Reflections by the moonlight

''Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.''
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Worth a listen IMO.

When I really look at it,
All life is taking a chance,
And if I refuse to face my fear,
I will never learn to dance.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Let me tell you about my afternoon. I have talked a few times about this 89 year old lady I am a companion to. Sometimes, I wonder who’s helping who.

She was having a very good day. When this happens, I offer to take her for a car ride which she loves. Today, she wanted to go to the cemetery to visit her parents’ tombstone. No problem! I had wanted to visit my father’s family tombstone for a while, and having Spiritwind’s posts in my consciousness, I’m all excited to go with her (see Walking on Coals... don't know how to do the hyperlink thingy).

As you may recall, my lady suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, so where is the tombstone? She points an area where there are more than 200, maybe more. I’m up for the challenge, so I ask my friend Anthony who always helps me find things and there I am walking through the isles looking everywhere. I came across my daughter’s paternal grandparents, what a treat! Said Hi and continued on my search. It was a hot day and she was getting tired, so I asked her mother to help me out, since I knew it would make my lady happy to find it. I was about to give up, when I got bitten by a fire ant. I’m close… made a few steps to my left to get to the next isle and there it was! If I could only relay to you the happiness of my lady! Wow! Such beauty! We came and went three times… hahaha… because she forgets, you know, and each time I would see this wonderful glow in her eyes.

I also visited my ancestors’ tombstone. I know where it is, at the entrance of the cemetery, a big angel enveloping their names in its wings. There lies my paternal grandparents whom I never knew… saw my grandmother once when I was about 9 years of age, some uncles, my dad and his first wife and my half-brother and his wife. For the first time, I wondered who loved angels that much to have such a big one on the stone. I recalled how two elders told me a grandmother was watching over me and from what they said, I suspect it is her.

For some reason, this little excursion in the cemetery filled me with joy. I was also reminded to look up certain things about this family I know nothing about.

I was born out of wedlock. In those days, good catholics would shun you for it. My mother was ostracized by her family and I was not allowed in my mother’s family until I was almost two years old. Maybe I will tell you the story of how this happened one day. Anyhow, all these memories which were part of my dark night of the soul resurfaced. Not painful any longer. I’ve come a long way. It actually made me laugh… because you see, I found out a couple of years ago that my parents were 4th generation cousins. My great grandmother – mother of my maternal grandfather, has the same surname as I do (my dad’s name). When I did her lineage, that’s when I found out that she was from the exact same ancestors as my dad. The irony of it all? That lineage, the only one left for my surname, comes from an illicit affair that my ancestor had with a servant. All those traumatized from my illicit birth, all good catholics, all come from an illicit relationship themselves! Hahaha!

I’m not being mean or vengeful here… just stating facts.

Thank you my lady.
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Sandy Clark »

Oh Moonlight, I'm till chuckling as I write this..................the Irony and the facts are truly funny ( I got an image of the looks on their faces with this updated news and mu giggling started ) and oh the secrets those ancestors carry from generation to generation...thus the trauma and repeated patterns from generation to generation.

So grateful you were born and brought your beautiful energy here to share. It seems your connection with source especially after asking for assistance is vibrant and in tune with nudges from all the fire ant connection :-) I honour your courage to walk through the dark and clear the pain. In essence I bet much of it was also historical as well and boy what a boat load you must have been carrying.....creating a cargo load of space to fill with joy have cleared karma I would venture to say for many in your lineage...

I enjoy your writing and can relate to your heart to heart messaging.....Thank you for adding to my tank today!
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Thank you Sandy for your kind words. I too am grateful to be here... sometimes I wonder why I came, but then I look into my daughter's eyes and I re-member. I am very grateful for you also Sandy... you are one witty, fierce and loving woman. I feel that we would have a great time together if we ever meet. I see you.

Just before the fire ant bit me, I was doubting my ability to find what I was looking for. I quickly put that aside with the bite... woke me up pretty fast. hahaha.

Now, shall we dance ?

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

As I prepare for the upcoming eclipse, I see what needs to go in my life in order to make space for what I really want. I am reminded of who I am in a serene way. I open the road to my creative self, intending for my self and for Mother Earth.

Please be mindful, my brothers and sisters, of where you concentrate your energy, even more so in these times of great power. Of course some will try to hinder our work and will have bad intents. Don't let anyone stop you from shining, you crazy diamond.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Fred Steeves
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Fred Steeves »

Moonlight wrote: As I prepare for the upcoming eclipse, I see what needs to go in my life in order to make space for what I really want. I am reminded of who I am in a serene way. I open the road to my creative self, intending for my self and for Mother Earth.

Moonlight, shine on as well You crazy diamond.

I reckon we'll see you on the dark side of the moon then, my part of Tennessee is directly in that path.
Moonlight wrote:Please be mindful, my brothers and sisters, of where you concentrate your energy, even more so in these times of great power.
Couldn't agree more, be ever mindful of that which is Sacred.
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Thank you Fred. I will be there, having fun with my grandson... we will fill our space with joy and wonder. It is obvious that I am more excited about this than my grandson is, but he takes much pleasure in seeing his crazy grandmother laugh.

My song for the day, which I send to the great gig in the sky:
Payer of the Mothers

From the North to the South
From the West to the East
Hear the Payer of the Mothers
Bring the Peace, Bring the Peace
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

I'm holding space for you and your family Vern... I'm so sorry....

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

What is there to say in these times ? No words can express the sentiments passing through.

We are having exceptionally mild weather, having a heat warning on 23-09 ! It is supposed to go up do 30 C today... in my fifty something odd years, I do not recall having a stretch of heat like this in September. There's always a first.

On another note, I witnessed the death of a man this week. It was in a very surreal setting. The retirement home he lived in was having a celebration out in the garden. Inside the garden, there was music, songs, dancers and cupcakes. Outside the gate, the man was laying on the sidewalk, with paramedics trying to reanimate him... for more that 20 minutes ! I was praying that they would just let him go. This man, whom I knew only because I go there every week, was already very sick and handicapped. He was yearning for death to come. I'm happy that he held his ground and left...

I reflect on death a lot, more than a lot of people it would seem. I know I have a different view of death. It is so obvious when the subject comes in a conversation. Most people do not want to talk about it... makes me think of old family secrets.... if you do not talk about it, it doesn't exist. But it does.

I meet so many people in retirement homes that had their life saved only to be parked in a room waiting for death to come.

Who am I to judge the life of another.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Fred Steeves
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Fred Steeves »

I often reflect on death as well moonlight. My wife and I watched over her grandmother from the time she got to the point of not being able to care for herself at 86, until she moved on at 101. Many years of visits to those homes.

I find it fascinating how the dead can leave valuable lessons in their wake of passing, for those who care/dare to observe closely enough.

Just yesterday as a matter of fact, I found myself thinking of my old friend KC's passing a year or so ago, and how it was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen.

There was only one demand he had of life in his old age, and that was to die in his home out in the woods, where he belonged. Well, turned out it wasn't going to work out that way, and it wound up being up to me to inform him of that.

I had just seen him in the hospital the day before, and assured him he was going home the next day. Well that evening we heard from his granddaughter that she had changed her mind, and was having him sent straight to a home from there...

Well fuck me then, I had promised the old man he was going home! So I had to drive back the 35 miles again the next day to tell him, and also how terribly sorry I was to break a promise.

He got real stone faced, turned to stare at a wall and said "well, I'll die then". And he did to, he went and did just that. The ambulance delivered him to the home the next morning, and He was dead by supper time.

Old KC was down to one thing still under his control, and that was the manner in which he was going to exit the stage. Still impresses the hell out of me, to die on your own terms like that.
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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