A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

"...the spokespersons of the European idea are not interested in Germany...They preach the dispersal of Germany, not its reassembly."
- Moeller van den Bruck
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A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Christine »

I started writing this about a week ago and would appreciate comments, intuitions and suggestions because I don't feel it is yet complete.

She woke early in the morning not knowing where she was, in an empty space of pure nothingness. She knows that in the quietude new voices can be heard. Love is the all abiding field, she felt a new thought stir. It is this she wishes to share. For if we say in Truth, Love is the All, there is the answer and the way on how we resolve such deeply ingrained differences that have propelled humanity into perpetual hatred and war. She jumps into deep water with both feet.

As our many readers know we have been diligently unwrapping and revealing a revisionist view of the history of WWI and II by taking a much deeper look into the Third Reich and who was Adolf Hitler. These subjects are not easy and have proven to provoke some derision, discomfort and division. I won’t want veer off topic however for this isn’t all bad if it causes us to look more closely at something we once believed as a truth.

Today I speak from my inner perspectives which came with a sudden insight a few mornings ago along with a great accumulation of data from many years of research. My interests along these lines includes ancient cultures, genealogy, root races, myths and the big question: “Who are we?”

Let’s start with the reality that most of the world’s population is of mixed races and it is possible to extrapolate that the “controlling cabal” has desired this. Simply by taking into account the mass genocides and the current mass immigration due to wars that are manufactured for purposes that out strip most people’s ability to process. Money at the root? Or a much deeper agenda? Or is it possible that we human beings simply can’t comprehend the need of an entity that exists purely to destroy?

Probably only the most remote tribes maintain a lineage of pure DNA. In DNA testing we are shown somewhat surprisingly that the many of us carry genetic markers that link us not only to our parents and grandparents but to a multi cultural lineage often including what they identify as the Semitic people, or erroneously concluded is uniquely that of the Jewish people.

Anti-Semitic is a term that is purposely used falsely so before we go further with what I will share please take time to thoroughly digest this. Anti-Semitic has been used as a slur for those who in any manner speak against or offer a countering truth about the Jewish (race, culture, or religion). There is much debate and twisting of words on the question as to whether Judaism is a religious conversion, a culture or based on ethnicity.

If we look up the original usage of the word Semitic it was to describe a people with a common language and that includes Jews, Muslims and Christians.


For the reader that wants to uncover a bit more how this word came into usage and the confusion that is created around it’s usage please read this article.

Who are the Semites

What I see tied together through common language, geographical area and culture with the Semitic peoples are three religions, referred to as the Abrahamic Religions for they have the common link to Abraham of the old testament and the vengeful god, Jehovah. I am not referring to individual people but to the over wrought and prevailing religious belief systems that few will ever question to its roots.

My attempt here is to reveal something more nefarious and hidden. Perhaps together we can discover how and why this nefarious element of hatred was embedded into the DNA of human beings. I am not pretending to have the answer though I feel perhaps we are close to pulling aside the curtain of purposeful confusion and deception to find a more fulfilling truth.

As one excavates this material you will read that the Jewish people were expulsed from many countries in Europe. I recently came across the below information which I found at first disturbing and secondarily I felt that to expose it would require responsibility for many are looking for reasons to hate Jews using this to point the finger of blame at the Jewish people. I would ask that the reader continue to hold in their thoughts that my attempt here is to differentiate a people from a “embedded ideology” that will forever keep us at war until we see beneath labels, propaganda and our own prejudices.

What I sense here is a timeline that is showing us where to look, how to look and asks us to deeply question why this was done.

The below is from a book that was written to demonstrate to the Jewish people just how victimized they are. From my perspective this fact is a point that bears a through penetration, why were the Jewish people expulsed from country after country, year after year? Clearly the chapter of WWII is simply a recent manifestation of a pattern that has existed for at least 1900 years. Yet for most people WWII represents the attempted usurpation of evil via Adolf Hitler and the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust. Most people simply won't take the time to delve deeper into the material, we have allowed this lie to stand. For this reason I continue my own research.

What are we missing?

Lets not forget that people the world over, from every race on every continent have been persecuted and are the victims of mass genocide. Yet to my knowledge no other culture is involved in such a prevalent and heavy handed use of world wide propaganda. It is a well known fact that "they" basically control the media and the entertainment industry. Nor is any other culture in positions of political power, both covertly and overtly, which we must see translates to the mechanisms of war. "They" includes three dominant world religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity which share the same root. Perhaps a poisonous root.

“Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of Anti-Semitism”
Lesser Known Highlights of Jewish International 
Relations In The Common Era (an Abbreviated sampling)


250 C.E. Carthage Expulsion

224 C.E. Italy Forced Conversion

325 C.E. Jerusalem Expulsion

351 C.E Persia Book Burning

357 C.E. Italy Property Confiscation

379 C.E. Milan Synagogue Burning

415 C.E. Alexandria Expulsion

418 C.E. Minorca Forced Conversion

469 C.E. Ipahan Holocaust

489 C.E. Antioch Synagogue Burning

506 C.E. Daphne Synagogue Burning

519 C.E. Ravenna Synagogue Burning

554 C.E. Diocese of Clement (France) Expulsion

561 C.E. Diocese of Uzes (France) Expulsion

582 C.E Merovingia Forced Conversion

612 C.E. Visigoth Spain Expulsion

628 C.E. Byzantium Forced Conversion

629 C.E. Merovingia Forced Conversion

633 C.E. Toledo Forced Conversion

638 C.E. Toledo Stake Burnings

642 C.E. Visigothic Empire Expulsion

653 C.E. Toledo Expulsion

681 C.E. Spain Forced Conversion
93 C.E. Toledo Jews Enslaved

722 C.E. Byzantium Judaism Outlawed

855 C.E. Italy Expulsion

876 C.E. Sens Expulsion

897 C.E. Narbonne Land Confiscation

945 C.E. Venice Ban on Sea Travel

1009 C.E. Orleans Massacre
1012 C.E. Rouen, Limoges & Rome Massacre

1012 C.E. Mayence Expulsion

1021 C.E. Rome Jews Burned Alive

1063 C.E. Spain Massacre

1095 C.E. Lorraine Massacre

1096 C.E. Northern France & Germany 1/3 of Jewish Population Massacred

1096 C.E. Hungary Massacre
1096 C.E. Ralisbon Massacre
1099 C.E. Jerusalem Jews Burned Alive

1100 C.E. Kiev Pogrom
1140 C.E. Germany Massacres

1146 C.E. Rhine Valley Massacre
1147 C.E. Wurzburg Massacre

1147 C.E. Belitz (Germany) Jews Burned Alive

1147 C.E. Carenton, Ramenu & Sully (France) Massacres

1171 C.E. Blois Stake Burnings

1181 C.E. France Expulsion

1181 C.E. England Property Confiscation

1188 C.E. London & York Mob Attacks

1190 C.E. Norfolk Jews Burned Alive

1191 C.E. Bray (France) Jews Burned Alive

1195 C.E. France Property Confiscation

1209 C.E. Beziers Massacre

1212 C.E. Spain Rioting and blood bath against the Jews of Toledo.

1215 C.E. Rome Lateran Council of Rome decrees that Jews must wear the "badge of shame" in all Christian countries. Jews are denied all public sector employment, and are burdened with extra taxes.

1215 C.E. Toulouse (France) Mass Arrests

1218 C.E. England Jews Forced to Wear Badges

1231 C.E. Rome Inquisition Established
1236 C.E. France Forced Conversion/Massacre

1239 C.E. London Massacre & Property Confiscation

1240 C.E. Austria Property confiscation. Jews either imprisoned, converted, expelled, or burned.

1240 C.E. France Talmud Confiscated

1240 C.E. England Book Burning

1240 C.E. Spain Forced Conversion

1242 C.E. Paris Talmud Burned
1244 C.E. Oxford Mob Attacks

1255 C.E. England Blood libel in Lincoln results in the burning / torture of many Jews & public hangings.

1261 C.E. Canterbury Mob Attacks

1262 C.E. London Mob Attacks

1264 C.E. London Mob Attacks

1264 C.E. Germany Council of Vienna declares that all Jews must wear a "pointed dunce cap." Thousands murdered.

1267 C.E. Vienna Jews Forced to Wear Horned Hats

1270 C.E. Weissenberg, Magdeburg, Arnstadt, Coblenz, Singzig, and Erfurt Jews Burned Alive

1270 C.E. England The libel of the "counterfeit coins" - all Jewish men, women and children in England imprisoned. Hundreds are hung.

1276 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion

1278 C.E. Genoa (Spain) Mob Attacks

1279 C.E. Hungary & Poland The Council of Offon denies Jews the right to all civic positions. The Jews of Hungary & Poland are forced to wear the "red badge of shame."

1283 C.E. Mayence & Bacharach Mob Attacks

1285 C.E. Munich Jews Burned Alive

1290 C.E. England King Edward I issues an edict banishing all Jews from England. Many drowned.

1291 C.E. France The Jewish refugees from England are promptly expelled from France.

1292 C.E. Italy Forced conversions & expulsion of the Italian Jewish community.

1298 C.E. Germany The libel of the "Desecrated Host" is perpetrated against the Jews of Germany. Approximately 150 Jewish communities undergo forced conversion.

1298 C.E. Franconia, Bavaria & Austria Reindfel's Decree is propagated against the Jews of Franconia and Bavaria. Riots against these Jewish communities, as well as those in Austria, result in the massacre of 100,000 Jews over a six-month period.

1306 C.E. France Expulsion

1308 C.E. Strasbourg Jews Burned Alive

1320 C.E. Toulouse & Perpigon 120 Communities Massacred & Talmud Burned

1321 C.E. Teruel Public Executions

1328 C.E. Estella 5,000 Jews Slaughtered

1348 C.E. France & Spain Jews Burned Alive

1348 C.E. Switzerland Expulsion

1349 C.E. Worms, Strasbourg, Oppenheim, Mayence, Erfurt, Bavaria & Swabia Jews Burned Alive

1349 C.E. Heilbronn (Germany) Expulsion

1349 C.E. Hungary Expulsion

1354 C.E. Castile (Spain) 12,000 Jews Slaughtered

1368 C.E. Toledo 8,000 Jews Slaughtered

1370 C.E. Majorca., Penignon & Barcelona Mob Attack

1377 C.E. Huesca (Spain) Jews Burned Alive

1380 C.E. Paris Mob Attack

1384 C.E. Nordlingen Mass Murder

1388 C.E. Strasbourg Expulsion

1389 C.E. Prague Mass Slaughter & Book Burning

1391 C.E. Castille, Toledo, Madrid, Seville, Cordova, Cuenca & Barcelona Forced Conversions & Mass Murder

1394 C.E. Germany Expulsion

1394 C.E. France Expulsion

1399 C.E. Posen (Poland) Jews Burned Alive

1400 C.E. Prague Stake Burnings

1407 C.E. Cracow Mob Attack

1415 C.E. Rome Talmud Confiscated

1422 C.E. Austria Jews Burned Alive

1422 C.E. Austria Expulsion

1424 C.E. Fribourg & Zurich Expulsion

1426 C.E. Cologne Expulsion

1431 C.E. Southern Germany Jews Burned Alive

1432 C.E. Savory Expulsion

1438 C.E. Mainz Expulsion

1439 C.E. Augsburg Expulsion

1449 C.E. Toledo Public Torture &. Burnings

1453 C.E. Franconia Expulsion

1453 C.E. Breslau Expulsion

1454 C.E. Wurzburg Expulsion
1456 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion 

1463 C.E. Cracow Mob Attack

1473 C.E. Andalusia Mob Attack
1480 C.E. Venice Jews Burned Alive

1481 C.E. Seville Stake Burnings

1484 C.E. Cuidad Real, Guadalupe, Saragossa & Teruel Jews Burned Alive

1485 C.E. Vincenza (Italy) Expulsion

1486 C.E. Toledo Jews Burned Alive

1488 C.E. Toledo Stake Burnings

1490 C.E. Toledo Public Executions

1491 C.E. Astorga Public Torture & Execution

1492 C.E. Spain Expulsion
1495 C.E. Lithuania Expulsion

1497 C.E. Portugal Expulsion

1499 C.E. Germany Expulsion

1506 C.E. Lisbon Mob Attack

1510 C.E. Berlin Public Torture & Execution

1514 C.E. Strasbourg Expulsion

1519 C.E. Regensburg Expulsion

1539 C.E. Cracow & Portugal Stake Burnings

1540 C.E. Naples Expulsion

1542 C.E. Bohemia Expulsion

1550 C.E. Genoa Expulsion

1551 C.E. Bavaria Expulsion

1555 C.E. Pesaro Expulsion

1556 C.E. Sokhachev (Poland) Public Torture & Execution

1559 C.E. Austria Expulsion

1561 C.E. Prague Expulsion

1567 C.E. Wurzburg Expulsion

1569 C.E. Papal States Expulsion

1571 C.E. Brandenburg Expulsion

1582 C.E. Netherlands Expulsion

1593 C.E. Brunswick Expulsion

1597 C.E. Cremona, Pavia & Lodi Expulsion

1614 C.E. Frankfort Expulsion

1615 C.E. Worms Expulsion

1619 C.E. Kiev Expulsion

1635 C.E. Vilna Mob Attack

1637 C.E. Cracow Public Torture & Execution

1647 C.E. Lisbon Jews Burned Alive

1648 C.E. Poland 1/3 of Jewry Slaughtered

1649 C.E. Ukraine Expulsion

1649 C.E. Hamburg Expulsion

1652 C.E. Lisbon Stake Burnings

1654 C.E. Little Russia Expulsion

1656 C.E. Lithuania Expulsion

1660 C.E. Seville Jews Burned Alive

1663 C.E Cracow Public Torture &. Execution

1664 C.E. Lemberg Mob Attack

1669 C.E. Oran (North Africa) Expulsion

1670 C.E. Vienna Expulsion

1671 C.E. Minsk Mob Attacks

1681 C.E. Vilna Mob Attacks

1682 C.E. Cracow Mob Attacks

1687 C.E. Posen Mob Attacks

1712 C.E. Sandomir Expulsion

1727 C.E. Russia Expulsion

1738 C.E. Wurtemburg Expulsion

1740 C.E. Liule Russia Expulsion

1744 C.E Bohemia Expulsion

1744 C.E. Livonia Expulsion

1745 C.E. Moravia Expulsion

1753 C.E. Kovad (Lithuania) Expulsion

1757 C.E. Kamenetz Talmud Burning

1761 C.E. Bordeaux Expulsion

1768 C.E. Kiev 3,000 Jews Slaughtered

1772 C.E. Russia Expulsion

1775 C.E. Warsaw Expulsion

1789 C.E. Alsace Expulsion

1801 C.E. Bucharest Mob Attack

1804 C.E. Russian Villages Expulsion

1808 C.E. Russian Countryside Expulsion

1815 C.E. Lubeck & Bremen Expulsion

1820 C.E. Bremes Expulsion

1843 C.E. Austria & Prussia Expulsion

1850 C.E. New York City 500 People, Led by Police, Attacked & Wrecked Jewish Synagogue

1862 C.E. Area under General Grant's Jurisdiction in the United States Expulsion

1866 C.E Galatz (Romania) Expulsion

1871 C.E. Odena Mob Attack

1887 C.E. Slovakia Mob Attacks

1897 C.E. Kantakuzenka (Russia) Mob Attacks
1898 C.E. Rennes (France) Mob Attack

1899 C.E. Nicholayev Mob Attack

1900 C.E. Konitz (Prussia) Mob Attack

1902 C.E. Poland Widespread Pogroms

1904 C.E. Manchuria, Kiev & Volhynia Widespread Pogroms

1905 C.E. Zhitomir (Yolhynia) Mob Attacks
1919 C.E Bavaria Expulsion

1915 C.E. Georgia (U.S.A.) Leo Frank Lynched

1919 C.E. Prague Wide Spread Pogroms

1920 C.E. Munich & Breslau Mob Attacks

1922 C.E. Boston, MA Lawrence Lowell, President of Harvard, calls for Quota Restrictions on Jewish Admission

1926 C.E. Uzbekistan Pogrom

1928 C.E. Hungary Widespread Anti-Semitic Riots on University Campuses

1929 C.E. Lemberg (Poland) Mob Attacks

1930 C.E. Berlin Mob Attack

1933 C.E. Bucharest Mob Attacks

1938-45 C.E. Europe Holocaust 
Jewish persecution

 P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects, New York: Philosophical Library, 1978
The causes and effects of anti-Semitism: The dimensions of a prejudice : an analysis and chronology of 1,900 years of anti-Semitic attitudes and practices.

What is 1,900 years of expulsion and persecution of the Jewish people from every Euro-Asian country showing us?

Now lets go back to the link of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. We have been led to believe that it is only a Jewish problem and that Germany or the Aryan people are the perpetrators of a great evil on god's the chosen people.

Let us sit with this dual exposure to try and decipher what is really going on. We have the chosen people of Israel that based on the Talmud and other rabbinical texts that relates to us that the Jews are God’s chosen people and the rest of humanity is goyim or cattle. Juxtapose this with the Aryan people, who we are led to believe claim to be the Superior (white) race. Yet according to ethnological mythology we are told that the Aryans sprung from one of Noah’s sons, Japheth after the flood. This is most likely pure nonsense and shouldn’t take an intelligent person more than a brief study to realize this is a purposeful use of confusion in the minds of man.

We are speaking of Abrahamic religions that follow the Noahic Covenant.
Quote from linked article: We should also be reminded that our God is a holy and righteous God who has a holy hatred for sin and who will not allow sin to go unpunished forever.

It is confounding for me to accept that a great majority of the world’s population actually follows and practices rituals based on this interpretation of god. Even the good Christians, Jews and Muslims are following these tenants without even knowing they exist and never questioning them. So who or what is operating behind the curtain?

Fast forward: In the world of today without too far of a stretch we see that that war is prevailing on all people, everywhere. While some of us are blessed to be in places not yet touched we recognize that tyranny is not too far from our doorsteps.

US quits UNESCO: ‘Israel setting agenda for Trump, Trump falls into line’

With the twisting of word meanings via the incessant use of propaganda along accompanied by the use of Gematria as a means in which to interpret biblical “verses” using a numerical value assigned to Hebrew and Greek letters we can observe a system that is based on a logical linear mind that seeks to know god systematically.

“Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation for the problems of mathematical analysis.”

Many of us in the pursuit of Truth have examined the concept of a false god embedded in the human psyche to control us for he asks for obedience. The interpretations of what obedience indicates are multiple and confusing, dependent on what religion, rabbi, priest a person follows. We are also aware of a control system using artificial intelligence, microwave frequencies and scalar technologies that is literally beaming a false reality into the biome of the human being. This is an exhaustive study in itself for those who want to go deeper.

Something is vital is missing. And the question remains; “Who are those behind the scenes that seek to control?” I would further ask; “Is there a purpose for the presence of this entity?


A traumatic event in solar system that allowed the entry of a foreign entity - the Archon - the Predator - Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence. There were either reasons for this, purposeful attack vectors from “outside” or was there a cosmic reason that it had to be this way. As JLL postulates in his work that the Aeon Sophia’s fall from galactic center created unexpected or unknown discharges of energy that either created or brought with Her the parasitic element the Gnostics call archons.

Others and myself included have relived this event and since there are no texts or remaining writings to study we are dependent on our own genetic memories and the knowledge that all is recorded. For myself this is the expanding ability to hear the spirit of all things and more specifically hear the song of stone and the older trees that remain. Our Earth maintains a virtual or holographic memory of all that happened, knowable when one aligns with Her resonance. With the discovery of new stone circles, the ancient remains of civilizations and pyramids the world over we do have a more complete picture developing.

Question as to why the concentration of wars is in the Middle East, the ancient bed of civilization, Mesopotamia. It is long known that with the “advancement” and expansion of Christianity that ancient temples and stone circles were torn down with churches erected on their ruins. We see this in every culture even the Chinese buried their pyramids.

What is purposely being hidden, usurped or destroyed?

Is it possible that what I will refer to as the archon was able to infiltrate a group of people first, was it their language? Their intelligence or perhaps along evolutionary lines their DNA permitted the first infiltration. If we assume that this was not random and was directed from a quantum field of intelligence this parasitic entity would choose a specific group or race of people most suited to its purpose. Thereby effectively using the Jewish people as a shield to hide behind and from within?

With these thoughts comes a most vital one and that returns us to the field of universal love, for the answer will never come from a single race or color, it will not arrive simply by finding the right text or manuscript for the real truth contained within any doctrine is the same truth. We are each an individuated multiple of expression of a Divine Creative source. What I found in my own delving through the hidden material surrounding a very present timeline is that “the mechanized thought overlay” has not allowed us full penetration via our fears and prejudices.

My own search into the hidden material of the Third Reich is on going for what it can provide to collective humanity in liberation, the liberation not only of the individual but of nations and the full disclosure of technologies that were taken by the “sociopathic controllers” from the people … from noble intents to take back what was stolen.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by maggie »

Dear Christine,
I wish you all the best in figuring out "who are we".
You have developed a strong personal relationship to certain stories.
I am really curious about how the whole "Nazi" investigation has increased your freedom?
Seriously, I would like to read how it has increased the capacity you have to live well.
I cannot believe it would work for me.
Also, I feel a lot of hurt that is beyond me to resolve and it weighs me down.

I hope the stories you embrace can move you forward to where you choose to be.
The only way I can feel free-er is to tell my own story and I DO feel free-er.
And I have said all I needed to say.

Personally I am no longer able to stomach the insistance by some historians that if we don't remember the past we will be bound to repeat it.
IN FACT IMO it is quite the contrary in MY experience.

I want to ride a fast horse that flies like the wind and sail over the plains, climb the mountain passes and MOST of all BE READY for that ride. I intend to have a body ready to stay on horseback for days on end. And when I am ready, I will have to know which one trots.

IMO it will never be possible to uncover the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I am not enjoying the reads lately on line. I feel it is OK to stop investigating.
How many times do I need to hear the same message OR pass it on.
And who will believe a message that is off the rockers (until they fall off too)?

FOR ME the true historicity endeavor is like this ride:
You can change the angle all you like but you'll never get any farther out than the limits of the rockers.

Lots of Love for all the journiers.
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Christine »

Dearest maggie ... My research and investigation is deeply tied to something more than history. I have no need for anyone to follow or even read my outpourings. Just as many others on the forum have done I am in a self revealing self process. And I completely comprehend it doesn't need to be for you or anyone else. This particular chapter holds something, whether I find it or not will be seen.

What has helped me immensely is everything, literally all the travails and the epiphanies are not separate bits and pieces of information.

I just walked in the door and will write more shortly ..
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Sandy Clark »

Dear Christine,

Wow, that is quite the indepth revealing of your personal process and journey. As we all know...to each their own. My journey takes me to my inner realms and history in this lifetime. I too like to know why I do what I do especially when I feel stuck with changing my present situation.

For me, I have come to the realization that no nation, creed or religion will change the world we have today no matter the revelation as to the ways and means of each's culture, etho's and traditions. I work to change my own dysfunction, history and patterns that bring pain, suffering and misery, not only to myself but those around me. When that seems to not be able to become a Win-Win situation I then find a way to garner the learning and move ahead in living my life.

So although I don't pretend to understand your ways and needs in journeying I accept your personal mission as yours. I believe if all peoples would get on with researching indepth their own hearts and minds as well as the many do regarding others, we may have a chance to accept that the differences we experience are for the purpose of learning more about our self. IMO the Spirit wants to experience and have the joy of feelings and awareness in this human lifetime.

Sad to say but my reality depicts a sorrowful lack in most others, at least in my immediate circle in the ability to identify a feeling; let alone experience and share it with anyone by recognizing how it came to be and what strength or weakness it demonstrates for personal growth and evolution. When our species, we are all one species IMO here on Mother Earth, really grok this we will change the ever de-evolving paradigm we find ourselves experiencing.

I say out of the head into the heart is the only true answer, if there is any hope for Humankind.
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Christine »

I will try to express in simple language why I am following this path of research. It is both personal and impersonal.

I am extremely blessed in my life for having gone through the dark tunnel of sorrow which has brought me to a core place that is at peace. I have learned to trust my intuitive urgings and inner voice. For years I have written about the inner journey being the most vital and can't agree more whole heartedly that without finding inner sanctuary one will consistently be pulled off center and lose touch with Source.

Today in a conversation I was trying to express how miraculous this is. The closest way I can describe it is that once enough barriers are moved through something blooms inside and you realize that it isn't about how good you are, or how hard you tried for the subtlety is an emergent one, like a flower blooming. Love if we call it that is all encompassing, it knows both the dark and the light, it judges no thing and compassionately waits for us to reveal the truth it is.

How can I tie the above to something so historically horrific and corrupt that it is sure to trigger reactions in people? It is because I see that in this particular subject matter is meant to do just that and until we can stop reacting long enough and sit with the pain and sorrow long enough to allow it to show us what it will that I take the risk of revealing what I find.

What I didn't express well in my long writing was that an inner illumination allowed me to see that a whole people were and are being utilized to keep our state of consciousness at war with each other. And that by allowing the focus of evil and hatred onto one person they themselves can't go free. It is with love that I speak, not blame or judgement. While some people are freeing them selves from a systematic enslavement most are not even aware it is happening. I know when I write on this subject only a few will find value and many others will be put off and not examine the deeper context I am endeavoring to bring light to.

My good fortune includes good friends who willingly explore this territory for it is together that we can continue to unlock the doors of the prison with no visible bars.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Sandy Clark »

Gee Christine,

Don't you think that is a bit presumptuous to say that many will be put off and not examine the deeper context you are endeavoring to bring to light and that only a few will find the value.

I don't understand the defensive nature of your post and if I have posted something that has upset you, please let me know.

I do not take umbrage with what you say and want only to voice my thoughts and opinions having travelled many a dark road and experienced deeply cathartic tunnels myself, some personally bordering on death and some from the death of another.

I totaly agree that all there is, is LOVE and we all have our paths, ways and means of uncovering and gleaning this reality. I also agree that LOVE comes in many forms and it does not always taste sweet like sugar and spice, some can be very distasteful in getting through the chaff to experience the essence embodiment of LOVE.

There is also no doubt that Zionists use their people to propagate the Holocaust deceit and lies as well as the continued victim meme and whether they were infected with an Archon or not from the beginning, one may never know. I think the persecution continues to this day and IMO that is why they must keep this 'anti-semetic no-no' alive and thriving to keep the enslavement and total domination on track.

This material is reactionary for sure especially for anyone who has no knowledge of the lies of War. Sometimes being hit over the head with a 2x4 works to bring the light in however only if the person being hit knows (deep down) that there is someone there to catch them when they fall. What I don't understand is the concept that others when divesting of this information will go within to analyze their own gut reactions to such evil and deceit and therein lies one's self darkness or am I misunderstanding what you mean?

Listening to all of the following video with Tim Freke is my understanding of where you may be coming from in your purpose. ( but I am do not sure so do not want to make that assumption)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... WIIfqUTVQk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Christine »

Thank you for replying Sandy, I meant no disparagement to anyone in my reply and admittedly was very tired last night from a long day of work. Your words express better than I did why this is an important subject. I don't feel defensive, just tired and sad, feelings i am working through right now. We do the best we can with words written on a screen but they often fail to convey the fullness of our experiences and sight especially when we speak of other than love and light.

If I were to put words to my purpose it is not to hit anyone with a 2X4 for bludgeoning someone with a truth or facts doesn't work well although there are moments when perhaps this is called for. If I had a purpose in the OP of this thread it was an attempt to reveal just how deep and tight this Gordian knot is for by seeing the mechanisms with which it was was tied is, for myself a step toward unraveling it.

To clarify a bit more, it has been my experience that when I react strongly to a subject such as this one I have found a corresponding piece of myself that hasn't been absolved, not necessarily to do with my own darkness it is more akin to discovering a piece yet unseen. Speaking from my own experiences as a child I grew up feeling a deep guilt for bearing my maternal grandfather's German surname. A child with no learning yet of history. On the other side of the coin I knew (probably from listening to adults) that my Jewish neighbors had to change their last name to be accepted. These feelings of shame and guilt were so ingrained in my psyche that it has taken me most of my adult life to come free from them.

Earth Empaths as we were expressing on another thread is a place in which to express our inner workings and our outer searchings, how those weave together is part of each individual's magic. I hope that we can continue to hold such a large open space and by working through our individual lens can come closer to a collective harmony. Bearing and maintaining an inner light in a world of darkness isn't an easy work though I would say it is the Work.

Sandy Clark wrote:Gee Christine,

Don't you think that is a bit presumptuous to say that many will be put off and not examine the deeper context you are endeavoring to bring to light and that only a few will find the value.

I don't understand the defensive nature of your post and if I have posted something that has upset you, please let me know.

I do not take umbrage with what you say and want only to voice my thoughts and opinions having travelled many a dark road and experienced deeply cathartic tunnels myself, some personally bordering on death and some from the death of another.

I totally agree that all there is, is LOVE and we all have our paths, ways and means of uncovering and gleaning this reality. I also agree that LOVE comes in many forms and it does not always taste sweet like sugar and spice, some can be very distasteful in getting through the chaff to experience the essence embodiment of LOVE.

There is also no doubt that Zionists use their people to propagate the Holocaust deceit and lies as well as the continued victim meme and whether they were infected with an Archon or not from the beginning, one may never know. I think the persecution continues to this day and IMO that is why they must keep this 'anti-semetic no-no' alive and thriving to keep the enslavement and total domination on track.

This material is reactionary for sure especially for anyone who has no knowledge of the lies of War. Sometimes being hit over the head with a 2x4 works to bring the light in however only if the person being hit knows (deep down) that there is someone there to catch them when they fall. What I don't understand is the concept that others when divesting of this information will go within to analyze their own gut reactions to such evil and deceit and therein lies one's self darkness or am I misunderstanding what you mean?

Listening to all of the following video with Tim Freke is my understanding of where you may be coming from in your purpose. ( but I am do not sure so do not want to make that assumption)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... WIIfqUTVQk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Spiritwind »

I sat this morning, for the last few days really, and asked myself what's really going on with the Jewish question. I realized, for the first time maybe, just how confusing a question it is. I cannot prove it at the moment, but strongly feel that the confusion is intentional.

In fact, on an intuitive level I will try to lay out what I think is going on, and time will tell if my interpretation is anywhere correct. You see, even if you think you are not religious, Christianity, in the U.S. anyway, has permeated our culture in such a way as it is hard to really separate the ways in which it influences our everyday life. That is my observation anyway. If you went to public school you had all the Christian holidays that were celebrated. I don't remember any that were of other religious persuasions. I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, and I most certainly have had to overcome a great deal of programming from that experience. (And if you think about it, both Christianity and Islam grew out of Judaism).

And that is part of the equation right there. Programming. My daughter and I talk about this all the time. She is just 23, and although I took her to a few churches of different persuasions when she was growing up (along with exposing her to other types of spiritual experiences), I have always encouraged her to trust herself first, and not take someone else's word for anything, not even me. I have completely moved away from adhering to any religious persuasion, although I cannot deny that my upbringing still influences me and the way I think. It comes out in my writing all the time. In our many conversations my daughter and I have begun to talk more in terms of energy. What feels good and right, and what doesn't. She is definitely empathic, and feels much that others do not apparently. She doesn't exactly appreciate that ability at this time in her life, although she can't imagine being any other way. She just doesn't fake it very well.

She has that same problem I do with those who place themselves in positions of authority over our lives, and already resents the way things are structured. And by that I mean most young people graduating from high school will be taking minimum wage jobs to get started on their own in life. A few will go onto college, but even that doesn't guarantee a career of your choice when you finally get that degree. A few seem to have a greater intellectual capacity than most, and some are almost guaranteed to at least be financially successful, although that does not apply to other areas of life necessarily. But my daughter is already looking down the road and has been told by others who are well meaning to just suck it up, buckle down, or whatever, and do what you have to do and at least pretend you are happy with it. Heck, isn't that what our ancestors have been doing for millennia?

Because of who she is this just isn't going to probably work for her. It didn't work for me I know. Seeing her struggle brings back my own struggle in trying to adapt to a system that just didn't work for me. The thing is, once you examine this system, it isn't difficult to see that it only benefits a few at the expense of the rest. And that has not changed probably at least since the last big cataclysm.

And this might not make sense at first, but you kind of have to put the Jewish question aside for a bit. You can go on endlessly about things like DNA and so forth, but you still might overlook the fact that this energy that we are really describing can take any form, is very adaptable, and continues to reign in our lives due to it's ability to deceive. This something, that goes beyond all appearances, is what I'm really trying to understand, because until we get to the source of it, it will just continue on unabated. And I personally don't like where it is trying to steer humanity. It feels to me like the pied piper who leads the lemmings right off the cliff.

So first we must learn to think for ourselves. Much easier than it looks. Because many of our thought processes have gone unchallenged and may not even be our own. That is what I have discovered in myself, and I see my daughter having tapes in her head that tell her the same exact thing I heard in my head for all those years. That there is something wrong with her, and that she shouldn't have been born. And she did not experience all the many traumas I did in my early life. She is already much more ahead than I was at her age, which is gratifying to see. But then, where does this really come from?

The question always leads back to the past. I have way too many memories that feel extremely real coming back to me of other lives. Whether they are actual lives I lived, ancestral memories, or something else (we know memories can even be implanted), they are all very traumatic. And when I fully allow them to surface there is always a sense of release, as if something vital has been restored. So something is definitely going on there. My daughter I know died in a tragic fire in another life, and a handful of people I know as friends in this life were there, as I have seen them in these visions. Two of them, interestingly, have had their homes burn to the ground in this lifetime.

I feel they (these unconscious traumas) keep us tied to this treadmill of repeated endless and senseless wars, and lives of menial jobs that don't pay enough to do more than just survive, and all kinds of mind numbing societal expectations. And they are not all out in the open. In fact, one of these taboos is asking the wrong questions. You will immediately get a backlash from others who don't even know they are reinforcing this subtle societal taboo on questioning, even just discussing certain subjects. So to me, almost more than the so called Jewish question, is the question of what is really going on in our worlds where we actually do keep repeating our past. Clearly, not everyone goes along with this concept, but you cannot deny that there are forces in play here who do want to do just that. And is living our lives authentically, with an appreciation for all that is life affirming enough?

I have personally struggled with changing life patterns that weren't working for me. I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor. I know of many who are likewise on this path, and our lives are steadily improving in our level of enjoyment and sense of fulfillment, despite what is going on in our outer world. But many of the people I know are living in this shadow of deceit, and may sense something, but they don't know what that something is. Many will begin to have a sense of the monumental deception they have been taught to adhere to, and many will seek to find an entry point that will help them begin their own path to at least releasing the stuck energy held in place by believing something that is not true. That generally involves the two components, once again. The inner journey, which by its very nature will be unique to that individual, as well as the process of discovering what is really transpiring in our outer reality. Unfortunately (and I know this from personal experience) the first two byproducts of this are usually fear and rage.

An example of what I mean is a couple who, say, have been married for 30 years. What if one day you discovered you were living a lie, and that your partner was secretly seeing someone else. No matter how you look at it, this discovery is most likely going to bring about profound changes to your life. And so it is with the world at large. So I don't have a vested interest in certain topics, although I am a researcher by nature anyway. I enjoy sifting through mountains of information and slowly seeing the puzzle pieces start to fit together. I understand and appreciate that not everyone does. But in the bigger picture, all our our collective endeavors to at least see what isn't true, and consider other possibilities is not a vain adventure. Each of us will obviously have different areas of interest.

But I suspect, with the amount of backlash even the discussion of this current topic receives (and most certainly not just here on EE for I have seen this in other places, people becoming downright enraged) that there must be some, perhaps even a major piece, of this puzzle that may be revealed and come into focus by allowing ourselves to look deeper. It doesn't necessarily mean we will actually arrive at some definitive answer to our question, but it may be a stepping stone to a larger understanding of how we collectively got ourselves here. Understanding of this type has never harmed me, that I know for certain. And it won't stop me from finding ways each and every day to enhance my enjoyment and appreciation for the opportunity to be here during this time. I love my life, but I also do want to know more about the bigger picture and we are by no means there yet.

I would hope that here, on EE, we can at least (for those who are interested) look at where what we have discovered by way of evidence might be taking us (which for some of us can include inner visions) without alienating anyone else who is not interested in this line of inquiry. I feel the visions, or memories, that come up for me have a reason for coming into my consciousness. And I have enjoyed EE lately, more than ever, due to the energy I feel from all of us collectively, as each voice has had something of great value to add. It is varied, and not always about topics I am interested in, but at least those who are not members who come here can see a variety of topics and find something of interest. I don't even want to log in here and see only threads about what really happened in World War II and nothing else, for that is not how my focus is in my daily life. My interests are varied, and even change from day to day. I would hate to see a contributor, whose postings I appreciate, want to leave us because some of us have an interest in this topic. But I know certain subjects people just don't want to hear about or see.

I, too, do struggle to understand how it is we just don't always get where one another is really coming from, no matter how hard we try sometimes. But I also wonder if the chasms we create don't start in the mind. I can include people in my group who don't think like me at all, as long as they don't start attacking another member here. That's kind of where I draw the line. But other than that, I am glad we are not all clones of one another. I have rambled enough, and in the end, I honor all whose path crosses mine, whether we agree or disagree. And love trumps all (maybe I shouldn't use that word anymore, trump, because it's getting to be one of those trigger words these days - strange days indeed).

I even have a bit of apprehension about posting this, and I'm not even sure why.
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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by LostNFound »

Thank you Spiritwind for speaking from the heart. I personally do not see where or why you would think that you cannot use a certain word that is a descriptive adjective in speaking about your feeling toward others. The stupid Political correct crap is really what should be banned, Politicians should be banned. In fact the very Idea of this word politic, is a disease, an ameba on the society of humanity. Yes strange days indeed.

Christine, you search, your diving deep into what appears to be a very non ending rabbit hole is what seems to be a very needed piece of the bigger puzzle in your life. We all have these puzzles as I have discovered and it is for each of us to discover the paths we find and take to perhaps fit the pieces together for our own peace of heart, mind, love. I have, in my own research delved deeply into the, as it seems, never ending rabbit holes. At first looking at an external thought, idea, ideal, greater piece of the global puzzle to perhaps find the why of what is happening to all of us, only to find the core of it within myself.

You say that you felt the guilt of carrying your maternal Grandfather or even Great Grandfathers sir name. Is that what you still carry now. If so I must tell you a little story. My Mothers maiden name Sir name that is was Anderson. My Grandfather was Coulter Anderson and his history goes way back even into Germany. Now my last name Sir name, is Weber and my Great grandfather came here from the old country or Germany. My family history on my Father's side is all German. I have a cousin that has researched our family history all the way back to the 16th century in Germany so I am quite connected to the threads/topics that have flowed on EE lately. I do not have horrible memories of any kind of persecution in my years of growing up although I have been called names that were used during the wars to describe me, Never really seemed to bother me much but I could see that brainwashing of the masses against the losers of those wars.

Now for the Jewish antisemitism and the 1900 year time line given, that is quite the thing to know within its self on the surface. Yes the big question really is why this culture of peoples were banned and murdered and kicked out of countries in the European theaters. What did they do to the countries they moved into to get them so (I will use this word only for a discription) persecuted. Perhaps this should be examined in one of the other threads. We have already read to some degree why AH wanted to get rid of them and we know that they have taken over most of the financial and media industries and we have even read and researched what these peoples/culture think of all the rest of the peoples of the world.

Not sure others here but I certainly have read the King James bible a number of times and seems to me that the Jewish peoples were called a stiff necked people and were always being punished by their God for not obeying or even worshiping him. The Old Testament is full of stories of these punishments and captures and banishment's and destruction's of city's and peoples. The new testament had the Jews murdering their own King, well that also happened in the old testament also. These peoples cannot find any peace, They can only destroy what is and that includes other countries. You talk about Archons and how that may be some disease or special DNA strain that corrupted humans and especially the Jews or perhaps Hebrews. This could very well be but all that can be said of it is speculations. However we can see the results of Jewish people today and even back in history. The Banks are owned and operated by these nefarious types and the Hollywierd industry is controlled by them mostly, they own much if not most of the industries in the world and it all is absolutely corrupt. The questions as to why this is are many and how did this all happen.

I am still running along in deep rabbit holes of so many things and there are threads that connect so many of them. I also have both feet in the water.

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Re: A Perceptual Change | Race Identity and the Jewish Question

Post by Sandy Clark »

Wow my Fellow Soul Mates,

There isn't much more I could add at this point as you have reiterated most of what I perceive and understand when it comes to this rabbit hole.....

I too have German heritage on my Maternal Grandmothers side of life and she denied any identification with this lineage as she thoroughly bought into the Nazi propaganda.

I still sit with 2 concepts of what or who the Global Controllers are: one; is either off world and two, the other boils down to mind controlling religions through the eons>>>>>of which both could also be a deadly combination of the constricting hold on humanity.

Although my Father was a Vet from WWII he never said a harsh word about Germany or German at least not to me. The other great thing that happened in my growing up years was the fact that we were not indoctrinated with any religion other than being baptised Catholic as babies; my two older brothers and myseld. By the time my younger brother and sister were born my folks were too far gone in their own dysfunctional lives and marriage that they didn't get to be baptised even.

So although I have had other demons to deal with I was blessed to not have religion or nation identity to surpass. Albeit have heard plenty about the Irish drinking DNA follies.... Having had a few myself :lol:

If I feel guilty about anyone race, it is our own First Nations peoples that tug at my heart and my soul. I have a feeling that I have lived more than one lifetime as an aboriginal person in different parts of the world. I easily fit into circles and have been honoured with acceptance and inclusion despite their harsh and demeaning treatment by my lineage. There is something I can do about that today and I do every chance I get as the prejudice is still alive and well here in the Prairies I'm sad to say.

Anyway, I'am rambling so will end this with saying thanks for the dance and I appreciate and value how well you all lead. 8-)
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