Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Pluto's Child »

There are a lot of false idols & people living in glass houses when it comes to WW2, it does stir up a lot of emotions, and very often these emotions are in reaction to false views of people & history that we have been drip & force fed our entire lives.

NON of the leaders in WW2 were good guys, not one of them.

For instance here in the UK everyone believes that Churchill's rousing speeches on BBC radio got us through the darkest days of the war, which is in fact utter bollocks, it was the wonderful words of the Christian intellectual & author CS Lewis which did that, only the BBC subsequently destroyed them...

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Thanks for the laugh Pluto's Child...

When it comes down to it we all have a long road to find our own truth and once we do find it use all the manners and ways we can to withdraw our consent from the systematic destruction of our Earth and humanity. We will never really know what the world would look like today if Hitler had prevailed, we do however know the rotted fruits of the victors. Idol worship is never good, not for those who worship and even less so for the idol.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote:We will never really know what the world would look like today if Hitler had prevailed, we do however know the rotted fruits of the victors.
Yes we do know the rotted fruits of the victors, and I posit that had the Axis powers won, German foreign poilcy would have evolved into looking strikingly similar to today's U.S. foreign policy. To borrow from JPF, my own "high octane speculation".

To briefly elaborate, I think people need to go back a bit further than WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles. The 1885 Berlin Conference is where The Fatherland Germany really decides to try on the big boy pants, and join the other big dogs of Europe in the business of empire and colonies.

This conference initiated international agreements (rules of the road) pertaining to the imminent "Scramble for Africa", or as many here might call it, "The Rape of Africa". Everybody was doing it, empires wore colonies like the precious stones in King's crowns, and the Fatherland was licking his own lips to join the club.

And they did, the Euro Big Boy Club grew fat and happy together from the African feast, until that freaky beginning of WW1 only a generation later.

So what happened? How did Germany, leader of The Berlin Conference just 29 years earlier, suddenly gain world wide villain status? It's almost like a decision was made somewhere along the lines of: "Germany's out of the club, burn notice".

Did Germany get the burn notice from being the good guy on the block? Fucking hardly IMO, no more so than the US was the good guy after having so recently completed genocide at Wounded Knee in 1890, a mere 5 years prior to The Berlin Conference.

After two successive world wars a new sheriff in town was certainly crowned. Ask yourself this: If The Reich had found a way to finally strangle and take Stalingrad, and thwart the Allied landing at Normandy, how do you (the reader) think their foreign policy may look today with all those world class Paperclip scientists staying home, rather than being sent away to the victors?

Would " full spectrum dominance", not have entered their glorious post war strategy as well?
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Pluto's Child wrote:NON of the leaders in WW2 were good guys, not one of them.
That's like saying "NONE of the leaders in WW2 were bad guys, not one of them." Would you also agree with that?

If so, then we have a communications problem. At that point, I would propose, instead of "good" and "bad", that we use "better" and "worse".

My research has convinced me that Hitler was a better guy, while Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt were worse guys. This is highly significant because we were taught to believe the exact opposite. This, of course, is indicative of the unbelievable level of deception and manipulation we are trying to overcome. That points back to the deviant psychology of our leaders, who can't help but deceive and manipulate in their dogged pursuit of more power and control over the rest of us.
Pluto's Child wrote:I certainly wouldn't bin what he has to say because he hasn't gone out against the "6 million dead holocaust" position.
Fringe science played a role in Nazi Germany, but it's a mistake to attribute all that happened in pre-war Germany to the occult. It was not even the primary director. For example, the occult didn't determine Hitler's decision to invade Russia. Instead, Russia's preparations and intention to invade Germany were the primary factors, meaning self-defense was far more influential than the occult.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Christine wrote:... some of the wisest point out that using labels, box identities, soap opera drama, etc. are so deeply entrenched in our human consciousness that only we can get out of our own way.
It is not always easy to distinguish accurate descriptors from labels. Indeed, one of the primary strategies sociopaths use when exposed by accurate descriptors is to accuse their opponents of labelling, thus diffusing and deflecting the truth.
Christine wrote:First and this might be obvious to most of us, all perspectives can be fortified with documentation and our opinions swayed with well crafted writing playing on human emotions.
This point is vital and precisely my opposition to Pluto's Child and his reliance on Kurlander's book. An occult force controlling Hitler like a complete puppet needs multifaceted support from multiple independent sources. I have not encountered any such sources in the last few years researching the truth about Hitler. I only have one such data point, that being PC's claim and his offering of Kurlander's book as supporting evidence. Not even the pervasive propaganda maligning Hitler suggests he was a complete puppet controlled by occult means! I suggest that is because the originators of that propaganda knew full well that Hitler was acting independently of outside influence, and thus they had to accommodate that fact if their propaganda was to be believable. Hitler's personality, as described in August Kubizek's book (and by other sources), was one of honesty, resoluteness, uncompromising principle, practicality, attention to detail, and realism. In other words, Hitler was no push-over and nobody's puppet. Nearly everything in his speeches and actions confirmed this. In fact, this is precisely why Germany was targeted with a global war for the second time by the ruling sociopaths -- they failed to gain control of Hitler by all other means.
Christine wrote:We are living under the tyranny of the victors of WWI and WWII with their well developed propaganda and perversion of whatever truth there was in these world atrocities.
Concisely stated. This is where I'm coming from as well.
Christine wrote:So if a pendulum must swing lets swing it to the far extreme to see what is hidden from us.
We need only pursue the truth and let the pendulum follow us. Where the pendulum ends up is of no consequence if it accurately measures the truth.
Christine wrote:One of my first questions and it should be a rather blaring one: Why is it illegal to bring anything that disproves and underscores the lies we've been told about Hitler and the holocaust to the surface?

Ernst Zündel, Ursula Haverbeck, David Irving to mention a few have paid dearly for their research. They have been thrown in jail, banned from countries, had their research stolen and their characters smashed. That tells us something or we haven't learned a thing from all these years looking down the rabbit holes of the dark governmental agendas.
Bravo, and another vital point. The influence of the occult pales in comparison.
Christine wrote:Winston Churchill was a drunken war mongering slathering slob...
Labels, or accurate descriptors? I rest my case on that one.
Christine wrote:... and yet we are to think/believe that somehow he and his imperialistic paid for cronies were upholding the good fight? Why do we allow the likes of him and Stalin to be preserved unquestioned in the false annals of time while allowing Hitler to be branded as the greatest evil that ever lived? Hitler who we are to believe/think of as a madman bent on taking over the world.
And don't forget Roosevelt, another villain dressed up as a hero. He knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming, and he deliberately did not inform the Hawaii military command. Why? Because his orders from his handlers were to get the U.S. into the war against Germany.
Christine wrote:My research gives me a differing point of view and while I can't say with 100% certainty that Hitler wasn't influenced by nefarious elements his character speaks for itself if you take enough time to look without the veils of prejudice. I would go far enough to say that "knowing what we know now" with access to so much information and a bigger world view it is most likely that he was unduly influenced.
Hitler was deceived and manipulated a number of times. The genocide of Germans in Poland was a deliberate provocation designed to get Hitler to intervene, so that the war could be blamed on him and not England, which was a primary base of the deceivers and manipulators (i.e. the City of London financial district). Hitler was also manipulated by his doctor in the latter part of the war, using "medications". There are surely other manipulations that are less well known and unknown.
Christine wrote:We also are wise enough to know that there will always be elements that seek power within any structure and being inside the SS or close to Adolf was a way to usurp power and use it for personal gain or madmen type egomania. I could not deny that this happened. What we don't know is how aware Adolf was of these rogue agents.
Again, I salute your astuteness. I suggest that Hitler had good awareness of human psychology, both normal and sociopathic, derived from his early family life and his experiences in WW1, but our information is certainly incomplete and even deliberately sabotaged.
Christine wrote:Lets just take a look at the word Nazi, this word along with holocaust has specific and narrow interpretations in the collective mind. Both are terms of propaganda and have taken on a nearly archetypal meaning.
That too, as you point out, is very telling.
Christine wrote:For myself on looking deeper I find that there are the "secrets of power" contained within this knowledge, the truth of magnetism and the ability to harness it. How this energy was used is what we should be concerned with. And anyone who has access to it will be tested to the fullness of their integrity else they will fall to the use of power over, such was perhaps the way of Aleister Crowley and others. For as they say absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I've come to realize only recently that the saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is part of our programming and is not really true. What is more truthful is that power attracts the corrupted. Sociopaths are drawn to power like moths to a flame. From the perspective of normal people, it might look like "absolute power corrupts absolutely", but that's not what is actually going on.
Christine wrote:Implosion vs explosion: Implosion is a way to harness this energy without destruction while anything that explodes (nuclear bombs, internal combustion engines, etc.) is destructive.
Yes, Viktor Schauberger comes to mind.
Christine wrote:On a more collective scale if we humans were able to harness the endless source of energy as free energy without killing or harming for it we would be able to implement a sane world. But we are still ruled by madmen.
Very much so, which is precisely why free energy technologies are withheld from us.
Christine wrote:I see no reason to bicker here ... and less reason to bring into the forum the mechanization of other forums.
Is it possible that this too is an artefact of programming picked up from other forums? I suggest that it may very well be. Avalon was infamous for enforcing "no bickering", no unapproved drama, no reference to other forums, respect for "Bill's house" and Bill's rules, no real criticism of Bill, strict policing of members based on variable policies, etc. As a forum operator myself, I have had to question how my experiences at other forums have shaped my own biases. Trying to undo those biases has been an interesting study in itself, and well worth the effort.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

All subjects are subjective, that is interpreted through our own personal truth meters or installed filters of belief. This is one of the reasons I try and bring my personal insights, experiences and story along with my research for what I intuit from within is as real to me as what we define as facts. If we agree that our life events are not coincidental (I know that not all will take that perspective) we can in such manner come closer to knowing ourselves. My interest in disclosing and uncovering the hidden records surrounding WWI and WWII is because I believe it is vital for our collective consciousness. Other than what is happening right under our noses as the war mongers run the show these are the closest "historical" events in which we can courageously pull back the blinders of deceit.

To answer Fred, thank you for pointing out the Berlin Conference of 1885 of which I had never heard. I did a very brief google search to find out what it referred to and find it to be as despicable as was every genocide that was proliferated at the time and still is. This however is a bit out of the context of this thread, yes monsters are everywhere. However as you pointed out, we should question what happened that got Germany booted out of the Euro Big Boys club? I will invite karelia into the thread if she would like as she has done extensive research into Bismarck. Being German she has access to sites and documentation that are not translated into English.

As to my posed question, the answer is we don't know. There is a lot we don't know. One of the reasons I find the work of JPF to be faulty is because he works from hypothesis and finds data to back this up, most researchers do that especially those who come from academia for that is how they are trained. That doesn't mean I don't find some of his work valuable, I actually find value in most works.

As to labeling, quiet obviously we use words as descriptors to get our point across. What I object to is using highly charged labels that have been sanctioned and created by the 'ruling cabal' or whatever label we want to use for them. I know we can't get away from this completely but we can develop a conscious awareness of our word usage and how words affect us.
Chicodoodoo wrote:
Christine wrote:So if a pendulum must swing lets swing it to the far extreme to see what is hidden from us.
We need only pursue the truth and let the pendulum follow us. Where the pendulum ends up is of no consequence if it accurately measures the truth.
I particularly like this statement. And I agree that the statement about absolute power is not an absolute, however one can see that it is true in most cases. Again referring to myself and life events I have experienced the taste of absolute power and it is more addictive than any known substance, once tasted it will test a being to their nth degree. I am not sure why I was given this experience but it helped me to comprehend how truly horrific it is for those caught in the grips of evil. To be clear I wasn't offered such power in this life, if my interpretation is correct I viscerally experienced this as a reminder.

Bickering is my term for useless circular arguing and name calling. Every subject is up for open transparent disclosure along with multiple points of view. Strange the hold that the haunting of PA has on so many, that is a study in itself. Speaking of which and as I like to say as if on cue I received an email this morning from the owner of a rather insightful blog, many of you may be aware of it as he cracks open some tough nuts.

Read more HERE

I am honestly grateful for this thread for if we can discuss the most inflammatory of subjects such as Hitler and Jewry we show we are able to tackle the pressing questions before humanity.

The work of Viktor Schauberger is IMHO essential reading as are others that have comprehended magnetism.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote: To answer Fred, thank you for pointing out the Berlin Conference of 1885 of which I had never heard. I did a very brief google search to find out what it referred to and find it to be as despicable as was every genocide that was proliferated at the time and still is. This however is a bit out of the context of this thread, yes monsters are everywhere.
To me it adds another layer of insight into Hitler's frame of mind. He was a student of history, knew full well of this, and had zero problem with it. The only time I've ever seen his attention turned towards it, was in wanting those colonies back after being forfeited as a result of WW1.

Another related insight into his mindset IMO, would be his admiration for how effortlessly England seemed to handle/manage such a massive population in India. It seems logical this would have been his model for doing the same thing.
Christine wrote: One of the reasons I find the work of JPF to be faulty is because he works from hypothesis and finds data to back this up, most researchers do that especially those who come from academia for that is how they are trained. That doesn't mean I don't find some of his work valuable, I actually find value in most works
Ha, I concur in spades! Only invoked him here because I love his "high octane speculation" saying. The more I look at the list of usual researchers always front and center in this branch of alternative media (Richard Dolan would be another one), the more I see glaring blind spots that just have no business being there for someone looking at things with blinders truly off.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Fred Steeves wrote:Chico, your narrowly focused obsessions are still controlling you after all these years. I sincerely hope you are able to hit the pause button on that one day, just long enough for a little self introspection on how you come across to people.
This is a good point. There are a lot of people on the forums who are concerned about how they come across to people. Often there is an ulterior motive behind this concern. As you know, con-artists rely on developing a "false face" in order to win the confidence of their intended victims. These common predators, who rely on deception and manipulation, and that I call (or label) "sociopaths", are very focused on how they come across to people. It's an integral part of their game. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, and Emmanuel Macron are all well-known examples on the world stage. Bill Ryan and Atticus / Stephen are well-known examples on the forum stage. There are, in this very forum, people like that as well. They do a good job at blending in by paying close attention to how they come across to people. As you correctly observe, I don't do that. Hoping that I hit the pause button is probably futile.

Hitler was driven by his ideals and his desire to save his nation from the international con-artists who had ravaged Germany so thoroughly. He had little interest in how he came across to people. He lived a modest and moral life. Even his method of waging war, the Blitzkrieg, was intended to minimize casualties and destruction, unlike the scorched earth policy of the Allies. Hitler's honesty and sincerity were enough to allow people to judge him without his needing to put on a false face. That the people of Germany would follow him against the most powerful corrupt nations of the Earth is a powerful testament to his genuine character.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Pluto's Child »

Chicodoodoo wrote:
Fred Steeves wrote:Chico, your narrowly focused obsessions are still controlling you after all these years. I sincerely hope you are able to hit the pause button on that one day, just long enough for a little self introspection on how you come across to people.
This is a good point. There are a lot of people on the forums who are concerned about how they come across to people. Often there is an ulterior motive behind this concern. As you know, con-artists rely on developing a "false face" in order to win the confidence of their intended victims. These common predators, who rely on deception and manipulation, and that I call (or label) "sociopaths", are very focused on how they come across to people. It's an integral part of their game. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, and Emmanuel Macron are all well-known examples on the world stage. Bill Ryan and Atticus / Stephen are well-known examples on the forum stage. There are, in this very forum, people like that as well. They do a good job at blending in by paying close attention to how they come across to people. As you correctly observe, I don't do that. Hoping that I hit the pause button is probably futile.

Hitler was driven by his ideals and his desire to save his nation from the international con-artists who had ravaged Germany so thoroughly. He had little interest in how he came across to people. He lived a modest and moral life. Even his method of waging war, the Blitzkrieg, was intended to minimize casualties and destruction, unlike the scorched earth policy of the Allies. Hitler's honesty and sincerity were enough to allow people to judge him without his needing to put on a false face. That the people of Germany would follow him against the most powerful corrupt nations of the Earth is a powerful testament to his genuine character.
I pity you, you really think that there are leaders who are heros, you are seriously deluded & possibly mentally deficient if you think there is anything "good" about Hitler

No wonder you only stalk fringe forums, the bigger ones would kick you straight off, and not because they are "zionist"
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Christine wrote:To answer Fred, thank you for pointing out the Berlin Conference of 1885 of which I had never heard. I did a very brief google search to find out what it referred to and find it to be as despicable as was every genocide that was proliferated at the time and still is.
Europe was dominated by sociopathic leadership then, and had been for a long time (and of course still is). Hitler's rise was one of the rare moments in history when a nation was not dominated by sociopathic thinking, but instead cast it off, with spectacular results (Germany's renaissance, 1933-1939). That is why the utter destruction of Hitler and the Nazis was imperative to the ruling sociopathic class. That is why all of Hitler's many peace proposals to stop the war fell on deaf ears.

A bit on the Berlin Conference of 1885:
Fourteen countries were represented by a plethora of ambassadors when the conference opened in Berlin on November 15, 1884 by the imperial chancellor and architect of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck to settle the political partitioning of Africa. Bismarck wanted not only to expand German spheres of influence in Africa but also to play off Germany's colonial rivals against one another to the Germans' advantage. The countries represented at the time included Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified from 1814-1905), Turkey, and the United States of America. Of these fourteen nations, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal were the major players in the conference, controlling most of colonial Africa at the time.

The initial task of the conference was to agree that the Congo River and Niger River mouths and basins would be considered neutral and open to trade. Despite its neutrality, part of the Kongo Basin became a personal Kingdom (private property) for Belgium's King Leopold II and under his rule, over half of the region's population died.

At the time of the conference, only the coastal areas of Africa were colonized by the European powers. At the Berlin Conference the European colonial powers scrambled to gain control over the Interior of the Continent. The conference lasted until February 26, 1885 - a three month period where colonial powers haggled over geometric boundaries in the interior of the continent, disregarding the cultural and linguistic boundaries already established by the Native Indigenous African population. What ultimately resulted was a hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that divided Africa into fifty irregular countries. This new map of the continent was superimposed over the one thousand Indigenous cultures and regions of Africa. The new countries lacked rhyme or reason and divided coherent groups of people and merged together disparate groups who really did not get along. -- source
Bismark was trying to allow Germany to have a piece of the African resource pie in order to compete (for survival) with his neighboring empires, who in turn were trying to keep Germany completely out of the game (so that it would weaken and die). That game of devouring Africa was primarily immoral and unethical, one of predation on weaker people, but it was the only game in town given the dominance of sociopaths at the head of nations.
Christine wrote:However as you pointed out, we should question what happened that got Germany booted out of the Euro Big Boys club?
What I call the Ruling Sociopaths' Club. That is indeed the "elephant in the room" question.
Christine wrote:I will invite karelia into the thread if she would like as she has done extensive research into Bismarck. Being German she has access to sites and documentation that are not translated into English.
I too would very much welcome her input.
Speaking of which and as I like to say as if on cue I received an email this morning from the owner of a rather insightful blog, many of you may be aware of it as he cracks open some tough nuts.

Read more HERE
Interesting. One of the comments to that blog is mine, made nearly six months ago.
It's not that we can't handle the truth. It's that they can't handle us if we know the truth.
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