students) to declare his will[353][354] and has provided advance knowledge about Armageddon and the establishment of God's kingdom.[355][356][357] Some publications also claimed that God has used Jehovah's Witnesses and the International Bible Students as a modern-day prophet.[note 6] George D. Chryssides stated, "while prediction may be part of a biblical prophet's role, the root meaning of prophecy is that of proclaiming God's word." He went on to say that, "Jehovah's Witnesses ... are the recipients of prophecy, who regard themselves as invested with the interpretation of biblical writings."[358][note 7] With these interpretations, Jehovah's Witnesses' publications have made various predictions about world events they believe were prophesied in the Bible.[359][360] Failed predictions have led to the alteration or abandonment of some doctrines.[361][362] Some failed predictions had been presented as "beyond doubt" or "approved by God".[363]
The Watch Tower Society rejects accusations that it is a false prophet,[364] stating that its teachings are not inspired or infallible,[365][366][367] and that it has not claimed its predictions were "the words of Jehovah."[364] Chryssides has suggested that with the exception of statements about 1914, 1925 and 1975, the changing views and dates of the Jehovah's Witnesses are largely attributable to changed understandings of biblical chronology rather than to failed predictions.[80] Chryssides further states, "it is therefore simplistic and naïve to view the Witnesses as a group that continues to set a single end-date that fails and then devise a new one, as many counter-cultists do."[368] However, sociologist Andrew Holden states that since the foundation of the movement around 140 years ago, "Witnesses have maintained that we are living on the precipice of the end of time."[369]

In Just a short 7 days it is being said and predicted that something very devastating or on the other side, something very wonderful is going to happen. I do not really know although I too have heard the date of June 24th. Well shit I have heard so many dates of destruction or the second coming or the end of the US or the fall of the economy or the start of world war III or or or, and and and, yet nothing comes of any of these things and the date comes and goes. Well one thing does happen and it can be marked and counted. Whoever starts the rumors or predictions usually winds up making a lot of MONEY.

In the year 1000 or prior to it the supposed profits were saying the world is coming to an end. Time came and went and people died but it was no where close to what those profits purported to. Did they make a living by doing that, I don't know. They more than likely stood in their 15 minutes of fame though. Between 1000 and 2000 there were many many predictions of death and destruction of the end of the world or the second coming of Christ. Well the death and destruction stuff did happen but not the way the predictors said.

Remember 1998 or 1999 when the prediction of the end of world due to the computers failing was being pushed. My God people were out buying new computers that were guaranteed not to fail and people were buying food supplies and storing up on water and gas and you name it. Guess who made millions on that spreading of lies of the world coming to an end. Oh Yeah, Microsoft, Grocery stores, Oil companies. In Other words Big Corporations.

Now the predictions that were ignored and we all were told in some way or another, was 9/11, which did cause the controlled stock market crash. Another controlled economy crash was the housing bubble in 2008 and now we heard about the 2016 crash which did not happen so now we hear about the 2017 crash and we have been given dates which so have already passed. JUNE 24TH, SEPTEMBER 24 OR OCTOBER 24, now they got us all on the run and the fear or laroush is thick. Will we ever stop feeding these things?

One last comment for the Dear Lady Christine. I am so thankful and glad that you locked the CG thread, That was really just feeding that fake lie of another MONEY MAKER. Thank you

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